“The self-healing serum you developed is really amazing, and I feel as if I am dozens of years younger.”

Since Zefa was saved by the wind once on the Great Voyage, he would almost often come to the Titanic to have a drink with him.

The right arm, which was originally severely damaged, has been equipped with a mechanical arm, which can be used as a heavy weapon, and can also fire a sea lou stone bullet that specializes in restraining fruit abilities.

Despite this, the aging Zefa’s combat effectiveness was not as good as before, but after taking the serum modified according to the wind healing self-healing factor, he felt that his physical strength was restored to before.

Although it is necessary to inject once a month to ensure the vitality of the cells, the cost is also extremely high, but there is no need to worry about the world government responsible for the payment.

“Then it will take a fight to know that Teacher Zefa, who has recovered his peak, really wants to see how strong he is.”

Kazeji leaned against the railing with his hands in his hands, his eyes full of fighting intent.

After returning from Justice Island, he has been on Paradise Island for almost two years without going to sea.

The business and scientific research in his hands have been handed over to his subordinates to do, and he can concentrate on cultivation on weekdays.

With the CP9 spy agency and the intelligence department established by itself, you can know the world even if you don’t leave home.

Such as Balada, Daughter Island, Qibu Sea, Tianlong Nobles and other events, he can know in the first time.

During this period, Spandyne may have wanted to please himself, and after visiting Paradise Island to give gifts, he immediately ran over and knelt and licked like a dog.

He is seventeen years old this year, the seventh year after crossing his rebirth.

Since the system has released missions over the years, they are all set to make the kingdom of Djerma bigger and stronger.

After Feng Zhi earned millions of evolution points, he immediately improved several abilities, and he could already rank in the top three of the Seven Wuhai.

Host: Fengji

Age: 10 years old

Bloodline Talent: Extreme Evolution Cell, Self-healing Factor

Weapon: Tianli Excalibur

Skills: Qinglian Sword Song A, Navy Six Style, Samadhi True Fire C, Dancing Void Art B, Holy Spirit Sword Art A, Thousand Swords Horizontal Posture A, Zeus Power B

Cultivation: armed color domineering grade B, see and smell color domineering grade A, overlord color domineering B level.

Evolution Points: 5000 points.

Identity – eldest son of the Vince Mock family

Ability – Kendo, Wolverine’s self-healing factor, evolution cells, fighting to become stronger, struggling with death, can constantly become stronger.

Weapon – Tianli Excalibur

These are the results of Fengzhi’s hard cultivation in the past few years.

“Hahaha! The more you say that’s right, let me learn how much you’ve improved over the years. ”

Zefa laughed loudly, then put on a combat stance, ready to meet the stormy attack of the wind.

“Then come!”

Feng Zhi pulled out the Tianli, and with a burst of drink, green lotuses condensed and formed in the void, carrying supreme ferocity as an air attack.

The Green Lotus Sword Song, the Holy Spirit Sword Technique, and the Thousand Swords Vertical and Horizontal Movement showed signs of fusion and convergence, and the power was close to the S-level skill.

The entire Titanic hull was shaking violently, and the surrounding naval soldiers saw these two fighting again and quickly moved away.

This level of battle aftermath is not something they can afford, and just the overlord-colored domineering that Feng Zhi inadvertently leaked is enough to make them dizzy.

“Good to go!”

Zefa raised the iron arm crusher, fired several bullets fired from Djerma’s latest research and development of the sniper gun, and roared towards the opponent, but was easily avoided by Fengzhi.

However, this also succeeded in slowing down the opponent’s figure a bit, and he also began to mobilize his armed color domineering, converged on the iron arm crusher, and punched out, emitting a muffled sound like a landslide tsunami, and wanted to crush everything he hit along the way.

“Sure enough, it is worthy of the teacher, the power at the peak is actually so terrifying!”

At this moment, Zefa, after getting rid of the shackles of old age and infirmity, showed momentum and strength like a lion and tiger in the forest, and a roar was enough to show the coercion of the king of ten thousand beasts, making the rest of the beasts too frightened to raise their heads.

Zefa’s trick route is still the road of strong strength and dominance, and it is estimated that the current combat power can already surpass Lieutenant General Karp, infinitely close to the four emperors.

Of course, that is only relative to them, who are also bound by age and physique.

Fengji’s footsteps stepped on the ground at great speed, and he cast several flexible body movements in Jinjiu, successfully avoiding this thunderous attack, and the sword qi intertwined in the air, hitting the opponent’s hardened body with armed color, shaking it back a few steps.

If the fusion of several high-level sword techniques can make the power very close to the S level, then then pouring the power of Zeus and the Samadhi True Fire into the sword body, the power that bursts out is actually enough to be comparable to the SS level.

“Six Kings Spear Overlord Flower!”

In addition to the continuous improvement of swordsmanship, Feng Zhi did not neglect the cultivation of the six styles of the navy.

After taking control of the CP9 intelligence department on Justice Island, he also often practiced physical skills with Robluge under the recommendation of Spandyne.

The other party itself is a person who has cultivated the six styles of the navy to the pinnacle of the extreme, and in the process of fighting against the wind rule, he always almost killed the other party’s sword dangerously, and at the time of life and death, he shot out the “Six Kings Spear” of the highest mysteries of the six styles, and successfully damaged it hard.

At that time, Spandyne saw it, and was almost scared of the revenant, thinking that his good life was coming to an end, and before he had time to point at Robluci and hit too hard, he saw Fengzhi standing up alive.

After seeing the power of the Six Kings Gun, Fengzhi fought to get the essentials of it after being seriously injured again and again.

This kind of six-style mysteries is mastered by a very small number of people in the navy, and even Zefa-sensei is not familiar with it.

Now Feng Zhi came out with both fists, and a terrifying aura rippled out, like an overlord flower blooming, tearing the air to an explosion, causing the shock of all those watching the battle.

Most navies will learn the cultivation methods of the six styles of the navy after joining for a year, but the degree of cultivation is high and low, and at this time, seeing the mysteries of the six styles being taught, I feel extremely envious while looking forward to this powerful force.


The fist of the Six Kings Spear rushed forward like a broken bamboo, and Zefa did not dodge, but prepared to shake this attack with a solemn face.

In the face of his own disciples to dodge, how to find Weibull, the bastard who killed his own disciples, to take revenge in the future?

“Iron smashing thump!”

Zefa integrated his understanding of the Navy Six into the crusher, and blasted out his fist under the cover of armed color domineering, and the same extremely powerful fist blasted out.


The large hull of the Titanic was plunged into the sea by this impact for five or six meters, and then suddenly floated up, causing many naval soldiers to fall to the ground.

It is worthy of the confrontation of people who are comparable to the strength of the admiral, and they have this kind of power before they have exerted their full strength.

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