“Ahem… The kid you killed this day, the exchange is still such a heavy hand. ”

When the fluctuations of the fist dissipated, it was obvious that Zefa fell into the downwind and covered his chest with a cough.

Fang Cai’s punch made him feel like he was hit by a high-speed train, and his internal organs tumbled.

Fortunately, I didn’t suffer any injuries, but I felt that my chest tightness and shortness of breath could be relieved by resting for a while.

“I was hurt just now.”

Feng Zhi said helplessly, but the effect of the self-healing factor was too fast, which caused the illusion that there was no injury.

“I don’t compare with you pervert, hurry back to your kingdom.”

Senior General Zefa, supported by the students, slowly walked towards his ship, intending not to come here as a sparring partner for Fengzhi in the future, because he could feel that he could no longer bring much help to the other party’s cultivation.

Although his combat power has returned to the peak of his life, he can initially inflict a lot of blows and damage on this guy in Fengzhi, but for some reason, every time he recovers from serious injuries, his strength will rise rapidly.

At the end of the year, this level of sparring has not had much effect on this guy.

“In the future, it seems that it will be the world of young people, and the peak of strength will not be able to withstand the erosion of the years.”

With Zefa’s exclamation, the ship he was riding on gradually moved away from the North Sea sphere of influence.

Kazeji also felt this, but did not say it in Zefa’s face.

Even if the strength has surpassed the other party now, the teacher is the teacher, and it is the initial weak time to teach you how to become a stronger existence, and this will never change.

“It seems that the next focus will be on military reform in the North Sea.”

The world government basically did not notice the personnel changes on this side of the North Sea, after all, just containing the four emperors, restraining the strength of the Seven Martial Seas and fighting against those sea thieves was enough to make them anxious.

The North Sea Naval Division is all under the jurisdiction of the Djerma Kingdom, which can be regarded as sharing the pressure in disguise.

Kazeji checked the Navy’s regulations and found many loopholes and flaws, but he did not raise them with the government.

Even if he shares the government expenses equally, he can make a lot of merit, but it is not his turn to dictate to the government.

However, in his own jurisdiction, he wanted to widely promote the new naval regulations and implement them immediately.

At the very least, turn the one million naval soldiers under his control into a true army of justice, fighting against all the forces of darkness and crime.

The so-called dark and criminal forces do not just refer to forces such as pirates, but all citizens of the Djerma Kingdom.

In their own territory, everyone is equal before the law, and so is race, and if they commit crimes, regardless of their status, they will be forcefully removed by the army of the wind ruler.

Even many fish people who have been bullied and suffered from human white eyes will have a happy feeling when they come to Paradise Island, and the humans here do not discriminate against them, but welcome them warmly.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the name “Paradise Island”, and it is really a good place.

Hearing that the seafood resources on Paradise Island are not enough, many fish people volunteered to capture a large number of seafood creatures, transport them to the island to sell for money, and settled here by the way.

When Fengzhi heard about this, he immediately nodded in agreement without any objections.

In his opinion, this pirate world with rich races and generally high IQ is more interesting.

In terms of the change of admirals, everyone who reaches the level of vice admiral or above is a person from the side of the Djerma Kingdom.

This also avoids the emergence of gangs and gangs in the navy in the future in an attempt to divide the North Sea Navy.

After training these navies in two years, it gave these armies a modern military atmosphere.

With the exception of the Titanic, all ships in the Kingdom of Djerma have been replaced with steel ships, with complete but highly skilled equipment, electronic systems and communication systems, and automatic route changes to reach their destinations.

The shells on the steel ship were replaced with missiles, a total of 1,200 rounds, only one-tenth the power of the Jericho missile, which was made from a high imitation in the laboratory.

Originally, the navy soldiers came to the new ship and were very unfamiliar with the operation of the facilities inside, but fortunately, the learning ability was good, and it took only three days to master it.

Before they could be surprised, the next day they were called to distribute automatic repeating rifles to each person, far ahead of the naval headquarters in terms of shape, rate of fire, magazine capacity, destructive power, etc.

In order to maintain a sufficient supply of weapons and ammunition, Fengji even sent people to set up production lines on several nearby islands, and a large number of cargo ships traveled to and from the kingdom of Djerma every day.

There is no leaky wall in this world, and the changes in the naval division of the North Sea have also reached the ears of the top of the headquarters.

There is no unnecessary explanation, as long as Fengzhi can provide a long-term supply of ammunition and weapons, they will buy as many advanced guns as they want.

The Draco side was also alarmed by this kind of gun, and they all funded the purchase of a large number of rifles, and the submachine guns were equipped for the guards around them, which directly increased the armed forces a lot.

Among them, there are also many noble young masters who like to shoot, specially let the Djerma Kingdom make a golden revolver, stick it in the waist and walk on the street, how awe-inspiring and majestic it looks.

As long as he did not cultivate domineering, it was basically difficult to dodge and resist under this kind of firearm shooting, and he died on the spot.

In response to Draco’s request, Kazeji sold the gun for ten times the actual price and slaughtered these vampires once.

The excess money was then used to set up a foundation to help those in need.

In his own kingdom, the wind rule will never allow any beggars or vagabonds, and basically anyone with hands and feet can be assigned to work to support themselves.

The next focus is on the exchange of aircraft carriers and the establishment of the air force.

Because there is no gasoline as fuel in this world, Wind Ji is replaced by the Ark reactor in Iron Man, which can support the aircraft carrier to sail continuously for a day and a night.

Three aircraft carriers docked at the port pier, enough to annihilate any invading force.

Unfortunately, the flying fighter above has a very unsatisfactory effect on endurance, which stifles Fengzhi’s idea of realizing aircraft passenger transportation in his previous life.

These aircraft carriers are used as the kingdom’s strongest cards, so even if the world government and the rest of the forces throw high prices one after another, he will never sell them.

How Fengzhi can’t guess their minds is nothing more than wanting to use the aircraft carrier to study and imitate, and if the hole card cannot be unique, it is easy to lose the advantage if there is any conflict in the future.

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