The female emperor Han Cook accepted Fengji’s proposal, and sure enough, she replied to the world government that she wanted to establish a daughter state and recognize its status as a world allie.

As a matter of sincerity, the daughter Congress will hand over this year’s heavenly gold next month.

Of course, this money is paid by Fengzhi for her, anyway, it is just some numbers, in terms of money, he will not be stingy with his woman, not spend in vain.

On the side of the world government, it was originally fancy to the reputation of the Nine Snake Pirates behind the female emperor Han Cook on the sea over the years, and the female emperor itself was powerful to the top combat power.

I heard that the opponent’s fruit ability can affect the battle consciousness of tens of thousands of men who adore him, and the lethality is extremely large, so that the Ming Ge master, who is not lost to him, if he can join the Seven Wuhai, he will definitely improve the government’s combat power in the future.

It is not enough to rely on the admirals alone, there are many cadres at the level of great sword haos and generals under the four emperors, so the establishment of the Seven Wuhai is imperative.

At this time, the other party did not want to serve as Qiwu Hai, but it made the high-level of the world government feel consterned, and then saw that there seemed to be nothing wrong with them wanting to establish a daughter country to become a world alliance country.

Anyway, in the end, they all worked for the world government, but there were some differences in status and power, not to mention that they agreed to this kind of request on the fact that they would hand over heavenly gold next month.

There are more than 170 member countries in the world, and there is almost no difference between one more daughter country.

They didn’t even think that Feng Zhi was behind this matter.

At a high-level meeting of the Navy, Vice Admiral Tsuru proposed to weaken the military power of Fengzhi to avoid the further expansion of the North Sea army leading to overabundance and imbalance in the rest of the sea.

General Zefa, as the teacher of Fengzhi, knew that the navy was really afraid of Fengzhi’s growing strength, and quickly stood up to object, and the Kingdom of Djerma provided funds to support these soldiers, and did not make any big mistakes, which was easy to chill the rest of his subordinates.

Vice Admiral Karp also raised his dissatisfaction, saying that it is better to think about how pirates cannot be seen in the entire sea like the North Sea, and don’t think about dealing with their own people all day.

Compared with the Navy Headquarters, the behavior style of the Beihai Division under the leadership of Fengzhi is more like a naval soldier fighting for justice, which Karp has also deeply experienced.

Today’s world government, the purpose is no longer to eliminate all pirate strength, but to maintain this balance, only let those allied countries feel the threat of pirates, will obediently hand over the heavenly gold.

Just in the past few days when Fengzhi was happy on Daughter’s Island, there were earth-shattering events from the outside world.

Red-haired Shanks prepares to fight Hawkeye Mihawk on Omran!

One is the leader of one of the four emperors, and the other is the number one sword master in the world, and the peak duel between the two peerless powerhouses suddenly caused a sensation in all directions and set off a huge repercussion.

“Do Red-Haired Shanks and Hawkeye want to compete in swordsmanship? It’s funny…”

Kazeji put his arm around Hancock and sat on his throne and chuckled.

This is like the Huashan sword in the martial arts novel in the previous life, which belongs to the top powerhouse of the current life.

“Then go and see, I just have something I want to verify.”

Feng Zhi has fought with Mingge, Zefa, and Weibull in recent years, and the strong man at the level of the general is basically not his opponent, but he is still far from surpassing the four emperors.

Through this battle, by the way, you can also see the gap between yourself and the peerless powerhouse.

“Then the concubine will accompany you on a trip, I am looking forward to the cruise ship that Lord Fengji will take.”

Immediately afterwards, Hancock followed the wind and began to set off towards Omran Island, bringing the second sister and three others with him by the way.

New World, Moby Dick.

A burly man with a white beard who looks old but dominant, is none other than the strongest man in the world, Edward Newgate, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors.

“Woo-la! Shanks and Mihawk’s kid really can’t hold their breath, and they have to fight for days and nights before they can stop. ”

Whitebeard held the wine barrel in his hand and laughed at the intelligence information in his hand.

As the three legendary pirates who once ranked alongside the golden lion Shiji and Roger, Whitebeard’s current strength and power are almost unprovoked.

To reach their level, the daily hobbies can only be drinking and fighting.

The sword art duel between the two peerless powerhouses, he also had to go to see how the current strength of these two guys was.

You must know that invincibility is sometimes also a kind of loneliness and loneliness, which has felt even more so since the execution of One Piece Roger and the disappearance of the golden lion.

“Let’s go, boys! Take you to see the style of the real strong. ”

There are many masters under the Whitebeard Pirates, such as Fire Fist Ace, Diamond Joz, Foil Bista, Undead Marko, etc., all of which are powerful enough to rival the existence of the Seven Martial Seas.

However, they are still some distance from the peak in the true sense, and watching the duel between peerless powerhouses this time can also allow them to learn a lot of combat skills.

Near Dressrosa, Mingge sat on the ship and saw the news, and also planned to go to watch the battle, as for whether he would encounter such an enemy as Fengzhi, he was not worried at all.

After the Thread Fruit Ability awakens, the power that can burst out is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, even if he and Feng Zhi last time, Brother Ming has the confidence to fight with the other party.

“This is the battle worth looking forward to, and I already feel my blood boiling!”

On the ship where the Hundred Beast Pirates Regiment, the burly body of the Hundred Beast Kaido sits on a chair, with a beard that resembles a dragon on the side of his mouth, and his laughter is really loud, making people feel dizzy.

If Whitebeard is “the strongest man in the world”, then Kaido is “the strongest creature in the world, and he also has an immortal body with Kazeji.”

However, unlike the terrifying healing ability of Feng Zhi that is powerful to pervert, the undead physique of Hundred Beast Kaido is mainly reflected in the indestructible strong physique.

For the duel between the strong, Kaido expressed the most interest, and immediately ordered the ship to sail to Omran Island, this duel is very rare, but don’t miss the opportunity in vain.

Not only these people, but even the other Seven Martial Seas like Moonlight Moria, Sand Crocodile Crocodile Crokdar, all set off to watch the battle, which was a grand event that had not been encountered in decades.

On the side of the world government, hearing the duel between Hawkeye Mihawk and Red-haired Shanks, he was stunned to send the four admirals to watch the battle to prevent any accident.

After all, at that time, a large number of pirate forces from all over the island have gathered together, and if the navy does not send people to monitor, it will be troublesome if they join forces to cause riots.

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