The Titanic was on its way to Omran.

According to the current speed of the steel ship, it will take more than half a day to reach the destination at the earliest.

It is already the fastest cruise ship in the world, and if it were not for the huge size of the Titanic itself, weighing thousands of tons, it could sail faster.

Shipbuilding technology has reached this point where it basically does not need the sea breeze to drive ships forward at full speed, and even the absence of wind can not stop them.

Under the breath released by the female emperor Hancock, all the sea kings in the windless belt did not dare to come forward to invade, and they all retreated, as if they encountered something to be afraid of.

Six hours later, off the coast of Omran Island.

By the time Fengji arrived with Boyahan Cook, there were already more than a dozen ships parked here, all of whom were famous and bigwigs, and those who were not enough did not dare to come.

How can ordinary people who are qualified to watch this decisive battle?

If the identity is ordinary, it is also very tragic to provoke a certain big man.

“Vince Mock Fengji!”

“You actually met this kid here?”

Brother Ming and Krockdar in the Seven Martial Seas saw the arrival of their former archenemy Fengzhi, and a flash of hatred flashed in their eyes.

If it wasn’t for the wind rule in the North Sea that day, how could he evacuate the Don Quixote family out of the North Sea and be chased by the navy like a lost dog to the Great Route?

I heard that Lieutenant General Tsuru was later informed by Fengzhi to accurately know his whereabouts, which made him embarrassed at that time.

As for Krockdahl, not to mention, he was originally planning to subvert the entire Kingdom of Alabastan, but he was inexplicably hunted down by the kingdom’s army after the World Conference.

Over the years, the plan was completely exhausted, and Fengji later sold excellent automatic repeating rifles and equipment to Kobra, so that the hundreds of millions of elders under his command appeared more passive.

“Just take this opportunity to teach this kid a lesson.”

Brother Ming’s hands were intertwined with silk threads, and he felt very confident in himself who had comprehended the awakening mode, and when his combat power increased dozens of times, this kid was bound to be planted in his hands.

“Doflamingo… Cannot! ”

Crokdal is very knowledgeable, reminding him that the people of the four emperors are here, can you find death by doing this?

Today’s protagonists are Hawkeye Mihawk and Red-haired Shanks, and there are many friends present to help, if Brother Ming is here brain, it may cause disgust from the other party.

Fengzhi came from a distance and saw Brother Ming say hello, “Huh? Isn’t this the former young master of the Beihaitang Quixote family? How can I have time to participate in a duel of this magnitude…”

While speaking, he also showed a contemptuous expression, and the subtext seemed to say: “As far as your defeated subordinates are concerned, they are not qualified to come to watch the duel of the strong.” ”

“You guy… Wait until the duel is over, see if I don’t tear my female companion and the female companion next to me to pieces! ”

Brother Ming put down his cruel words, revealing killing intent, and Crockdar next to him also showed the same thoughts.

The two Seven Wuhai joining forces should be able to teach this kid some lessons, right? It is not impossible to even fall here on the other side.

“Why wait so long? If you want to fight, then now. ”

Feng Zhi didn’t care what the four emperors felt, pulled out Tianli to cast the wine, and several ghostly breakthroughs were faster than before, and instantly cut off Brother Ming’s head.

The audience was in an uproar, I didn’t expect that there were such bold figures on the field, even the four emperors didn’t dare to make trouble here, but I didn’t expect that Fengzhi would kill if he said kill, and he didn’t give anyone a little face at all.

“You guy, don’t you really put the Four Emperors in your eyes?”

Krockdahl’s expression changed drastically, pointing at the other party and reprimanding, a trace of jealousy flashed in his heart.

Fang Cai Fengzhi made a move, and with his perception, he didn’t keep up with the speed of the other party, and it’s really scary to think about it now.

I had only heard the name of Fengzhi before, but I never thought that the strength displayed at this moment was so strong.

It seems that even if he and Brother Ming join forces to deal with it, it is still unknown whether he can win the battle.

“Today is a strength confrontation between pirates, is it really good that this kid is so presumptuous?”

On the naval battleship in the distance, Kuzan held a telescope and frowned after seeing Kazeji’s actions.

This time the navy came, as long as it was necessary to ensure that these top pirate groups did not make any trouble, if the original plan was disrupted because of Fengzhi’s move, they would not have to step forward to help when the other party fought.

Just because the other party is Zefa’s personal disciple, even if it is their junior disciple, they can’t sit idly by.

“Well… It doesn’t matter, anyway, if I really fight, I will run away, and I don’t believe that someone can catch up with me. ”

The yellow ape took a cigarette and leaned against the wall and said lazily, he did not have a deep friendship with the other party, and even had a fight before, and he did not want to risk the wind rule and be the enemy of the four emperor cadres.

“What’s the big deal? It’s a big deal to come forward is just a big deal, hasn’t the government always wanted to find a reason to teach these guys a lesson? “Zefa is eager to fight, regaining the strength of his youthful peak, and feels uncomfortable for a day without fighting.

“Woo-la-la… That kid is really interesting, and it would be a good choice if he could be my son. ”

Whitebeard admired Kazeji’s personality and said with a laugh to the people around him.

Joz, Marko and Bista and others also expressed their expectations for this, and after hearing about the prestige of Fengji, they really wanted to get to know each other.

Of course, this is destined to be impossible, Fengzhi is now the supreme commander of the Beihai naval branch, belonging to the world government, and they are doomed to opposites from the position alone.

“Is that the little guy who is also said to have an immortal body, and the more beaten he is in battle, the stronger he is?”

Kaido Mountain’s big body walked over, and the ground trembled with his footsteps along the way, and when he saw Fengzhi Fangcai’s performance, a strong fighting intent also rose in his heart.

Previously, he was very interested in this kid’s perverted physique, and if he could compete with the other party who was stronger in the flesh, it must be a very exciting thing.

“Bastard! Dare to be so embarrassed by me in public? ”

Brother Ming’s figure appeared in another place, it turned out that the one who was killed before was his doppelgänger doll, with the same appearance and aura as the body.

Fengzhi also knew that this move could not kill the other party, and after standing up, he began to find a comfortable and cool place to sit down and watch this sword art competition that was rare in decades.

Maybe after reading it, you may get an understanding from it, and you may be able to improve your sword skills.

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