"Samurai, never surrender!"

Hyougoro said so.

Even though he was in a desperate situation, he never compromised. His courage and courage made Ian unable to help but applaud him.

"In this case,"

Ian slowly walked up to Hyogoro and raised his hand. Although it took a lot of physical strength, it did not prevent him from condensing a ball of flame in his palm and pointed it at Hyogoro.

He looked around at the warriors around him, "Then it's up to you to decide whether to put down your weapons or watch your boss die."

"After all, we have no chance of winning. If we admit defeat now, we might be able to save our lives."


Before any of the samurai could react, Yamato exclaimed first, "Ian! How despicable!"

What do you know?

Ian sneered.

Good guys being threatened by bad guys is a traditional feature of pirates and is a must-try.

Then he suddenly realized that he was really a bad person.

My mood suddenly became complicated.

"Stop! Stop it!"

It should be said that Ian's strategy worked.

The samurai immediately shouted anxiously, "Don't hurt the boss Hyogoro!"

"Then let me see you in action!"

Ian kicked Heigoro, who was unable to stand, to the ground, and aimed the fireball in his hand at his head, "How do you choose?"


Erya roared at the right time, and the huge mace hit the ground hard, causing the entire courtyard to shake.

The warriors' faces turned pale.

They looked at the boss Heigoro who was lying on the ground. He was still trying to turn his head.

But, is it over?

At least let the boss Hyogoro survive, right?

Then the sound of ringing bells was heard, and the warriors put down their weapons one after another.

The battle is over.

Hyougoro has basically lost the power to resist. He can physically resist Ian's incredibly hot flames. Teacher Kai and Charlotte Lingling can do it, but he is still far from it.

Not to mention that the flames are also mixed with magical destructive power.

Teacher Kai will get burned if he doesn't use Haki, okay?

The moment he did not avoid the fire of Ian's divine wrath, the victory or defeat was already decided.

After Hyogoro's defeat, his ronors lost their backbone. Faced with Ian's threat, the samurai had no choice but to surrender.

"I hope you keep your promise!"

The Ronin stared at Ian, "Don't kill the boss Hyogoro!"

Ian sighed softly.

What should I say?

Have you never considered the option of regretting it after laying down your weapons?

I really don’t know what to say about the decent characters in this world.

Oden is like this, Big Bear is like this, and these samurai are like this.

But lucky for you, Uncle Ian keeps his word.

Fu Lu Shou had already asked the ninjas to come forward and restrain the samurai one after another.

The bald man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It ended much faster and easier than he thought.

He looked at Ian who had returned to normal.

What kind of monster is this boy?

In fact, it wasn't just him, the Rongers were also shocked beyond belief by Ian's young age.

Still a child! !

Everything is settled.

"These guys don't seem to be bad people."

Yamato walked to Ian's side and looked at the dark-faced samurai.

Yamato is willing to give up resistance in order to protect their boss, and Yamato does not hate such values.

"is it possible,"

Ian sat on a stone in the courtyard, recovering his strength. Although the battle lasted only a short time, entering the Phoenix state and using the Fire of God's Wrath was still a bit too much.

"We are the bad guys."

"Hahaha, are we the bad guys?"

Yamato laughed and patted Ian's shoulder, "Ian, you really know how to joke! We are pirates!"

The so-called pirates cannot be defined by simple good guys and bad guys. They are a group of people who just want to do what they want to do.

This is the concept that Teacher Kai has always instilled.

Ian was noncommittal.

"Thank you two adults for your help!"

Heitan Zenwan, who was sent to protect Ian and the two, but was not used at all, came over tremblingly and said respectfully to the two of them, "The strength of you two really opened my eyes!"

"Please follow me back to the castle tower now. General Orochi will prepare a sumptuous banquet for you two."

Ian looked at Yamato.

"That guy is annoying, but,"

Yamato touched his stomach and pursed his lips, "I'm hungry."

"Then lead the way."

Ian stood up.

The Black Carbon Orochi is a nuisance, but food is not.


Heitan Zenwan breathed a sigh of relief.

I must give the big snake some good advice later.

These two children are Kaido's daughters and disciples, and will be the future leaders of the Beasts Pirates. As long as this country still needs the protection of the Beasts Pirates, there must be no conflict with them.

So, the ninjas escorted the captured samurai out of the dilapidated courtyard and returned towards the castle tower.

Along the way, the people of the Flower Capital were all shocked when they saw the captured warriors.

"That's a ronin from Hyōgoro's family, right?"

"General Orochi attacked the boss Heigoro? What happened?"

Hyogoro has a high reputation in the Flower City, and the people don't understand what's going on.

Of course, no one will ignore their question now.

The group soon arrived outside the castle tower again.


The black charcoal snake walked out of the gate excitedly in the next second. He looked at Er Ya who was standing here like a hill, and then looked up at the two Ians on Er Ya's head.

"Well done! You two brats! You actually took down Hyougoro!"

Yamato frowned instantly and looked at Ian, "Ian, as expected, this guy is still too annoying! Can I beat him?"

Ian shrugged.

Orochi, this guy really has no idea.

Not paying attention to Yamato's reaction at all, Orochi quickly walked in front of the captured samurai and in front of Hyōgoro who was being carried on the door panel.

"Guhehehe! Hyōgoro! You idiot, you're going to have this day too!"

Orochi kicked the door panel unceremoniously, causing Heigoro, who had already lost the ability to move, to fall to the ground in a panic, and could only stare at him with his eyes.

"How dare you glare at me, General!"

His eyes made Orochi a little angry. This guy stepped forward and stepped directly on Hyōgoro's face. "How dare you refuse my invitations multiple times! Now you know what will happen!"

The big snake laughed triumphantly, kept raising its feet and stepping on it.

"Stop! Orochi! You bastard!!"

The captured warriors were suddenly stunned, "Are you going to break your promise?"

However, their anger not only failed to stop the big snake, but actually made this guy even more proud.

Everyone in this country that has made the Heitan family suffer should die! !

Orochi's smiling face contorted.

"Jiang Sanshi·Yinnaraku!!"

A black shadow suddenly fell from above.


The big snake raised his head blankly, and the ice-covered mace hit his forehead.


There was only time for a scream, and the big snake's head was smashed directly into the ground.

"I can't bear it anymore!"

Yamato, who transformed into a werewolf again, stepped on the big snake's back and raised the mace high again, "This disgusting guy should be beaten to death!"

Ian promised the samurai not to hurt this guy again!

Does this bastard want Ian to break his promise?

"Lord Orochi!"

Fu Lu Shou, Hei Tan Zen Wan, and Hei Tan Mu Chan's expressions changed drastically at the same time, and they subconsciously wanted to rescue them.

But at this moment, the huge mace fell in the air, shattering the ground instantly, causing the three of them to retreat.

Looking over the head of the giant wielding bat, Ian said calmly, "If you take another step forward, you will become the enemy of the Beast Pirates."


The giant raised the iron rod in a mighty manner.

Orochi's subordinates fell silent for an instant.

Become an enemy of the Beast Pirates?

No one dared to move.

They could only watch as Yamato's iron rod hit Orochi's body again.

Don't blame us, Orochi-sama.

Hei Tan Mu Chan felt helpless.

Anyway, your ability can withstand it.

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