Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 12 The beginning of the war! Kozuki Oden's decision!

Ian felt a little swollen.

After defeating Hyōgoro, he felt that the Black Carbon Orochi and his stinky fish and shrimps were not worth mentioning.

However, the reaction of these guys was also expected.

They relied on the Beast Pirates and the power of Teacher Kai to achieve their current situation.

If you offend Mr. Kai, let alone the Beast Pirates, Kozuki Oden will come and tear them apart in the next second.

Everyone watched Yamato's performance.

The iron rod covered with ice hit the big snake again, directly breaking the guy's backbone.

Although he is also an esper of the phantom beast species, Orochi, who has never been trained much, is naturally not very powerful.

When facing the attack of Yamato, an eight-year-old child, he was much more unbearable than the previous ronin samurai.

After the two sticks went down, he was now lying on the ground as limply as a puddle of mud, unable to move, and even his breathing was gradually stopping.

However, almost in the next second, Yamato was suddenly lifted away.

The body of the black charcoal snake under her feet was twisting, and its ferocious heads were scattered in all directions. Under each head was a long neck, connected to the common body.

"Wow! Is this guy also a person with abilities?"

Yamato landed lightly on the ground and looked at the changes in the snake in surprise.

"You bastard brat! Look what you did!!"

The monster with seven heads roared, and the flying heads all lowered their heads and looked down at Yamato, "I can't spare you!!"

Ian was condescending and counted a little.

Only seven heads?

Was he really beaten to death by Yamato once?

Is this guy too weak? It can be said that it is second only to Kuina who died on the Supreme Express Elevator.

But speaking of it, the power of the Yamata no Orochi fruit is also exaggerated. Each head represents a life, and the black charcoal snake has eight lives in total.

Coupled with the basic quality increase of the phantom beast species itself, it should be said that the Black Carbon Orochi is a piece of iron waste, otherwise, the upper limit of this fruit is really unimaginable.


Facing this ferocious and terrifying seven-headed snake, Yamato just bared his teeth and smiled, "Then let your horse come over!"

"What are you all still doing?"

The black charcoal snake turned back angrily and looked at his subordinates, "Quickly kill this bastard brat for me, General!"


Heitan Muchan coughed twice, "Sir General, please calm down, Lord Yamato probably didn't mean it."

Pay more attention to our current situation, you idiot Orochi!

That's Kaido's beloved only daughter! You said kill her? If you don’t want to live anymore, I don’t want to die!

"Yes, General,"

Heitan Zenwan also said tactfully, "She is still a child after all, why do you need to know her the same way."


The black charcoal snake was so angry that he almost went crazy.

Damn it kid!

Aborting his own child with two sticks?

"Haha, it seems your men don't want to help you,"

Yamato stepped forward proudly, dragging the long mace across the ground and making a clanging sound, "Then prepare to be beaten!"

"You...you can't!"

Orochi immediately stepped back in panic, "You can't do this!! I am the general of Wano Country!"

Even if he has a lot of life, he can't waste it like this!

"Then prepare to be beaten! General!"

Yamato laughed and ejected.

"That's it! Yamato!"

Scoops fell from the sky.


Ian looked up in surprise.

In the sky, a huge black bird spread its wings and swooped down.

Only when the distance got closer did he see clearly that it was not a bird, but a black pterosaur!

When it was about to land, the pterosaur turned into a man with wings and wrapped in a black leather jacket, and crashed down in front of Yamato.


Yamato was also startled, "Uncle Jin?"


Looking at this guy who suddenly appeared, Black Carbon Orochi was so moved that he almost cried.

The person who upholds justice has finally arrived!

"Uncle Jin, are you always here?"

Ian jumped down from Erya's head and landed behind Jhin, he said faintly.

Jhin turned around. At over six meters tall, he was as tall as a hill in front of Ian. "You performed very well this time, Ian. You lived up to Mr. Kaido's expectations."

I really just kept staring at the sky.

Fortunately, I didn't choose to run away.

Ian felt happy.

Since you're here, come down and help.

With your strength, that guy Hyōgoro was just killed instantly, so why do I need to use up my strength?

When Ian was slandering, Jhin was also sighing in his heart.

This kid is truly an incredible monster.

He was only eight years old, and at this time, apart from Mr. Kaido, himself and that idiot Quinn, there was no one in the Beast Pirates who could defeat him.

He and Yamato are the future of the Beast Pirates.

However, the two of them have really changed Mr. Kaido so much. A few years ago, it was unimaginable that Mr. Kaido would send himself to protect them.

"Hey! Uncle Jin! Why did you stop me too!"

Yamato angrily pinched her waist and asked Jhin who stopped her from continuing to beat Orochi.

"Orochi is the ruler of Wano chosen by Mr. Kaido,"

Jhin just answered coldly, "He hopes to see a stable Wano Country, so don't cause trouble."

"Jin!! This stinky girl wants to kill me!!"

Seeing that the situation was favorable to him, Black Carbon Orochi immediately complained, "You have to give me an explanation!"

Jhin slowly turned back and stared at the Black Carbon Orochi condescendingly. He said calmly, "You must at least understand one thing, Orochi, why do you hold the position of general?"


The black charcoal snake's expression suddenly changed, and he staggered back two steps in fear.

"Ian and Yamato represent Mr. Kaido, you are,"

Jhin took a step forward, "Do you want to become the enemy of the Beast Pirates?"

Although Jhin's tone was calm, the Black Carbon Orochi felt a terrifying pressure, which made him fall directly to the ground. He moved his butt away from Jhin in fear, while shaking his head wildly, "...No! No! !of course not!"

The surrounding samurai and ninjas watched the general's performance.

The samurai under Hyogoro showed angry expressions. The ruler of this country was actually such a clown!

The ninjas under Orochi were no better, and they also felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, kiddos,"

Jhin turned around and looked at Ian and Yamato, "It's time to go back."

"Eh? Are you so anxious?"

Yamato said in confusion, "I still want to walk around!"

"Mr. Kaido is already preparing to take action against Kozuki Oden, and this action is the precursor."

Jin said, "The war is about to start, and it is no longer safe outside Ghost Island."

Yamato's eyes gradually brightened, "He, and Kozuki Oden? Then go back quickly! I also want to join the battle!"

Behind Jin, the black charcoal snake trembled and lowered its head.

A few days later.

Wano Kuri.

"Lord Oden! Boss Hyogoro was captured by the Beast Pirates!!"

"Hyougoro brother!"

The man who heard the retainer's report covered his face with his hands in pain, "I hurt you!"

Kozuki Oden is in pain.

Five years ago, facing the hostages kidnapped by Orochi, he made an agreement with Orochi and Kaido.

He pretended to be crazy and acted like a fool for five years in exchange for Orochi and Kaido building a big ship to leave Wano Country.

But not long ago, Orochi came to Kuri to build a new weapons factory. When Kozuki Oden asked with great anticipation when the Orochi ship would be built, Heitan Orochi said that he did not remember.

He didn't remember the agreement.

Got cheated.

Being fooled like an idiot.

Kozuki Oden didn't realize this until now.

"I want,"

Kozuki Oden wiped away his tears and looked at the two sabers placed in the corner that had not been unsheathed for a long time.

"Destroy Kaido!!"

Please collect and read it, guys! ! !

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