Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 115 The New Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Sun Pirates (Please subscribe!)

"Brother Ian! You are finally back!"

Runti and Peggy Wanwan were very happy holding one of Ian's legs.


Who is this kid?

Behind him, Hancock bit his sleeve and stared at Runti.

This woman is really hopeless.

Law glanced at Hancock.

I don’t know if what Ian said that day was in vain.

After that, this woman did not please Ian as much as before, but in Luo's view, her love for Ian was not only increasing day by day, but also growing.

This is the biggest source of conflict between her and Yamato.

Yamato is empty-headed and probably doesn't even understand what love is, but she has a beast-like instinct and knows who is the enemy that threatens her.

And this girl.

Luo looked at Runti.


The corners of the sinister boy's mouth curled up.

There will be lots of fun to watch in the future.

Luo noticed Drake, so he walked up and said hello, "Yo."

"Mr. Kaido said your illness has been cured?"

Drake looked slightly concerned.


Luo nodded slightly, "Thanks to Princess Manxili of the Dontata clan."

"Very good,"

Derek breathed a sigh of relief, "I knew Sir Ian wouldn't lie to us."

"You know that?"

Luo smiled with interest, but he still remembered that this guy hated Ian the most before.

It changes so fast.

Drake just laughed.

It can be seen that he lives a really good life on Ghost Island.

So much so.

"So why do you grow up so fast?"

Luo couldn't help but ask.

It only took two months for this trip to go out, and he grew directly from a boy who looked only a little older than himself to an adult.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Derek laughed and said, "Maybe that's how it was meant to be."

He looked at Luo and suddenly laughed, "Luo, now you may be the weakest among us."


Luo frowned, "What do you mean?"

Drake is now taller and stronger. He said that he is stronger than him and Luo doesn't think there is anything wrong.

But what does weakest mean?

If they can't compare to the Runti siblings from ancient times, why can't they even compare to Sanji?

At this moment.

"Brother Ian! Am I going to become like Iji and the others!"

Sanji cried.

Ian was startled for a moment, could it be that——

"After using the combat suit several times, I feel that my body is getting harder and harder,"

Sanji sobbed, "My strength is also getting stronger, my speed is getting faster, and my recovery power is also greatly increased! I will become an emotionless monster like Iji and the others!"


Luo was stunned for a moment.

"Lord Ian,"

Drake said, "Sanji's bloodline factor has begun to awaken, including huge strength, exoskeleton, resilience, and super speed."

Ian gave the guy a sideways glance.

You know a lot about Vinsmoke's bloodline factor transformation.

I usually read Shijingbao’s cartoons.


Ian looked down at Sanji.

Are battle suits really that effective?

It only took two or three months for Sanji's blood factor to awaken.

Gaji, I really don’t know what to say.

What if Shan Zhi is better?

However, even if Sanji's blood factor awakens, Gaji may not be so kind to him.

After all, Sanji is not under Gaji's control, and the other three siblings are completely unable to disobey Gaji's orders.

Ian knelt down and looked directly at the anxious Sanji. This kid was afraid of losing his emotions like his three brothers, and he didn't even care about the death of his mother.

"Don't worry, Sanji, you are the greatest masterpiece of the Vinsmoke family,"

The word "highest masterpiece" really makes you feel familiar. It just so happens that Sanji is also very good at seeing things. "Did you feel the lack of emotion when you awakened your abilities?"

Sanji shook his head blankly.

"That's it,"

Ian smiled and said, "As long as your heart doesn't change, you are still you. There is no difference. The only difference may be that you have become stronger."

Sanji sniffed, then nodded heavily, his eyes shining, "I understand, Brother Ian!"

Ian patted his head, and the boy laughed happily.

"Ian, Assassin!"

Hancock was intoxicated.

Because Sanji is indeed worthy of Asasi.

Ian chuckled.

Sanji's blood factor should be stronger than the other three brothers.

When he first awakened, he was able to unconsciously resist Uncle Quinn's all-out slashes. Later on, he was able to stand and fuck with Seraph Jinbe on Warhead Island without any injuries.

Coupled with the fact that he has human emotions, Haki can also be learned normally.

If nothing else, he should be more talented than Hancock.

Ian feels that Sanji, who awakened his blood factor at the age of six and grew up in the Beast Pirates, is stronger than himself in the original work, right?

Not to mention the Yonko, the level of the generals is definitely stable.

"By the way, Sir Ian, there is something."

Drake remembered something and whispered, "After Sanji's blood factor awakened, Master Quinn became very interested in him and wanted to drag him to do research several times. I had to go to Master Jhin to let him go." Calm down."

Ian nodded slightly. Uncle Quinn thought that being kicked away by Sanji in the original work was not tragic enough, right?

Just wait, you will feel better in ten years.

Ian patted Derek on the shoulder, "You did a great job, Derek."

He has grown into a reliable adult so quickly.

"I'm going to warn Uncle Quinn."

Ian said.

The first step to create a new Beasts Pirates is to let Uncle Quinn know who is the number two of the Beasts Pirates - oh no, number three.

"By the way, let me introduce you."

Ian began to introduce the friends to each other.

"These are the newly brought partners, Violet, Hancock, and Hancock's two sisters, Sandasonia and Marigold."

Violet was a little scared and huddled next to Black Maria.

Although she was already familiar with the Golden Flying Dragon, Onigashima didn't have one.

The oldest Drake stood up and said, "Hello, I'm Derek."


Runti looked at Hancock and intuitively told her that something was wrong with this woman.

"Peggy Wan, brother Ian calls me Xiao Pei."

"I'm Sanji!"

Sanji was the most enthusiastic, "He is the chef chosen by Brother Ian!"

Hancock and others also introduced themselves.

The New Beasts Pirates are now assembled.

After that, Ian will go to see Mr. Kaido first.

I haven't been back for two months. Onigashima has changed a lot. Needless to say, the neighborhood has expanded. The most significant change is that there are many more beasts on the island.

But these beasts are not as ferocious as they were originally, and are quite docile.

The power of dango fruit is indeed powerful.

Soon, Ian met Teacher Kai.

"How many more brats did you bring back?"

It was rare that Teacher Kai didn't drink. He was dealing with official duties at this time. Unfortunately, it was rare to see him working once a year.

Next to him stood a kid with a paper mask on his face, that was the royalist.

"Violet is a superman with the power of staring fruit, and her strategic value is immeasurable."

Ian gave a brief introduction, "As for Hancock, she is even the holder of Overlord Color Haki."


Teacher Kai laughed, "Have you picked up another kid with extraordinary talents? You are indeed my disciple!"

Ian was startled slightly, and then couldn't help laughing.

Yes, Teacher Kai often picks up all kinds of guys, even himself was picked up by him.

It is a family-heirloom craft.

"Uncle Jin has taken the immigrants from Fishman Island to resettle,"

Ian said, "I have decided to hand over the fish-men unit to Jack. Arrangements must be made between the two parties and it must not affect the subsequent immigration plan."

"You don't need to remind me, kid."

Teacher Kai snorted, "You said before that you wanted those immigrants from Fish-Man Island to explore the bottom of the sea?"

"The sea is a treasure trove left by nature to mankind, Teacher Kai,"

Ian said seriously, "There are countless treasures hidden under the sea."

When the immigrants from Fishman Island came to Wano Country, they couldn't just eat for nothing.

Not to mention anything else, there are far more mineral deposits on the seabed than on land.

"so be it."

Teacher Kai nodded.

When Ian and Teacher Kai were talking about something.

In the square outside the main building.


Luo groaned and took two steps back.

He looked at Sanji in front of him in disbelief.

so hard!

Is this the blood factor of the Vinsmock family?

Sanji obviously didn't use the battle suit, but after awakening, he completely transformed from a weak child into an invulnerable monster!

"I told you everything, Luo,"

Drake on the side crossed his arms over his chest and chuckled, "You are already the weakest."

Luo gritted his teeth secretly.

He knew that the weakest didn't even have to be limited to him, Drake and Sanji were the three.

Even if the three sisters Violet and Hancock are added to the mix.

Hancock aside, that's a monster that can compete with Yamato.

Her two younger sisters have also mastered domineering, which is not something Luo can fight against.

Even Violet, who seems to be the weakest, is a person with abilities and can release tears to attack. These embodied tears are almost as hard as steel.

After this calculation, Luo is really the weakest.

"Damn it! Start exercising!"

Luo was very unwilling.

Finally regained a healthy body, the weakest? He cannot accept this kind of thing even to death!

Then exercise!

Use hard work to make up for your lack of talent and ability.

After resting on Onigashima for two days, Ian took the three Hancock sisters and flew to the Jiuli forest. Yamato wanted to follow them, but this time Ian refused.

He tapped Yamato's forehead with his index and middle fingers, and then said he would do it next time.

The Jiuli forest has now become the home of the Dongtata clan.

In order to make room for them, the residents who originally lived nearby were relocated.

There is no need to worry about their lack of food and clothing. The factory for manufacturing aircraft has begun to be built, and a lot of manpower will be needed next.

Ian even thinks that in the future, people in Wano will no longer need to farm, and all the work will be done by the small humans. The local residents only need to go into the factory to make a screw.

The Tontata tribe welcomed Ian's arrival. They were very satisfied with their current home. It was also a quiet and peaceful forest, and no one had come to disturb them.

After a few pleasantries, Ian invited Princess Manshirley to help remove the scars on the backs of the three Hancock sisters.

The scars left four years ago had already scabbed over, and even Manshirley's healing fruit could not directly restore this piece of skin to its original state.

So, all these scars had to be cut open first, and then Princess Manshirley would come to treat them.

So, the group found a secluded place, and Ian took out a knife and cut off the ugly mark on the backs of the three sisters bit by bit.

Blood immediately flowed all over the backs of the three sisters.

But the eyes of the three were happy.

The two sisters even cried out with excitement.

Ian said nothing, but removed the scars for them as quickly as possible.

Then he called Princess Manshirley.

The little princess's healing power was used again, and within a few minutes, the backs of the three sisters were completely healed.

The ugly scar disappeared.

The three sisters couldn't help crying with joy, as if the painful memories imprinted on them had also disappeared.


Hancock, who was originally crying, rushed directly to Ian and left a clumsy kiss on his face, "Thank you, thank you!"

Ian's old face was slightly red.

I haven't put on clothes yet.

On the way back, the three Hancock sisters sat on Ian's back and talked about their experiences in those years with tears in their eyes.

They were all fighting slaves of the Celestial Dragons. During those four years, they risked their lives every day to fight with other slaves, and used blood and death to please those Celestial Dragons.

Ian just listened quietly.

After returning to Onigashima, Yamato immediately attacked, and her sensitive nose smelled the smell of Hancock on Ian.

So the two who had a disagreement fought fiercely again, and Hancock was defeated by Yamato again.

However, Hancock's eyes told Ian that she would never admit defeat.

A few months passed by in a swaying manner.

During these months, the factory for manufacturing aircraft has been almost built and will soon be put into production.

Umit has also sent the first batch of ten beasts from Ruskena Island to Wano Country.

This is really not an easy task. Not only is it a long journey, but these beasts are also very dangerous. These ten beasts are the strongest guys on Ruskena Island. It took the Nine Snakes Pirates a lot of energy to successfully capture them. A little carelessness during the voyage will cause the ship to be destroyed and people to die.

Fortunately, Umit asked his men to prepare a large amount of sedatives and sleeping pills in advance, so that these monsters have been quiet during the transportation.

After these monsters were sent to Onigashima, they still wanted to make a scene, but after a few dumplings from Baohuang, they were as obedient as kittens, and acted coquettishly around the little girl.

Ian thought at the time that it was time for Mr. Kai to give up the title of the Hundred Beasts?

Someone more worthy of the name appeared.

Fortunately, Bao Huang's loyalty can still be guaranteed, so there is no need to worry about her rebelling for the time being.

One day later, Ian was reading a newspaper when he suddenly saw a piece of news.

"The New Seven Warlords of the Sea Are Born!"

Ian looked at the picture in the newspaper and couldn't help but recall that it was indeed the time for the member states of the World Government to pay the Heavenly Gold not long ago.

So he immediately called his successful friend.

"Hey, hey, hey, Ian, have you seen the newspaper?"

"You're really quick, Dover, it seems that the method I thought of for you is very useful?"

"It's very useful, just a threat and they will be obedient."


Ian narrowed his eyes slightly, "are we going to take action against Dressrosa next?"

"Hey, hey, of course! King Riku and his family have occupied our Don Quixote's property for so long, it's time to return it to me."

"That's it."

Ian exchanged a few more pleasantries with Doflamingo, and then hung up the phone.

Next, it depends on what Violet says.

At the same time, Fishman Island.

Someone came to Ryugu Castle to secretly meet with Neptune and his wife.

"Neptune! What are you thinking about! Immigration plan? Or with the Beasts Pirates! Do you also treat our compatriots as goods?"

The couple hurriedly explained, "Calm down, Tiger, Ian is different! He doesn't discriminate against us! He also invited you to visit Wano Country!"


The man slammed the table and turned away without hesitation, "I really want to go to Wano Country to bring all my compatriots back!"

The couple looked at each other.

Is Ian's request fulfilled?

Later, outside Fishman Island.

"Sun Pirates, set sail! Target, Wano Country!"

Thanks to "White Orchid Dragon" for countless rewards, thank you!

By the way, please give me some monthly tickets

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