Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 116: Violet's awakening! Tiger's determination!

Life in the Beasts Pirates is not as terrible as imagined.

Violet thinks so.

Although there are some shady pirates on Onigashima, to be honest, the pirates here are surprisingly simple.

As long as you are strong enough, they will respect you from the bottom of their hearts, but if you are weak, they will not hesitate to step on you directly into the quagmire.

Fortunately, as a capable person, Violet is much stronger than the average small fish pirates, and her ability is definitely not something that ordinary low-level pirates can resist.

So she actually lived a good life on Onigashima.

Not to mention that she was still mixed with Ian and others, and everyone on Onigashima knew that Ian and Yamato were the future successors of the Beasts Pirates, and he and the young people around him were the pillars that led the Beasts Pirates forward in the future.

Violet is also considered one of these pillars.

The daily life on Onigashima is just to exercise with everyone. At the beginning, I couldn't keep up with everyone's progress, but gradually I got used to it.

In addition to exercise, there are all kinds of play.

Violet is now on good terms with Black Maria, as well as Hancock's two sisters. They are all girls of similar age and often spend time together. It is really hard for them not to be friends.

The sisters get together to play almost every day. Sometimes they feel bored on Onigashima, so they go to the inland of Wano Country to play.

Such a life has nothing to do with the pirate life that Violet originally imagined.

In her original imagination, after becoming a pirate, she would definitely drift on the sea, and then land on an island from time to time, killing and looting to her heart's content, so as to vent her malice.

She was full of fear for such a life, but she was more afraid that Ian would attack her family, so Violet accepted Ian's coercion and joined the Beasts Pirates.

However, after joining the Beasts Pirates for so long, let alone going out to loot in person, she had never even heard of it.

Once again, she asked curiously, and Black Maria smiled and told her, "Because it's not necessary at all."

Black Maria then understood what kind of pirate group she had joined.

The annual protection fee paid by the islands under its command alone is already an astronomical figure, not to mention that the arms of the Beasts Pirates have been sold all over the world, and a large amount of wealth is constantly pouring into Wano Country.

Even though Violet is still young, she knows that a pirate group of this size seems a bit exaggerated.

It's not a pirate group at all, it's completely the scale of a warlord, and it can even be said that this is a huge country ruled by pirates.

But this also made Violet feel relieved.

At least she doesn't have to burn, kill, and plunder against her conscience.

It's not bad to just live like this.

That's what Violet thought.

That day, she saw in the newspaper that a new King Shichibukai was born, a guy named Don Quixote Doflamingo.

"Don Quixote?"

Violet remembered something and was a little surprised, "Isn't that the surname of the family that ruled Dressrosa eight hundred years ago?"

As the royal family of Dressrosa at this time, Violet still has some understanding of this period of history.

"Oh, is it Doflamingo? He is Ian's friend. I went to the North Sea to discuss cooperation with him."

Black Maria, who was slowly applying nail polish at the time, said in surprise, "His goal has been achieved. It was Ian who gave him the idea of ​​becoming a Seven Warlords of the Sea. It seems that he was asked to rob Tenjo Gold or something?"

"Tenjo Gold?"

As a princess of a member country of the World Government, Violet certainly knew what Tenjo Gold was, so she was almost dumbfounded, "No way? Is he crazy? There is no doubt that he is against the Celestial Dragons!"

Is Doflamingo crazy or is this world crazy?

Not only did he not die after robbing Tenjo Gold, but he also became a Seven Warlords of the Sea?

When Hancock's two sisters heard the word Celestial Dragon, they turned their heads instantly, "Celestial Dragon?"

"Celestial Dragon?"

Black Maria blinked her eyes, which were literally large and exaggerated, "Doflamingo himself is a Celestial Dragon."


Not to mention Violet, Hancock's two sisters were also stunned.

"Oh, he is a former Celestial Dragon. It is said that he was before, but not now."

Black Maria added, and then she remembered something, and suddenly looked at Violet worriedly, "Violet, I suddenly remembered that Doflamingo seemed to be planning to use Dressrosa as his new place of residence."


Violet was stunned.


She jumped up in shock.

"No! I'm going to find Ian!"

In her opinion, Ian was the only one who could solve this problem.

But of course, her first reaction was not wrong.

Violet found Ian fishing on the coast of Onigashima.

At this time, Ian was shouting, "Hey! You guys! Didn't I tell you not to put fish on my hook when I'm fishing?"

Below, in the sea, several beautiful mermaids just smiled and said, "Because Lord Ian always catches nothing."

They were fish people who migrated to Wano Country, and were placed on the seabed near Onigashima.

There is no longer anything to restrain them here. Both mermaids and fishmen can freely travel between the sea and the bottom of the sea.

Ian's face turned red with anger, and then there was a series of incomprehensible words like "The pirate's air force cannot be considered an air force." "It's just that the fate has not come yet." and other incomprehensible words.

The mermaid ladies suddenly burst into laughter, wishing they could hang themselves on the fishhook and let Ian catch it.

If it were normal times, Violet might still feel funny in her heart.

Ian is usually very kind and can chat with anyone. He doesn't have any pretentiousness about the second person in the Beast Pirates and the King of Wano.

Violet only found out not long ago that he was actually a king.

But now is obviously not the time to think about such things.


Violet almost screamed, "Maria said Doflamingo is going to attack Dressrosa?"

Ian paused and did not reply immediately. Instead, he waved his hands impatiently towards the mermaid ladies below, "Go and play by yourself. Yamato will be here later."

"Yeah! Master Ian always says some scary things!"

Laughing and laughing, the beautiful mermaid ladies dived into the sea and played by themselves.

There is a common sense among the immigrants on Fish-Man Island that beautiful mermaid ladies must not get too close to Mr. Ian, otherwise they will attract the great white-haired devil to impose heavenly punishment.

Seeing the mermaid ladies leaving, Ian breathed a sigh of relief and slowly lifted up the big fish hanging on the hook. "Don't get me wrong, this fish is about to bite the hook. It's just a waste of time on their part."

"That kind of thing is okay anyway!"

Violet screamed in panic, "Ian, is Doflamingo going to attack Dressrosa?"

Ian just nodded slightly, "Yes, Dover moved his base camp from the North Sea to the New World. When choosing a new location, he thought of the country ruled by the Don Quixote family."

"But I told him that it would be stupid to directly attack the government-affiliated countries, so he should wait until he becomes a legal pirate recognized by the government before taking action."

"Now that he has become the new Shichibukai, he should start taking action soon."


Violet's face turned pale instantly.

This guy really knew it a long time ago!

"Ian! Stop him!"

Violet pinched the fingers of her left hand with her right hand until they turned white.

Now that Doflamingo is already a government-recognized Shichibukai, the navy won't help.



Ian said, "Dover is my friend, and the Don Quixote family he leads is also an important partner of our Beasts Pirates."

Violet's body trembled, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Ian, aren't you willing to help yourself?

Violet instantly felt as if she had been struck by a bolt from the blue.

If Ian is unwilling to help, what should I do? So what should Dressrosa do?

But at this time, Ian slowly threw the fishhook out again.

"Dover is my friend, so Violet, you should at least tell me, in what capacity are you asking for my help?"

Violet was stunned again.

What status?

What else could it be?

Of course the princess of Dressrosa, and——

Violet was stunned for a moment, and she suddenly remembered what Ian said to Hancock before.

He said he hoped Hancock would be his partner to whom he could trust everything.

"As your partner!"

Violet said decisively, "As a partner who can trust you with everything!"

The corners of Ian's mouth gradually raised.

"Since it is a request from a partner, there is really no way to refuse it."

Violet's eyes lit up instantly.

Ian pulled out the phone bug.

Just like what he said to Luo before, when Dover started to act, Violet knew what she should do.

The call was dialed immediately.

Soon, the other party connected.

"Hey, Ian, do you have any advice?"

Doflamingo's smiling voice came from the other side.

"Dover, there's something I forgot to mention before."

Ian said slowly, "Actually, I have a very important partner who is King Riku's youngest daughter."

There was silence for a moment over the phone bug.

"So I said, how about reining it in a little bit?"

Violet swallowed.

Even she knew that the Shichibukai were quite big pirates.

After a long time, Doflamingo's weird laughter came from the other end of the phone, "Hey, this is such an unexpected surprise."

"I'm sorry, Dover, but that's the way it is now,"

Ian said calmly, "I think the relationship between Crocodile and Alabasta is quite good. Maybe you can refer to it."

It would be troublesome for Doflamingo to have a base where he could develop his industry with peace of mind.

In fact, he only needs to quietly help the Beast Pirates sell weapons.

"What a great idea, blah blah blah, what a great idea!"

Doflamingo's laughter became brighter and brighter, "I understand, so be it."

"Contact me when I have time."

The phone hangs up and the call ends.

Ian put away the phone bug.

Violet blinked, "That's it, okay?"

"Dover is a good friend of mine,"

Ian smiled gently, "So he shouldn't refuse my request."

Do you call that a request?

Violet couldn't help but raise a happy smile.

If it were Ian, then there would definitely be no problem.

"Go and play."

Ian turned back to continue fishing and spoke leisurely.


Violet turned and left.

This seems good, being a pirate.

If it weren't for Ian this time, how would he protect Dressrosa?

Violet would not think that without Ian's suggestion, Doflamingo would not have thought of becoming a Shichibukai.

Regardless of whether he becomes a Shichibukai or not, Doflamingo still covets Dressrosa.

The girl was in a good mood when she left, humming a song as she walked.

But Ian didn't even hear it and just fished silently.

As for what Doflamingo would think, Ian didn't care.

He is a smart person, or in other words, he is too smart to be on the stage.

Somewhere in the new world, a flamingo-like ship was riding the wind and waves.

But at this time, the atmosphere inside the cabin was so solemn, as if time had stood still.

Everyone in the Don Quixote family was silent and stiff-faced.


After a long time, Doflamingo, the ruler of the family, finally laughed out loud, "You are such a good friend of mine, Ian!"

"Asshole! That's too much!"

Torrebol, who looked like snot all over his body, was instantly furious, "What do you think we are! How dare you boss us around!"

"Dover, what should we do?"

Diamanti, who was wearing clown-like makeup, was a little anxious.

"Just leave that guy alone!"

Pika's voice was shrill, but her words were domineering, "Is the Beast Pirates so great?"

Doflamingo looked back at this guy.

Then he said, "It's not time to fall out with the Beast Pirates yet, so just be patient for now."

"Oh! Dover!"

Torebol said in surprise, "Is there a plan already?"

Doflamingo didn't answer, he just laughed weirdly.

He laughed, and his men laughed too.

As a result, the cabin was immediately filled with laughter and laughter again.

Soon after, Dressrosa, King Riku received a notice from the government.

"Donquixote Doflamingo is coming to Dressrosa to serve as the Shichibukai to help the government guard the gateway to the new world?"

The king looked puzzled.

After some time, a sea ship quickly approached in the outer waters of Wano Country.

"Is that the country of Wano?"

The red-skinned fishman stood on the bow of the ship with his hands folded across his chest, showing a determined look in his eyes, "The enemy is the Beast Pirates! But our compatriots are trapped there! What should we do?"

"Of course take action!"

Behind him, a fat fish man with blue skin responded loudly, "Go and rescue them all!"

"Then big brother, what should we do?"

Another shark-fish man with a pointed nose said loudly, "Shall we just rush in?"

"Don't say stupid things, Aaron,"

Fisher Tiger, the captain of the Sun Pirates, said calmly, "The opponent is the Beast Pirates. We have no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation."

A sharp-nosed fish-man, Aaron was unconvinced and wanted to argue.

No chance of winning?

They are just mere humans.

Tiger looked up at the high mountain walls of Wano Country.

I always feel like I'm back to that time again.

So, just copy the previous actions.

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