Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 132: Using the opponent's trick against him! The world's strongest master and appr

Ian's brows were already frowning.

Although he also admitted that what he said in this article was indeed very reasonable, why did he always feel like he was trying to make someone angry?

Don’t you know not to say anything that is not conducive to unity?

What would people outside think of the Beast Pirates?

Won’t the corporate image of our Beasts Pirates be damaged?

Others would still think that our Beast Pirates are some kind of evil place where masters and apprentices fight each other, and fathers and daughters are at war with each other.

Oh, the Beasts Pirates are originally a very evil place in the eyes of the world, right?

That's okay.

Ian was just a little surprised and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

After all, it doesn't matter to him what external public opinion is. Anyway, the Beast Pirates respect the strong. This is a rule that everyone in this group follows.

When one day he becomes stronger than Mr. Kai, then he will naturally become the new boss of the Beast Pirates.

It's such a simple thing, no conspiracy or intrigue.

However, Ian soon realized something was wrong.

While eating with his friends, everyone looked at him a little strangely.

Ian looked a little confused.

He looked at Yamato, who was smiling expectantly, "What's going on with you?"

"Ian! When are we going to challenge dad?"

As soon as Yamato opened his mouth, the food in Ian's mouth almost spurted out.

"I have been waiting for more than ten years!"

Yamato looked eager to try, "As long as you defeat dad, you will be truly free and you can do whatever you want!"

Ian almost forgot that when she was very young, this girl had already determined to surpass Teacher Kaido so that she would no longer be bound by anything.

Very good, Yamato. I feel relieved to see that you are still a filial daughter for ten years.

But, it's not just Yamato.

"We will fully support you! Ian!"

Not to be outdone, Hancock even leaned forward to grab Ian's hand, his beautiful eyes sparkling, "After all, it is only natural that you become the leader of the Beast Pirates!"

Although her strength is already extremely strong, with her internal destructive-level weapons and the power of the sweet fruit, her strength has definitely reached the level of disaster.

But her hands are as tender and smooth as freshly peeled eggs. It can only be said that the world really favors her.

However, Ian didn't have time to feel the delicateness of Hancock's skin. Yamato had already opened her hand, and the white-haired girl gritted her teeth, "You guy! I told you to stay away from Ian!"

"Who would!"

Hancock also glared angrily.

Ian has had enough of their rivalry.

He just looked at the other friends, "You think so too?"

Black Maria said with a smile, "Anyway, Ian, you will become the new leader of the Beasts Pirates sooner or later."

Jack's face was quite tangled, but he still said, "Brother Ian, no matter what you want to do, I will support you!"

Drake said as a matter of course, "Everyone knows this, right? Sir Ian, you are the one who really manages the Beasts Pirates."

"I don't care,"

Luo yawned lazily, "But Ian, I am your subordinate, not Kaido's subordinate."

Hancock's two younger sisters followed in their sister's footsteps, "My sister's decision is our decision!"

Finally, there was Violet, a sixteen-year-old girl who rolled her eyes, "Will what I say be useful? Shouldn't I just do whatever you say?"

Ian gasped.

Okay, you guys will really surprise me.

We really want to create a new Beasts Pirates, right?

The attitude of his friend made Ian instantly alert.

These are the people who have been living around him and know him best. What about the others?

Ian immediately called Babanuki.

This guy has been on board the Golden Flying Dragon since he was transferred to it more than two years ago, and he is now regarded as Ian's confidant.

Therefore, when this guy came to Ian, he smiled unabashedly and said, "Sir Ian, when do we start taking action?"

Although Boss Kaido is indeed amazing.

But it is obviously Mr. Ian who has a more promising future!

This adult is only fifteen years old.

It’s hard to imagine how bright his future is!

This lord is the one destined to lead the Beasts Pirates in the future!

But now, this "future" is coming earlier than imagined.

Ian pinched the bridge of his nose, "You're not going to tell me that other people on the ship think the same way, right?"

"Of course Sir Ian!"

Babanuki thought that Ian was asking him if there were any cheaters on the ship, so he quickly said categorically, "Everyone on the Golden Flying Dragon is your most loyal follower!"

Seeing the loyalty on this guy's face, Ian couldn't help but hold his forehead.

You are really planning to put on a yellow robe for me, right?

But after he thought about it for a moment, it seemed that he really couldn't blame these guys.

Not to mention within the Beast Pirates, everyone in the world knows that he is the future successor of the Beast Pirates.

And when this heir shows too much power, the people below will of course wonder if the time to ascend to the throne has to be moved forward, especially in an environment where the jungle is strong and the strong prey on the beasts.

In the next few days, there was a lot of discussion in the newspapers about whether the Beast Pirates should change their boss.

Major newspapers took turns to appear, and a large number of writers expressed their opinions.

There is only one overall core idea.

Ian of Fentian will become the new leader of the Beast Pirates sooner or later, and with his growth rate, he may replace Kaido much earlier than many people think.

What was a very tacit understanding was that no one mentioned that Kaido was only forty-six years old this year, in his absolute prime, and far from the age of retirement.

Ian would think there was something wrong with this lively scene if no one was behind it.

Even the pirates on Beehive Island looked at him with extremely hot eyes.

There’s nothing to say. For this kind of thing, you should consult a good friend as soon as possible.

Ian made a phone call to Morgans.

"Hehehehe, I noticed it too,"

Even though his heart was dug out by Ian, Morgans's attitude remained unchanged. He still looked contemptuous and joking, "Even my World Economic News has received many similar articles."

Ian rolled his eyes, "Stop talking nonsense, what's the conclusion?"

He didn't believe that bastard Morgans didn't do anything.

"Hehehehe, I really can't hide anything from you."

Morgans said with a smile, "However, in fact, there is no need to investigate this matter at all."

"Who else in the world can do this?"

Ian snorted, "Who else could it be besides the World Government?"

Byd World Government, are you planning to alienate me?

They probably thought it would be troublesome to completely eliminate the Beast Pirates, but they couldn't just watch the Beast Pirates continue to grow, so they planned to sow discord and divide the Beast Pirates.

The main method is to provoke conflicts between himself and Teacher Kai.

"How to do it? Ian,"

"Even though I have some influence in the journalism industry, it's impossible to get everyone to refuse the government's request," Morgans said with a laugh.

Ian narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment.

Then he grinned, "No need, just do whatever you want."


Morgans' tone was a little more surprised, "Is this really good?"

"Isn't this great?"

Ian said calmly, "If the government can get what it wants, it won't think of making other small moves."

"Oh, I understand, you want to take advantage of the situation, but what about Kaido?"

The tactics of the World Government are almost obvious.

But it’s just overwhelming.

Once suspicion arises, it will only expand endlessly.

Because at this time, Ian has indeed posed a huge threat to Kaido.


"Don't underestimate the bond between Kai-sensei and I! We are the Beast Pirates!"

Ian felt that he who spoke these words so righteously at this time was just like the male protagonist in a hot-blooded comic book. In the next moment, he could play a war song and use the iron fist of the Winged Dragon to blast the enemy to pieces.

Morgans didn't quite understand, but still said, "I understand."

call ended.

I have to go back to Ghost Island.

It's not that I'm in a hurry to go back and explain it to Teacher Kai.

It's just that since I have decided to pull the trigger, of course I have to do the whole show.

As for whether Teacher Kai would really be suspicious of this, Ian had never doubted it.

The high-ranking government officials and the Five Old Stars should not understand that even the cruel, ruthless, cunning and violent Teacher Kai still adheres to a certain morality in his heart and will never doubt the companions he identifies with.

This is basically a characteristic of this world. Even the villain groups are often very united, and there is basically no intrigue.

This is true for Studio Baroque, CP9, Moria, the Quixote family, and the Charlotte family.

On the contrary, the relationship between the World Government and the Navy is very delicate. If the story in the original work is followed, Ian can almost be sure that the Navy, at least some people in the Navy, will betray the World Government.

When Ian said that he would temporarily stop his plan to occupy the surrounding islands and return to Wano Country, the friends were all excited.

Yamato even said directly, "Okay! Are you going to go to war with dad?"

"Don't say stupid things."

Ian knocked the girl on the head and said, "This matter is a conspiracy of the world government."


The friends were all stunned.

Then Ian explained to them what the government actually did.

The friends were all shocked.

"How despicable!"

Yamato shouted angrily, "My happiness has been in vain!"

Ian gave the guy a sideways glance.

You are really a good daughter of Teacher Kai.

In short, the Golden Flying Dragon returns.

Meanwhile, Marie Joa.

"Ian has already begun to return to Wano Country, and he has not even had time to occupy the territory left by Wang Zhi."

"It seems that the boy is finally worried and is eager to go back and explain to Kaido."

"However, he actually killed Wang Zhi. It seems that it won't be long before he can really surpass Kaido."

"Is the Fist of the King such an interesting move? Let CP0 go to Prodence."

"What's going on with the Beast Pirates?"

"Many pirates on Ghost Island responded enthusiastically to this. That guy Ian has had a high prestige in the Beast Pirates over the years."

"It seems that our plan is going smoothly. It depends on Kaido's reaction. Pay close attention to Onigashima's movements."

The Golden Flying Dragon returned at full speed, and with the help of the sea beasts, it took less than a week to return to the country of Wano.

Ian didn't bother to go through the harbor anymore, and turned directly into a huge golden flying dragon, grabbing the big ship and flying up to the Wano Inland Sea.

Not long after, Onigashima appeared in front of Ian again.

When he returned to Ghost Island again, Ian could clearly feel the weird atmosphere here.

The pirates looked at him quite strangely.

Some are doubtful and surprised, while others are enthusiastic and longing.

It seems that the government's public opinion offensive is really effective, and even the pirates of Onigashima have been affected.

Under the already unstable sea, two unnecessary emotions seem to be brewing.

But fortunately, the cadres should be fine.

Before coming back, I had already spoken to Teacher Kai and explained the cause and effect.

Specially encrypted phone bugs are not so easy to be eavesdropped.

"Ian! You bastard, how dare you come back!"

The huge Brachiosaurus came out of the main entrance of Onigashima menacingly and roared loudly at Ian, "You ungrateful brat, I heard that you are going to usurp the position of Kaido's boss!"

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth. Why did he feel like he had seen this scene so many times?

However, the acting is okay.

Uncle Quinn's loud voice attracted the attention of many pirates.

When Ian was about to say something.

"Kid! Come up!"

Thunderbolts exploded on the top of Ghost Island.


Yamato immediately pulled Ian's sleeve eagerly.

Just like countless times in the past, she wanted to face her old father with Ian.

But this time Ian shook his head, raised his hand and rubbed her head, "Let me go by myself."


Hancock was worried.

Ian just smiled, "It's just a regular master-disciple fight."

After saying that, he ejected and headed directly towards the top of Onigashima.

Soon he saw Teacher Kai standing in the middle of the rugged flat land carrying an iron rod.

Ian landed lightly on the ground, "Teacher Kai, it seems we have to put on a good show for the government."

Now the Beast Pirates are a little too powerful.

If the World Government cannot be reassured, then it may be hit by their thunderous blows next.

That would be troublesome.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter anyway."

Teacher Kai's mouth raised high, "Uh-huh-huh! Kid, since you want to be superior to me, come and show me your power!"

Ian was stunned for a moment.

No, Teacher Kai, didn’t I call you before and make it clear?

How come it's like I've never heard of it? Just thinking about fighting, right?

Wait, is it possible that Uncle Quinn's performance just now wasn't acting at all?

But it is true that in the past two years or so, I have been away frequently, and it has indeed been a long time since I fought with Teacher Kai.

Seeing Ian's daze, Teacher Kai immediately frowned and shouted dissatisfied, "Why are you still dazed? Don't you want to surpass me?"

Ian paused for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth, "Of course, I've never dreamed of it!"

What I pursue is the ultimate peace of mind, so no one in the world should be able to override me! Not even Mr. Kai!

"Uh-huh! Then what are you waiting for!"

A wanton smile appeared on Ian's face.

Really, I almost forgot, it was designed with no need at all. What will happen next is what the world government would like to hear.

"Then witness my growth, Teacher Kai!"

The fight between the world's strongest master and apprentice begins!

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