Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 133 Teacher Kai's full strength! There's a thief!

On the top of Ghost Island, the master and the apprentice stood opposite each other.

Ian moved his body a little, and to be honest, he was also excited.

To this day, how big is the gap between him and Teacher Kai?

He was really curious about this matter.

"Uh-huh, don't use that move?"

Teacher Kai looked at Ian who was jumping and warming up and said with interest, "I can wait."

Of course, he knew that Ian had mastered the move called King's Fist.

"No need."

Ian finished warming up and said with a smile, "Wouldn't that be boring?"

If he really beat Teacher Kai into the underground magma, wouldn't that be a great rebellion?

"Little devil,"

Teacher Kai sneered, "You are so bold."

"Speaking of which, Teacher Kai,"

Ian said, "Are you interested in the King's Fist? I can teach you."

It is better to say that everyone who is capable of learning this move can learn it.

After all, although this move has a long pre-swing, it is really useful.

Although if it is used by Mr. Kai, the increase is probably very weak.

However, it is not zero.

If he is willing to quietly accumulate power for an hour, he will definitely be able to bring unexpected surprises to other emperors.

It is certainly more cost-effective to let his friends learn.

However, there are probably not many people who are capable of learning this move.

According to Elizabelo, what is needed to learn the King's Fist is a naturally strong body.

It is naturally strong, not strong.

Ian believes that life energy will not grow explosively with exercise, and it cannot be achieved through acquired cultivation.

Therefore, only people with strong vitality can master this move.

Among so many friends, only Yamato has the ability to master this move, right?

If we look at the entire Beasts Pirates, then Uncle Jin may also be able to do it.

"We'll talk about that later."

Teacher Kai was already a little impatient, "How long are you going to drag on, kid?"

Ian twisted his neck, pulled off the tie around his waist, and grinned, "Sorry, Teacher Kai, I kept you waiting!"

The next moment, Ian crushed the ground and turned into a shadow and splashed over.



The respected teacher laughed and raised the iron rod in his hand high.

"Finger Gun·Annihilation Cannon!"

Ian punched with the internal destruction level of armed color wrapped around his fist.


The iron fist collided with the iron rod, and the dark lightning splashed immediately.

Ian only felt a surge of power coming and blasted him away directly.

In human form, the power is still not as good as Teacher Kai.

When he flew into the sky, Ian casually swung his legs, "Rain Kick·Meteor Shower!"

A laser-like slash burst out, splitting during the flight, splitting into meteors, and smashing down towards Teacher Kai.

Each meteor slash contains the internal destruction level of armed color, even with Teacher Kai's physical strength, he can't resist it.

So, he just casually swung the iron rod and shattered the meteors in the sky.

"The boring temptation ends here,"

Teacher Kai snorted coldly, "Show your real strength."

"Then I won't be polite!"

Ian took a deep breath.


The golden flames suddenly surged up and turned into a golden sea of ​​fire that spread out.

Teacher Kai just looked up quietly, and in this golden sea of ​​fire, the golden god flapped his wings and fell.

"The iron fist of the pterosaur!"

The speed was as fast as the golden flash, just like the arrival of Kizaru.

The next moment, Ian's fist had already hit Teacher Kai's iron rod.

Kaido's face changed slightly.

This kid is so strong! It's even stronger than him!

The iron rod was directly bounced away by Ian's punch, and Teacher Kai was hit by Ian's punch and staggered.

Ian took advantage of the situation and chased after him, and his fists bombarded Teacher Kaido's body continuously like a storm.

"Pterosaur's Hundred Fists!"


Teacher Kai was directly hit by Ian's storm-like attack and screamed in pain. The next moment, he flew backwards like a cannonball and crashed through several large rocks.

Ian took advantage of the situation and raised his hands high, "Pterosaur's Brilliant Flame!"

The flame in his hand suddenly expanded, and it was more than a hundred meters in size before he knew it.

Then it began to compress under the effect of life return. After being compressed to a diameter of less than five meters, it expanded again until it returned to its original size.

The color of the fireball at this time was almost pure white.

Well, it looked more like a Gaia energy cannon.

Ian fiercely smashed the fireball in the direction where Teacher Kai fell.

This time, it was a comet falling!

If this attack landed smoothly, it should be enough to blow the entire Onigashima to pieces.


"Ugh! Roaring Thunder Bagua!"

Accompanied by wild laughter, dark lightning suddenly bloomed under the fireball, and then the speed of the fireball's fall suddenly returned to zero.



The huge fireball was smashed to pieces by the surging power from below, and then exploded.

It was extremely brilliant and dazzling, like the sun exploding. The surging flames spread in all directions in an instant, as if they were going to swallow up the entire sky.

The entire Onigashima Island began to shake violently, and a large number of pirates even fell to the ground without standing steadily.

The fishmen and mermaids around Onigashima couldn't help but run out of the water and looked up at the sky with shock.

"The fight seems to be very lively."

At the dock of Onigashima Island, Luo wiped the sweat from his forehead.

In the sky, the flames spread like a surging tide, and the scorching temperature made everything seem to be melted.

"They won't demolish the entire Onigashima Island, will they?"

Violet was a little scared.

With her perspective ability, she could directly see the two people fighting fiercely, so she knew that Ian was almost going to blow up Onigashima.

It was a bit too scary.

Is it necessary to do this?

Didn't we agree to perform a play?

Is this called acting?

"Mhahaha, Ian is still far from that!"

Uncle Quinn sneered, "I knew this kid was rebellious! Boss Kaido will beat him up this time!"

Luo looked at Quinn in surprise.

They are the only ones here, and they are still showing off their acting skills?

Is this the professional quality of the older generation of pirates?


Yamato didn't say anything, his observation Haki had reached its limit, and he was paying attention to the battle on the top.


In the flames, a figure rushed directly towards Ian.

Teacher Kai's body was covered with thick green scales, and another pair of horns grew on his head.

He used his ability!

There were still a few black fist marks on his chest.

The internal destruction of the armed Haki, coupled with the ultra-high temperature flame, was certainly not without effect.

Ian smiled even more, this was his first time fighting with Teacher Kai who used his ability!

"The Third Generation: Inducing Naraku!"

Teacher Kai's iron rod fell with a long black lightning.

The invisible momentum rushed towards him, and Ian's heart immediately shuddered.

The entanglement of the domineering color!

Without hesitation, Ian directly entered the ball-shaped orc mode, and first pulled up the defense.

Then, a flaming iron rod appeared in Ian's hand, and the dark domineering aura was entangled on it.

"Thunder Bagua!"

The iron rod swung.

Then, Ian felt his flaming mace hit the invisible wall.

And it was an indestructible wall that fell from the sky like a meteorite!

The terrifying power crushed down, and Ian's arm suddenly bent, and the ground under his feet sank even more.

He was hit directly into the ground by a stick! He held the flaming mace with both hands and barely blocked the blow.

What an exaggerated power!

It hurts so much!

The ball-shaped defense can't completely resist it!

Ian tried his best to resist, but he was amazed in his heart.

The entanglement of the domineering color is indeed the most powerful domineering move.

Obviously, I am stronger in terms of physical strength.

Then, use a stronger force to fight back!

Ian's body swelled instantly.

The Winged Dragon of the Sun God - Change Form - Combat Form!

The behemoth that was almost 100 meters high suddenly pushed Teacher Kai away.

"Ugh! Life returned?"

Teacher Kai, who was flying in the air, immediately understood the essence of Ian's move and laughed out loud, "Interesting!"


Ian shouted angrily, and the flames on his right arm spiraled and turned into an extremely huge brilliant flame spiral gun, "Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!"

Damn the spiral gun!

The brilliant spiral gun rotated and bombarded with the spirit that penetrated the world!

Teacher Kai laughed wildly and waved the iron rod, "Watch out, kid, this is the Thunder Bagua!!"

Boom! !

Thunder exploded in the sky.

Teacher Kai was directly blown away by Ian's gun.

The entanglement of the Overlord Color is indeed very strong, but it is not invincible.

With his overwhelming power at this time, Ian can still fight against Teacher Kai.

But of course, Ian is very clear that this is far from Teacher Kai's full strength.

Otherwise, how can we say that Teacher Kai is 50-50 with Onigashima?

He fought back and forth with Luffy who just mastered internal destruction, fought back and forth with normal Luffy who just mastered the domineering color entanglement, fought back and forth with Luffy who was entangled in the fourth gear, fought back and forth with Yamato who was not as good as Luffy, and finally fought back and forth with Nika Luffy in the fifth gear.

This teacher likes to adjust his strength according to the strength of his opponent.

"Hot breath!"

A brilliant pillar of fire came from the sky in the distance.

Ian opened his mouth without hesitation, "God of Power Flame Cannon!"

Although there is no need to counterattack or dodge defense at all, the attack of fire can't cause any damage to him at all.

However, the wave is the romance of men!

The two flames collided with each other, and in an instant there was a loud explosion. A huge fireball stretched across the sky of Ghost Island like the sun.

And the next moment, the sun was pierced, and Teacher Kai turned into a meteor and flew over.

"Secret: Red Lotus Blade!"

Countless flaming swords appeared around Ian, and the next moment they began to spin wildly, forming a huge flaming tornado. There is no doubt that everything swallowed by this flaming tornado will be completely torn apart.

However, it does not include Kaido.

He rushed directly into the flame tornado.

Then, the huge body showed amazing agility at this time. He actually danced calmly among the wildly rotating flaming sword blades. If he couldn't avoid it, he smashed it with a backhand.

Can you see the future with Sebaqi?

Ian thought.

The iron rod has been smashed in his face.

"Roaring Thunder Gossip!!"

Roaring gossip?

Then this blow will be difficult to block.



Teacher Kai's iron rod directly hit Ian's head and passed through it.

He suddenly turned around and saw that Ian had transformed into a huge firebird.


The scarlet flame sword has been slashed straight towards Teacher Kai.

Next, it’s time to really go all out!

"Uh-huh! This is so decent!"

Teacher Kai roared loudly, and the black lightning on the iron rod suddenly burst out, "Roaring Thunder and Bagua!"

Teacher Kai's body is already considered huge, and the iron rod in his hand is of course also on the level of a giant.

However, it is still too small in front of Ian's scarlet sword. This is a giant sword nearly 100 meters long!

It's like the thunder god is angry.

Black lightning danced in the sky, and the earth-shattering roar made the water on the sea below jump.


Ian slashed Teacher Kai into the ground with a sword.

The outpouring power even tore a huge ravine on the top of the ghost island, opening a hole in the top of the big skeleton's head.

The flames of destruction destroyed the overlord color wrapped around Teacher Kai's iron rod. Even if he couldn't do more, Ian's advantage in strength could be demonstrated again, and he made Teacher Kai fall with one sword.


Wild laughter came from the ground below, "That's how it works!"

The scarlet sword was pushed away, and the afterimage swept high into the sky. Ian's eyes turned into flames and noticed it.

Teacher Kai has changed again.

There is a wound on his shoulder!

The defense was only slightly broken, and a large piece of flesh was missing!

I hurt Teacher Kai!

But that's not the point of the change.

The key is that Teacher Kai's upper body is thicker, the muscles are fuller, the claws are particularly sharp, and the eyebrows have become like cirrus clouds.

Ian didn't know if this appearance was Teacher Kai's awakening. He only knew that this teacher was starting to get serious!

"Great Weed Thunder Gossip!!"

Overlord-colored lightning radiated in all directions, as if a layer of cobwebs had been cast on the sky, clearly visible even from several kilometers away.

Great mighty virtue!

This time it was really a full blow!

"Wing Shenlong's Destroying Sword!"

Ian waved his sword without any sign of weakness.

Anyway, he is now in phoenix form, so what are he afraid of?

The scarlet giant sword slashed down.

The next moment, the iron rod and the giant sword collided again.

But this time.

Ian felt a huge shock in his hands.

The unrivaled strength made him feel as if the sword in his hand was about to fall out of his hands.

However, before the giant sword could even be released, it was smashed to pieces by Teacher Kai's stick!

At this time, the overlord color wrapped around Teacher Kai's iron rod was too strong, and the fire of destruction could not completely destroy it.

Then, it can only be destroyed.

In fact, the aftermath of Teacher Kai's swing directly blew away Ian's flame body, turning it into a torrent of flames that filled the sky.

This is the power of the Yonko level!

The ensuing battle was quite one-sided.

All Ian could do was to use the phoenix's almost invulnerable nature to stall for time with Teacher Kai.

All of his attacks basically have no way of touching Mr. Kai.

This teacher knew the power of Ian's destructive fire and didn't give Ian a chance to attack him.

So Ian simply stopped using the destructive flames, and instead made ordinary flame weapons by relying on his haki and teacher Kai's confrontation.

The goal at this time is no longer to defeat Teacher Kai.

Instead, observe and learn his domineering attitude.

The entanglement of the domineering color, and the domineering power of seeing and hearing the future.

Fifteen-year-old Ian's physical strength has increased a lot, and the time he can maintain Phoenix mode has also been greatly increased.

But there is still a time limit after all.

When time ran out, Ian returned to normal.

Teacher Kai sneered, "Uh-huh! It seems that's the end of it!"

Ian scratched his head and said, "Teacher Kai, can you be gentler?"

Boom boom boom!

The whole ghost island is shaking.

I don't know how long it took, but Ian woke up.

"Ian! You finally woke up!"

What caught his eye was an anxious face.

He was lying on the bed in his room, and Hancock leaned in front of him. The most beautiful woman in the world had tears in her eyes, "Damn Kaido, you are so cruel!"

She just came over, but she was immediately pulled away by Yamato behind her by the collar. The white-haired girl said plausibly, "I told you that nothing will happen to Ian."

Ian just opened his mouth.

But speechless.

All the bones in his body seemed to have been crushed.

When exiting the Phoenix mode, he chose to enter the spherical attitude orc mode to confront Teacher Kai.

As a result, he was beaten so badly that he fainted.

But it doesn't matter. Now that he's awake, no matter how serious the injury is, it's meaningless.

Ian once again entered Orc mode in ball form.

The injuries on his body began to recover quickly.

Just a few seconds later, he even sat up directly, "It was such a hearty battle."

The beating was well worth it.

Although there is still no clue about Bawang Shi's entanglement, in the process of constant observation and trying to avoid Teacher Kai's attacks, it seems that he has gained some experience in foreseeing the future with Bawang Shi.


Hancock was stunned.

She had indeed never seen Ian seriously injured, so she didn't know that Ian still had such resilience!

"I told you, Ian will be fine!"

Yamato stepped forward proudly and rubbed Ian's head, "It's okay Ian! Next time we work together, we will definitely be able to defeat dad!"

Ian rolled his eyes, and then he said, "Let everyone clean up and go back to Beehive Island."


Yamato and Hancock were both stunned.

So fast?

Ian just smiled and said, "It's a show, of course I have to do the whole thing."

So, not long after.

Marie Gioia.

The five old stars received the information.

"The Beast Pirates have tried their best to block the news, but we still learned that Ian had a fierce battle with Kaido when he returned to Onigashima. It was completely different from the previous master-disciple teaching. Onigashima was almost killed by the two of them. The battle destroyed!”

"The battle ended with Ian's defeat, and he was beaten almost to death by Kaido."

"After he woke up from the coma, he sailed the Golden Flying Dragon again and returned to Beehive Island. Now he has begun to gather the islands that were originally under Wang Zhi's command."

After listening to the information reported by CP0, the five old stars all looked happy.

"It seems that our plan is very successful,"

The bald Wuchuli twirled his beard with satisfaction, "Even if Kaido and Ian don't completely fall out, there is a gap after all. In this case, we can feel a little relieved."

"Ian may be able to replace Wang Zhi's existence,"

The bearded Maz also said, "In this case, the balance of the new world can still be maintained."

"There is also a redhead who ran to the East China Sea."

The bearded Sartan said, "When he returns to the new world, it will be even more lively."

The five old stars smiled in unison.

Everything is under control!

Time passes slightly.

While Ian was busy occupying the islands near Beehive Island, there was Ruskena Island on the other side of the Red Continent, in the windless zone.

On this island where ferocious beasts roam, a human figure suddenly falls from the sky.

"Jie hahaha! It's really easy to find me!"

I'm back home. I don't have a computer, so I use my mobile phone to code. Sorry for being late.

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