Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 40 Ian VS Yamato! A call from overseas

Compared to the oncoming mace, Ian's attention was actually more focused on Yamato's face.

In the past five years, this girl has really grown up a lot.

The once round-faced, gap-toothed white-haired girl is now a slim girl. The flesh on her face has faded, her chin has gradually become pointed, and the childishness between her eyebrows has also dissipated. No one can deny that this is true. She is a very good-looking girl.

A daughter in my family has just grown up.

However, the girl's iron rod showed no mercy.

Yamato appeared in front of Ian instantly as if he shrunk to an inch, and the iron rod wrapped with invisible waves had already hit Ian's head.

Is it also the sixth form?

Umit, who was watching the battle, realized something was wrong with Yamato's speed.

Even if it is a six-style shave, most people will never do it so quickly.

What frightened him even more was that the dark iron rod was entangled with invisible fluctuations.


Umit couldn't help but exclaimed.

No way, such a young girl has mastered domineering! !

Although domineering is the power hidden in everyone's body, if the body and mind do not reach a certain strength, it is impossible to guide the armed sex, knowledge, and sex!

What kind of monster is this girl?

And what surprised him even more was yet to come.

Facing Yamato's iron rod, Ian just retreated slightly, turned his body, and swung his right leg like a steel whip.


The thick leather soles and iron rods collided together, and an astonishing air wave spread instantly.

Wumit's eyes widened, and the boy's leather shoes were also wrapped with domineering aura.

Have both of them mastered Haki?


Yamato groaned, and was kicked backwards by Ian's kick. His two little feet dragged out two conspicuous tracks on the ground.


Ian leaped into the air and swung his legs.

The next moment, blue slashes flew out like a storm, heading toward Yamato and covering the sky.


Umit was stunned.

Is this the strength that a thirteen or fourteen year old boy can possess?

"Jundali·Long Shengjun!"

Yamato was not afraid, he held the iron rod tightly with both hands, and the iron rod wrapped around the domineering force quickly created a series of afterimages in the air, accurately and quickly destroying every incoming slash.

However, during the slashing, a black shadow flickered.

It was Ian. He bullied Yamato in an instant, his body twisted like a page, and he easily avoided every bombardment of Yamato.

Paper painting!

"Point gun——"

Ian raised his right hand and made a fist with it, "Siege cannon!"

The siege artillery bombarded the extremely strong iron bars.


Yamato was knocked away again by Ian's punch.

"It's time to show your real skills, Yamato."

Ian's tie was fluttering in the wind, and he gently landed on the spot and said leisurely.

Not really capable?

Umit quickly turned his head and looked at Yamato who had also landed.

"Then take the move! Ian!"

Thick white hair grew from Yamato's body, and in just the blink of an eye, she turned into a beautiful white werewolf!

Is it also an animal type?

Also an ancient species?

Umit guessed.

However, his suspicion was shattered in the next moment.

Yamato sprayed white freezing air towards Ian.

It was obviously a mist-like breath, but at this time it was shooting like a laser.

Ian chuckled, this girl's life restitution is well practiced.

He used his willpower to change the form of the frozen energy.

Ian used his legs to exert force and ejected into the air.

The weapon color that had just been learned for a short period of time could only be used to entangle, and it was still somewhat incapable of using it to fight against Yamato's freezing energy.

His feet stepped on the air, making a thumping sound, and Ian flew through the air, then fell towards Yamato like lightning.

"Horse Phantom Blade!"

The iron rod was wrapped with white cold air and invisible armament at the same time. Yamato jumped up and faced Ian.

With a bang, the two people who bumped into each other stepped away again.

"Fantasy, fantasy beast species!!"

Umit's pupils were trembling.

There is no mistake. In addition to changing forms, you can also use exclusive special abilities. This is indeed a fantasy beast species!

Is this little girl actually a person with animal-type fantasy beast abilities?

Ian landed and looked at his right hand.

The right hand that had just collided with Yamato's iron rod was now covered with a layer of ice.

As expected, the domineering power gained at the beginning of practice is far from enough.

This girl Yamato's freezing ability has also improved a lot in the past five years.


Yamato's iron rod pointed directly at Ian, "It's time for you to use your abilities, right?"

"That seems to be the case."

Ian didn't object.

You can't defeat Yamato with normalcy alone.


Umit looked at Ian.

No way! Could it be that--

Brilliant golden light began to bloom.

The golden flames flowed instantly, and the hot temperature made Umit sweat instantly.

This, this is!

He looked at the figure emerging from the flames.

The golden-armored winged man with flames wrapped around his body!

Just standing there, the ground beneath his feet was melting.

Is it also a fantasy beast species?

Are you kidding me?

The phantom beast species that are more cherished than the natural ones, and now you see two of them at one go?

Ian spread his hands and said, "Come on, you can attack as you like."

"That's so disrespectful! Ian!"

Yamato was furious, and rushed in front of Ian with a razor, "Hyozu Slash!"

The iron rod wrapped with domineering and cold air was like wind and thunder, and suddenly hit Ian's chest.

The powerful force made Ian fly directly up, flipping over in the air and then landing lightly.

"Wu Attendant Bingya!"

He didn't even have time to stand still, the extremely cold breath had already swallowed him whole.

However, this extremely cold air could not freeze him.

In other words, Yamato's breath was dissipating, because the flames on the surface of Ian's body began to burn.

"I can't freeze it at all!"

Yamato was bulging with energy, like a puffer fish.

Some of them rushed forward in anger, waving the iron rod and bombarding Ian indiscriminately.

But it makes no sense.

The cold air couldn't stop Ian's flames, and the iron rod couldn't penetrate Ian's defense.

"No match at all."

Black Maria sighed, "It would be better to say that there is no way to hurt Ian at all."

"Sister Yamato is already terrifyingly strong! But,"

Jack said almost fanatically, "The opponent is Brother Ian!"

Yes, that girl is already terrifyingly strong.

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, with strong physical fitness, proficiency in the six postures, the armed colors she has mastered, and the ability of the phantom beast species, there are not many people of the same age in the world who are stronger than her. ?

But her opponent, the young man named Ian, was one of them.

Moreover, there is still a huge gap in strength between the two of them.


After the indiscriminate bombardment, not only did Ian not suffer any damage, but Yamato was so tired that he gasped for air while holding the mace.

"Then it's my turn, Yamato."

Ian chuckled.

"Come on horseback!"

Yamato smiled excitedly and tightened his grip on the mace.

Although she will lose, she is not afraid.

Ian stretched out his right hand, and the flames condensed in his palm, lengthened, and then turned into a long mace.

The domineering energy that has no color yet is wrapped around this flaming mace.


Ian ejected.

Yamato also charges.

The two have an extraordinary tacit understanding.

"Thunder gossip!" X2

Above the square, on top of the main building.

"These two brats are really exaggerating. No brat should have such strength at this age!"

Quinn looked down, "Especially this boy Ian, now even I dare not say that I can defeat him easily!"

"Easily defeated?"

Behind him, Jin said coldly, "You can go ahead and try, Ian might give you a surprise."

"Huh? Jhin, you bastard!"

Quinn immediately looked back angrily, "Do you want to say that that brat Ian can defeat me?"

Kaido, who completely ignored the quarrel between the two and was sitting leisurely on the back seat drinking wine, suddenly heard the sound of "Bulu Bulu Bulu".

Phone bug?

He frowned and took out a phone bug from his arms.

There are only a few people who know his number even if they search the entire ocean.

who is it?


The call was connected.

"Kaido...that's great. Your phone number has not changed after all these years."


Kaido raised his eyebrows, then smiled heartily, "Uh-huh-huh! It's your kid! He's not dead yet?"

"Not yet, but he will die soon."

The person on the other end of the phone said, "Actually, Kaido, this time I am asking you for help. Just because of our friendship back then, I want to entrust my children to you."


It’s the last few hours, does anyone have any monthly tickets left?

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