Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 41 Today's Peaceful Country! Talking about Business (Please read on!)

"Are you okay?"

Ian walked up to Yamato.

The girl was sitting on the ground, rubbing her forehead, where a big bump had bulged, and there was a conspicuous burn mark, which was already red.

“Ian’s abilities are so rogue!”

Yamato didn't cry out in pain, he just complained angrily about other things, "No matter what, I can't hurt you!"

Her abilities were indeed completely restrained by Ian.

Although it cannot be said that he is immune to ice like he is immune to fire, it is not easy to freeze Ian who can produce ultra-high temperature flames anytime and anywhere.

At least Yamato couldn't do it.

If elemental attacks don't work, then you can only rely on physical offensives.

It's a pity that Ian's defense is not something Yamato can break through at this time.

"I told you that you are still far from it. If you want to hurt me, you must at least master more powerful Haki."

Ian patted the girl's head, not worried that the girl would be depressed because of this.

"Hmph! Just wait and see Ian!"

Yamato pushed Ian's hand away, jumped up, and declared loudly and confidently, "I will soon master the domineering power you mentioned!"

It's not that easy.

Both of them had just awakened their armament color at this time, and the quality and quantity of their domineering energy were still very low.

It can be wound, but it is still far from hardening, let alone flowing.

It is foreseeable that for a long period of time, Yamato should not be able to cause harm to himself.

"Then come on."

Ian chuckled.

"Of course!"

Yamato wiped his nose.

Her goal is to surpass Teacher Kai, and her desire to become stronger is not inferior to that of Ian.

"Brother Ian!"

Seeing that the fighting between the two had stopped, Jack came over with Wumit, "This guy is here to make trouble! It seems to be the deep ocean current you mentioned before."

"Deep current——"

Ian looked at the man.

He has a captain's hat, small eyes, two reverse-curled mustaches on his upper lip, and a very thick beard on his chin.

"There is such a thing, Deep Current Umit, right? We are here to discuss the purchase of sea floor stones."

In the original work, one of the underground giants of the New World who attended the Charlotte family tea party, a man known as the Shipping King.

"Mr. Ian, first time meeting."

Wumit hurriedly stretched out his hand towards Ian.

This boy seems to have a high status in the Beast Pirates.

All the pirates who were watching the battle were cheering for him.

The boy known as Lord Jack also calls him Big Brother.

"Thank you for coming all the way, Mr. Umit."

Ian reached out and shook his hand. He looked at Yamato and said, "Want to come together?"

"I don't want it, it's boring,"

Yamato shook his head repeatedly, "I'm going to practice! I must master the advanced weapon colors as soon as possible!"

"Go ahead then."

Ian nodded slightly and watched the girl run away happily.

Then he turned back to look at Umit, "Let's go, Mr. Umit, let's go to the building to talk."


Talk to you?

"Mr. Ian,"

Umit still couldn't suppress his curiosity, "Aren't you talking to Mr. Kaido?"

"Idiot, who do you think the person in front of you is!"

Jack heard this guy's doubts about his most respected eldest brother, and immediately said angrily, "Brother Ian is a disciple of Boss Kaido, and is the king of Wano! He is in charge of the entire Wano, and the Sea of ​​Beasts He is also in charge of the thieves’ business!”

Kaido's disciple? The king of Wano?

Umit's eyes widened.

Is this young man so incredible?

"I took the liberty."

Wumit quickly bowed to Ian and apologized, "Please forgive me, Mr. Ian."

"It's nothing, you just don't know anything,"

Ian didn't care, "Let's go."


Wumit no longer hesitated and followed Ian into the main building.

On the way, he quietly looked at Ian's back.

Not even fifteen yet.

The Beast Pirates hide a real monster!

Ian brought Umit to the reception room, and the two of them took their seats.

"Mr. Ian,"

Wumit suppressed his curiosity about the boy and couldn't wait to ask, "I won't say any more nonsense. I am willing to buy Hailou Stone from you at a price that is 20% higher than the market price!"

The price is actually negotiable.

Wumit’s psychological price is even 50% higher than the market price!

Even so, he still felt it was worth it!

This is the Beast Pirates!

Taking this as an opportunity to establish friendship with the Beast Pirates, what is the cost? Just treat it as a friend fee.

However, Ian just said, "It's not a matter of price. Seastone is a very rare mineral, Mr. Umit."

"Except for the part we keep, the part to be sold has already been decided where to sell it. If you want to buy in large quantities, you will inevitably reduce the share of others."

Umit gritted his teeth secretly.

Yes, especially after it was discovered that ships inlaid with sea floor stones could easily enter and leave the windless zone, the value of sea floor stones skyrocketed.

Who wants their share to shrink?

And who was able to purchase the Sea Tower Stone from the Beasts Pirates before? Who is not a well-known force?

A wasted trip?

Umit suddenly looked up and looked at Ian, "Mr. Ian, if you have anything to say, just say it."

If you really want to reject him, there is no need to let him come.

Even now he is politely inviting him to come over for negotiation.

Ian's mouth corners raised.

Talking to smart people is simple.

"Are you interested in cooperating with the Beasts Pirates, Mr. Umit?" Ian said.


Umit's eyes lit up and he spoke without hesitation.

He didn't even ask what the cooperation was about.


Ian nodded with satisfaction, "We can sell seastone to you, but we also hope you can do us a favor."

"Please go ahead."

Umit sat up straight.

"I know you are a famous shipping tycoon in the New World,"

Ian said, "Your fleet is all over the New World, and even the Four Seas and Paradise have your industry."

"It's just a trivial achievement."

Umit shook his head repeatedly, but he couldn't suppress the corners of his mouth.

"I hope you can help us sell weapons."

Ian said, "The far reaches of the new world, even to Paradise and the Four Seas."

The reason for looking for Umit is simple.

That is, Wano Country has an overcapacity of weapons.

In the past five years, Wano Country has undergone tremendous changes.

Because of Ian's sword-abolition order, the samurai class has been completely eliminated, and there are no more people in this country who are called samurai. In addition to the Beast Pirates and Ian's soldiers, the only people who are qualified to wear swords are the sheriffs of various towns.

The enclosure movement has also been continuously advancing during these five years, and a large number of farmers have been forced to leave the land.

In order to survive, they can only enter towns, factories and mines.

A large number of laborers has brought about the rapid development of industrialization.

In five years, factories have sprung up in Wano Country.

In addition to weapons factories, the supporting industries such as mining, steel, manufacturing, and construction are also developing rapidly.

The huge changes have of course brought about huge turbulence.

The sword ban order undoubtedly caused a large number of former samurai to resist, and some samurai even formed a group and led the landless farmers to launch a riot, but they were all easily suppressed by the Beasts Pirates.

To this day, only some stubborn guys have been shouting the slogan of "Heaven punishes the traitors" to kill Ian.

The farmers who were forced to leave the land have settled down at this time.

After all, the kind-hearted Majesty Ian reduced their work intensity, shortened their working hours, and paid them according to their performance.

A diligent worker cannot be said to be very rich, but at least he can barely support himself and his family. Even if the family has a large population, the couple can support it by working at the same time.

This is not much different from when they used to farm, and they don’t even have to worry about the reduction in grain production caused by climate problems.

Life is barely passable.

For the lower-class people, it is enough to survive.

Is it necessary to risk everything to fight against the Beasts Pirates when you can survive?

Therefore, although there are still some latent rebels, the overall situation in Wano Country is also problematic.

The booming industry, rich mineral resources, and a stable domestic environment have resulted in a significant increase in productivity.

Especially in the weapons industry, Mr. Kai originally only wanted to supply the Beasts Pirates for their own use, and only started to sell overseas after finding that they could not use up all of them.

But now, the shipments to the surrounding countries and islands affiliated with the Beasts Pirates have not kept up with the production capacity.

So Ian decided to expand the channels again.

At this time, Umit, who had contacted the Beasts Pirates, came into his sight.

The news that the ship inlaid with seastone can cross the Calm Belt was of course released by Ian in order to raise the price of seastone.

I didn't expect there would be such a pleasant surprise.

Umit is one of the few shipping tycoons in the world. With his help, the weapons of Wano Country can be sold all over the world.

"Of course it's no problem!"

Umit didn't even hesitate, "In addition to helping with the delivery, I can also help you find good distributors in the park and the world! I know a lot of these guys!"

What's the big deal!

As long as I can gain the friendship of the Beasts Pirates!


Ian's eyes lit up, this guy is really considerate.

"So, happy cooperation?"

"Happy cooperation!"

Umit grabbed Ian's hand.

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