Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 42 Let’s go to sea! Ian!

Wumit came worried and left happily.

Yes, he didn't even stay for a meal.

This time, not only was the task of purchasing the Sea Tower Stone completed, but he actually became a partner with the Beast Pirates.

Therefore, there is no time to get carried away now. Wumit must go back as soon as possible to prepare a fleet to transport the Beasts Pirates' goods. At the same time, he must mobilize all his resources to help the Beasts Pirates in the four seas. Looking for partners with the park.

Ian is certainly happy to see this happen.

In this case, excess production capacity can also be converted into wealth.

Wealth itself is not important, but wealth can bring many things.

Ian has always been very concerned about the development of Wano Country in the past five years.

Wumit left on the front foot, and Teacher Kai sent someone to call Ian on the back foot.

To be honest, Ian was a little surprised.

Mr. Kai doesn't care about the Beasts Pirates' business, otherwise it wouldn't be Ian's turn to take charge of all foreign trade.

This teacher is a pure hands-off master who is only interested in powerful things, whether weapons or enemies.

So, why did you call yourself over this time?

Do you want to beat yourself up on a whim again?

Ian set off to the top floor of the main building, where Mr. Kai's room was.

To his surprise, Jhin and Quinn were also here.

"Mhahahaha, boy,"

Seeing him coming, Quinn couldn't wait to laugh and said, "Another deal?"

The Beast Pirates' income has increased significantly in the past few years, and Quinn has certainly benefited a lot from this. Many of the materials he wants can be purchased without any scruples.

Therefore, at first, he was a little bit critical of Ian's behavior, but now Uncle Quinn has learned to shut up.

"A very crucial cooperation was negotiated."

Ian briefly recounted the transaction with Umit.

"Being able to sell our weapons to all over the world has another benefit besides making money,"

Ian said, "You can rely on financial connections to build a network with powerful people in various sea areas."

What network?

Of course it is a network of interests.

No matter where they are, those who can engage in the arms trade are of course ruthless characters who are as ruthless as local snakes and local tigers.

If Mr. Kai really starts a war that sweeps the world in the future, then these guys can always come in handy.

"This kind of thing is fine no matter what,"

However, Teacher Kai didn't seem to care much about this. He just took a sip of wine and said, "When I was in the Rocks Pirates, there was a guy who took good care of me."

Ian raised his eyebrows, "You mean, Charlotte Lingling?"

The relationship between that woman and Teacher Kai is really fascinating.

The ruthless Teacher Kai would also cry because of Charlotte Lingling's defeat, and Charlotte Lingling did take good care of Teacher Kai when she was young.

In addition to what they learned from reading comics before time travel, Ian and Yamato have also asked Mr. Kai about his time in the Rocks Pirates over the years.

Although Teacher Kai is too lazy to talk most of the time, occasionally he is willing to share stories about his past with the kids when he is happy.

In Teacher Kai's narration, Rocks is a selfish and unreliable scumbag, Whitebeard is a naive but powerful fool, and Golden Lion is an arrogant, domineering and stubborn idiot.

Only Charlotte Lingling. Although Teacher Kai scolded her for being greedy and addicted to pleasure, after that, she showed a complicated look while drinking and said, "I don't hate that woman, get along with that woman, and Not a memory that bores him.

Ian actually wanted to ask at that time whether among the many children of Charlotte Lingling, there was any contribution from Teacher Kai.

But I was afraid of being beaten, so I gave up.

Now that Teacher Kai mentioned the person who took care of him in the Rocks Pirates, the first thing Ian thought of was of course Charlotte Lingling.


Teacher Kai shook his head, "It's another guy. I thought he was dead long ago, but I just found out he's still alive."

Ian nodded and waited for Teacher Kai's next words.

However, Teacher Kai actually has friends other than Charlotte Lingling.

"He said he was going to die soon, and only his son and daughter were worried,"

Teacher Kai looked at Ian and said calmly, "He said he hoped to entrust his daughter and son to me."

Ian raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

As soon as I said that, I remembered.

Runti and Peggy Wan, right?

Their father is an old acquaintance of Teacher Kai, and they were indeed entrusted to Teacher Kai.

"I'll leave it to you, kid."

Teacher Kai burped, "Go and bring those two brats back."

Ian was immediately shocked, "Teacher Kai, you mean, I can go to sea?"

It's impossible for the two siblings to be in the country of Wano, right?

Since we want to bring them back, of course we have to go to sea.


Teacher Kai smiled meaningfully, "Boy, of course you are now qualified to explore the sea."

It was really hard for Ian not to look forward to this.

Ever since he was picked up by Teacher Kai when he was two years old, he has never left Wano Country for eleven years, and even spent most of his time on Onigashima. He has long been bored.


Ian asked, "Where are they?"

Teacher Kai spit out a place name, "Beehive Island."

"Beehive Island?"

Ian was stunned. "The base of the Rocks Pirates back then, the Beehive Island?"

This place sounds so familiar.

If I remember correctly——

"It's now the territory of that bastard Wang Zhi,"

Teacher Kai said casually, "My old acquaintance stayed on Beehive Island when the Rocks Pirates split up, and got married and had children there."

Wang Zhi, a former member of the Rocks Pirates, a famous pirate in the New World.

Ian thought for two seconds, "Teacher Kai, this shouldn't mean that I should go to fight with Wang Zhi, right?"

"Didn't I say that? You just need to pick up those two little ghosts."

Teacher Kai glared, "Although Wang Zhi is a fool, it's too early for you to fight him."

Ian nodded gently, "I understand."

"I understand, then make preparations! Let's go now. I have people at the dock and the harbor to prepare the boat for you."

Teacher Kai grinned, "Enjoy it, this is a school trip for the little ghosts."

Leaving now? Are you in such a hurry?

It seems that Teacher Kai's old friend will not live long.

I originally said to ask who I can take with me, but it seems that I don't need to ask.

Is it finally time for us to appear?

Ian thought.

"Then I will go to find Yamato and the others."

Ian said goodbye.

After he left.

Quinn said with some worry, "Boss Kaido, is it really okay to let the little ghosts go out on their own? Otherwise, let that bastard Jin follow them quietly?"

It's not that he is worried, it's really that these little ghosts are the future of the Beasts Pirates, especially Ian and Yamato.

"No need, without going through wind and rain, the little ghosts can't grow up."

Teacher Kai just drank, "Besides, Ian, that kid, no longer needs protection."

"Unless that bastard Wang Zhi takes action himself, but that guy knows very well that if he dares to take action against my little ghost, I will crush him into powder!"

Over the years, Mr. Kaido has really changed a lot.

Jin sighed silently.

At least Ian and Yamato are already the people he cares about the most.

Ian quickly found Yamato who was exercising on the beach. The little girl turned into a white wolf, spewing cold air to freeze the sea.

"Yamato, go pack your things, we're going to go out to sea."

"Go out to sea?"

White Wolf turned around, "Are we going inland?"

"No, I said we were going to go out to sea,"

Ian said, "Where we're going is,"

"The world."

It's time to see this world.

Yamato's eyes lit up instantly.

"The world?"

Happy May Day, guys, and by the way, I'm asking for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month

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