Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 43 The Golden Dragon! Set sail (Please read on!!)

"Brother Ian, Sister Yamato, did Boss Kaido allow you to go to sea?"

Jack almost yelled in surprise.

Ian took out his ears, and the earwax was loosened by his shouting.

This kid is not only big, but also has a ridiculously loud voice.

"It's us!"

Yamato was not as excited as Jack at all. She clenched her little fists and said repeatedly, "Dad said let the four of us go together!"

"Out to sea?"

Black Maria also had expectations in her eyes.

She has never left Wano Country.

"Very good!"

Jack shouted excitedly, "Boss Kaido recognizes us! He thinks we are qualified to represent the Beast Pirates in the sea!"

What could make him more excited than Boss Kaido's approval?

That’s pretty much what it means.

Ian didn't think Jack was wrong.

Even Black Maria is almost at the level of a pillar, not a level that can be called a miscellaneous fish.

Yamato excitedly waved his little fist, "Then let's go!"

She was so excited that she was ready to run to the port.

"Don't worry."

Ian rolled his eyes and grabbed the girl's ponytail.

Are you ready to go to sea empty-handed?


Yamato's scalp was painfully pulled by Ian, and she turned back angrily, "Ian! What are you doing!"

"Go back and pack your things first,"

Ian said earnestly, "Teacher Kai should prepare other supplies for me, but at least a change of clothes must be prepared."


Yamato suddenly realized.

"Each go back and pack your things. We will meet at the port later." Ian said.


The three of them answered at the same time.

Later, Onigashima Port.

On a small sea ship, Ian looked at Jack who ran onto the ship humming.

"Brother Ian! It's time to go!"

Jack, who was carrying a big bag, shouted excitedly.

"Let's go!"

Yamato had already run to the mast early and was waving his little fists happily.

She was the first one to come over. After all, all the clothes were of the same style, so there was no need to think about matching.

"Then let's go."

Ian nodded.

The ship gradually sailed out of Onigashima Pier and headed towards Renwu Port.

Ian stood on the deck, looking at the end of the blue sea.

I have sailed from Ghost Island many times, but this time, it is different.

I really want to leave Wano Country and see the world for the first time.

how to say.

The heartbeat is speeding up.

It’s really hard not to have expectations for this world.

Ghost Island, top floor of the main building.


Kaido, who was drinking, felt something and suddenly laughed.

"Go ahead, kiddos."

He said, "It's time to start fooling around!"

Basbu Port is a port located in the White Mai area of ​​Wano Country. Of course, this port only serves ships sailing in the inland sea.

Ian and the four disembarked here.

The next step is to take a bus to Qiangang.

"Master Ian! Miss Yamato! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

A man met them at the port.

This man is tall and strong, with a thick beard on his chin. The most eye-catching thing is the two sharp teeth that protrude upward.


Ian knew this man, the future warden of Rabbit Bowl Prison, and he was considered to be something among the mainstays of the Beast Pirates.

"Lord Kaido asked me to accompany you all to go to sea."

Babanuki, who was more than half taller than Ian, bowed in front of Ian, "The ship, supplies, navigator, ship's doctor, cook, and sailors are all ready and ready to sail at any time."

"Eh? Why is this like this?"

Yamato immediately looked disappointed after hearing this, "I thought there were only four of us."

"Idiot, what are you talking about."

Ian couldn't help but hit her on the head.

None of the four of them have experience going to sea, and without experienced sailors to accompany them, they may not be able to sail very far, and they will have to discuss the matter of returning home. Especially, this is still the New World, the New World with the worst navigation conditions.

"Come on, Babanuki, lead the way."

Ian said.


Babanuki raised his head and said, "Please follow me."

He had already prepared the dragon carriage outside the port.

The so-called dragon cart refers to a cart pulled by a dragon.

The dragon here is a characteristic creature of Wano. It is a creature similar to a velociraptor. After being domesticated, it can be used as a mount. Some even use them to cultivate land in Wano.

The speed of the dragon cart was not too slow, and it pulled the five people towards the harbor.

Sitting on the dragon carriage, Ian looked out at the scene through the window.

What attracted his attention the most was, of course, the arsenal not far from the port.

The continuous high towers, billowing smoke, and the huge scale of a small town, appearing in such a backward country, simply give people a magical feeling.

And there are many such factories in Wano Country.

The dragon cart gradually moved away, leaving the factory far behind.

It wasn't that far in the first place, and soon the dragon carriage had stopped outside this heavily guarded port.

There is nothing much to say about the port on the ground. Ian has been here many times, but this is the first time he has taken the huge elevator down.

All the way to the bottom of the huge cave, where the real port is.


Yamato had already exclaimed at that time.

In front of him is a waterway in the cave, extending to the end of the mountain wall.

This waterway is the passage from Wano to the overseas.

Arriving at the port at the bottom of the cave, Ian saw the ship they would take to sea this time.


He was a little surprised.

This ship is quite large, with a scale of over 300 meters, which is definitely not small even among the piles of giant ships in the pirate world.

But size is not the point. Ian doesn't care about the densely packed gun bays on both sides of the ship and the huge main gun on the bow. The key is that the sculpture on the bow looks familiar.


Yamato elbowed Ian, pointed at the bow of the ship and said, "Just like you!"

To put it simply, it can be seen at a glance that the sculpture on the bow of the ship is based on the form of Ian's winged dragon. The head of the ferocious golden flying dragon is inlaid on the bow of the ship.

There are wing carvings on both sides of the hull, and even the main color of the hull is a luxurious golden yellow.

"The name of this ship is the Golden Flying Dragon. Sir Ian, this is a sea ship specially prepared for you."

Babanuki said respectfully, "It took two years to build, and it has been two years since it was completed. It has been parked here."

No, Teacher Kai, you’ve prepared a surprise for me, right?

Ian's lips curled up slightly.

In the original work, Jack also had his own exclusive ship, so it seems that it is not incomprehensible to build an exclusive ship for himself.

"Is it for Ian?"

Yamato immediately looked at Babanuki, "What about me?" She pointed her slender fingers at herself, "Where's my ship?"

Babanuki immediately said, "Sir Yamato, your ship is also being built."

Does that mean Yamato doesn’t deserve a ship of his own yet? Is that why her ship was not built at the same time as her own?

Ian guessed.


Of course, Yamato's mind couldn't think of that much. She just said expectantly, "I don't know what my ship is like!"

"I guess there's a wolf head?"

Ian said casually, "The color scheme should be white."

"Eh? How do you know, Ian?" Yamato was shocked.

Ian rolled his eyes, "Guess."

Black Maria covered her mouth and chuckled. Yamato, who is stupid, is actually very cute.

Jack, on the other hand, just looked at the ship with bright eyes.

Is this the treatment of a senior cadre?

Sooner or later, I will have a ship like this! Become a leader of the Beast Pirates!

"Okay, let's board the ship."

Ian said, "Ready to go."


Amid Yamato's cheers, everyone boarded the ship. The wide deck that could take off and land aircraft made Ian couldn't help but have an idea.

Otherwise, let Uncle Quinn study airplanes?

A ship of this size can be used as a bankrupt aircraft carrier.

The sailors on the ship were already in place. Following Babanuki's order, the anchor was pulled up. The sailors rowed their long oars in the cabin, and the ship slowly started to move towards the front of the waterway. OK.

This waterway is located under the inland sea of ​​Wano Country, extending from the southern interior of Wano Country to beyond the high wall. The length is of course exaggeratedly long.

It wasn't until most of the day that the long waterway finally reached the end, and light came from the front.

"Are you finally going out?"

Yamato jumped out of the deck in excitement, "Ian! I'll wait for you in front!"

She turned into a white wolf and ran forward on the water, leaving only a frozen road.

This girl must be too anxious.

Ian shook his head.

The Golden Flying Dragon moved forward, and soon it drove out of the huge cave entrance, with a huge waterfall in front of it.

After going around the gap next to the waterfall, the blue sea finally appeared in front of Ian's eyes.


Ian couldn't help but sigh.

The sea I saw this time was finally endless.

However, everyone knows that the coastal waters of Wano are full of turbulent eddies and huge whirlpools.

Fortunately, the Golden Flying Dragon is large enough to avoid the intrusion of undercurrents to the greatest extent.

"Ian!! Hahahaha!"

Laughter came from below, and Ian lowered his head. In front of the boat, Yamato turned into a white wolf running happily on the sea, "This is the real sea! It's so beautiful!"

Ian smiled and said, "Don't be too excited. It feels beautiful now, but maybe you will feel bored in a few days."

"would not!"

Yamato retorted loudly, "I'll never get tired of watching it in my lifetime!"

Thank you to book friend 20220622160125202 for your 100-point reward. You are so brave!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket wow!

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