Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 51 Ancient species of the Snake Snake Fruit! Unexpected situation (please read on!)

Chapter 51 Ancient species of snake fruit! accidents

"Boss Snake is going to fix those brats of the Beast Pirates!"

On Beehive Island, pirates rushed to tell each other.

In an instant, the entire island was boiling.

As we all know, Boss Snake is the leader of the Wangzhi Pirates. If he wants to attack the Beasts Pirates, does that mean that the Wangzhi Pirates will go to war with the Beasts Pirates?

Does this mean that Boss Wang Zhi is going to war with Kaido?

So exciting, so exciting! It's rare to see a battle between strong men. Even if you die this time, it will be worth the price of admission!

With this thought in mind, the pirates on the entire island are gathering in one direction.

Inside the skeleton building, in a dimly lit room, a conversation was unfolding.

"Boss Wang Zhi, is it really okay to just ignore Snake? Kaido seems to attach great importance to those brats."

"What does that bastard Kaido think of me? With just one phone call, he wants me to cooperate with the brats he sent here. Are you kidding me? Let Snake teach those brats a lesson. Kaido has to thank me."

"Can he still come to trouble me just because those brats were beaten up?"

Ian probably also knew that his affairs had attracted the attention of the entire island.

Because there are indeed more and more pirates watching.

However, these spectators are not important.

Ian just stared at the long-faced man in front of him. Listening to the comments from the pirates around him, he seemed to be called Snake.

A familiar name, but fortunately he is a pirate, not a lawyer.

"Everyone come together."

The man named Snake, whose figure was indeed as slender as a snake, rolled up his sleeves slowly, "Don't say I bullied the brat."

"This guy is so arrogant!"

Yamato was instantly angered and pulled out the mace from his back, "I'm going to beat him! Ian! Don't interfere!"

"I can't do this."

Ian was also rolling up his sleeves, "Yamato, can you hand this guy over to me?"

Although the strength of Wang Zhi's pirate group is definitely inferior to that of the top pirate groups on the sea, so it stands to reason that the strength of the cadres under his command is definitely not as strong as Uncle Jin's.

It's just that there's only one difference. This guy is probably quite strong, and he should be much stronger than a guy like Skuard. It's probably very difficult for Yamato to defeat him at this time.

"I do not want it!"

Yamato retorted loudly.

"Then let's go together."

Ian rolled up half of his sleeves, revealing his arms that were not too thick, but quite strong. The muscles under the skin slowly squirmed with his movements, giving people an inexplicable feeling like steel.

"Maria, Jack,"

Ian did not look back, "Runti and Peggy Wan are left to you, protect them."

"I know, Brother Ian!"

Jack answered loudly.

He knew that Brother Ian thought that neither the eldest nor the eldest sister could win against this man, so they would be even less able to help.

Jack hated his weakness in his heart, but he assured Ian categorically.

"Brother Ian——"

Runti was carrying her younger brother on her back, looking at Ian's back, and suddenly said loudly, "Be careful! I heard people say that Snake is a person with ancient abilities of the animal system!"

"Noisy brat."

The pale Snake's eyes narrowed slightly, which made his eyes look even more clammy, as cold as a snake.

"Ancient species?"

Ian smiled half-heartedly, "It seems very powerful."

"Thunder gossip!"

Yamato's reaction was much more direct. He ejected, jumped up with the mace, wrapped the iron rod around Haki, rounded it and hit Snake on the head.

"Lei Ming Bagua? Are you worthy?"

Snake chuckled, leaned back, and then suddenly bumped his head forward.

Iron head! The power is eighty!


Yamato's iron rod hit Snake's iron head, and his dark forehead directly bounced away from Yamato's mace, and Yamato was also bounced away.

However, Snake couldn't help being shocked. This stinky girl has so much strength!

The shock lasted less than a moment, and Snake's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead in an instant.

Because the moment Yamato was thrown away, a sudden finger almost pierced his eye socket.

"Hell Thrust: Ipponite Hand."

Ian's right index finger was wrapped with Haki, so close that Snake could almost see his fingerprints clearly.

The combination of shaving and finger guns can increase the power of the finger guns while getting close to the opponent through an instant burst of speed.

At the critical moment, Snake's head, which had been tilted back, was smashed forward again.


The air was shaking, and dark lightning was radiating.

Ian fell back as if he was electrocuted.

The domineering force is much stronger than that of Scuyard.

My index finger is a little numb.

Therefore, at the moment of being repelled, Ian flicked his slender right leg, "Lanjiao·Chaos!"

The blue storm roared out in an instant and swallowed Snake directly.


Snake shouted loudly, and his whole body suddenly became dark. The flashy air blade storm fell on him like it was tickling.

The whole body is armed with color, which is stronger than the iron block, but only a little.

Those who liked to use this move in the original game were basically cut off.

However, this move is very useful for Ian who is weak in dominance at this time.


Before Yamato even landed, he had already swung the mace with all his strength.

The domineering energy turned into a spear and stabbed Snake directly in the chest, causing the man to slide back.

"soy Mujer!"

Snake only had time to look up, and Ian was already close to him again.

"Fingergun·Siege Cannon!"

Snake raised his left arm to block and hit Ian's head with his right fist.

Although you are very fast, you can still see things, boy!

Iron Fist is about to smash Ian's head.

Ian's head is indeed flat.

The right side of the head collapsed inward, allowing Snake's fist to pass through.


Snake's narrow eyes widened.

Paper painting! Boy!

Ian punched Snake in the face with his backhand, knocking the guy away.

it hurts!

Snake was flying in the air, blinded, and his face was a little deformed.

This boy's strength is even more exaggerated than that white-haired girl!

"Jiang Sanshi Yin Nai Luo!"

Yamato fell from the sky, and the iron rod hit Snake's chest directly, causing the guy to fall to the ground like a meteorite.

"No way?"

The pirates around him suddenly lost their composure, "Boss Snake, was he actually suppressed?"

"It's just those two brats?"

"These two brats have such a tacit understanding! The attacks come one after another, without giving Boss Snake a chance to breathe!"

Yamato landed next to Ian and smiled, "Ian, don't hold back!"

"That's what I'm saying."

Ian chuckled, "Besides, this is just the beginning!"

The smoke from Snake's landing was instantly blown away, and the behemoth rose up.

"Kid! How long are you going to keep fooling around! You are so proud of being able to push me to this point!"

The huge head looked down at the two Ians, with orange vertical pupils staring at them, "But the farce is almost over!"

"Wow, it's so big!"

Yamato raised his head in surprise, "Bigger than Ian!"

It is indeed a huge exaggeration.

A snake, a giant snake with a length of more than 100 meters, was entangled in front of Ian and the two of them. Even if only the upper body was erected, his height could already be called a tall building.

"Appeared! Animal type, ancient species of snake fruit, Titanoboa form!"

A pirate was exclaiming.

Not a stick insect but a snake?


That body shape is not surprising.

Ian thought.

"Brother Ian! Be careful!"

Runti, who was hiding behind Jack and Black Maria to watch the battle, had already exclaimed nervously, after all, this was too big!

"Don't worry, Xiaorun."

Black Maria smiled gently and said, "Ian, he is much stronger than you think. He is almost getting serious."

Ian is indeed ready to transform.

"Lord Ian!"

Panic shouts came suddenly.

Ian turned his head, and Babanuki squeezed through the crowd and rushed over, "Something is wrong!"

Something bad happened?

Is there any worse news than the fact that the Wangzhi Pirates are about to fall out with himself and others?

Babanuki shouted, "The Whitebeard Pirates are coming!"


Ian was stunned.



Titanoboa was also stunned.

"You mean, the Whitebeard Pirates?"

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