Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 52 Marco is coming! (Please read on!)

Chapter 52 Marco is coming!

Beehive Island Port.

Ian stood on the dock and looked into the distance.

On the sea outside the island, several pirate ships were approaching quickly.

With such a big deal like the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates, Snake had no intention of fighting Ian and quickly went back to Wang Zhi for advice.

And Ian and others arrived at the port smoothly.

Judging from the current situation, it shouldn't be that easy to leave. The Golden Flying Dragon is blocked in the port.

"A·O Pirates, Lei Qing Pirates, Octopus Pirates! Three pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirates came at once!"

Babanuki stood behind him and said worriedly, "I'm afraid there is also the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates on board."

It was for my group of people.

Ian is very conscious of this.

Otherwise, he couldn't have come to start a war with Wang Zhi, right?

Maybe it's because you didn't clean up Scuyard's pirates when you were on Banana Island before, right? There was also a fish that slipped through the net and reported his whereabouts to the Whitebeard Pirates.

This is really troublesome.

Back in time.

On the blue Qinghai Sea, a pirate group rides the wind and waves, and the outline of Beehive Island has emerged at the end of the distant horizon.

Marco stood on the bow of one of the ships, "Are you sure?"

"It's confirmed,"

The man standing behind him is tall and thin, with a thin sword on his waist, and two long beards that turn back and forth like lightning. His name is Makugai, Lei Qing Makugai, a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. , one of the most famous pirate captains.

"I sent people to Beehive Island in advance to find out the news. About half an hour ago, those brats landed on Beehive Island. They were looking for someone."

"Finally found!"

An impatient voice came from behind.

A man dressed as a geisha, Izo couldn't help but pull out his gun. He looked at Marco with eyes full of longing, "Marco!"

Marco nodded slightly, "Let's go find the imps."

They put a lot of effort into finding those little devils.

Because they only knew their approximate heading, several pirate groups sent many people to all the islands in this sea area just to prevent those few brats from escaping.

Fortunately, now it seems that all the efforts were worth it.

found it!

"I want to speak to Wang Zhi."

Marco said solemnly, "This time, there is no room for him to meddle."

"The phone bug is ready."

Makugai pulled out a phone bug and quickly dialed a number.

Later, Beehive Island, inside the Skeleton Building.

"Bastard thing!"

In the dimly lit room, the man was furious, "Marco! Damn brat! How dare you talk nonsense in front of me! When I and his bastard father were roaming the sea together, he was still a fertilized egg!"

"But Boss Wang Zhi,"

In front of him, there was another man, "We have no reason and should not get involved in the war between the Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Even if those brats were kidnapped by Marco, it was the Whitebeard Pirates that Kaido wanted to take revenge on, and it had nothing to do with us."

"And I think that if you have to offend one of them, Whitebeard is obviously a more formidable opponent than Kaido."

Wang Zhi in the darkness did not speak.

There are few people on the sea who know Whitebeard and Kaido better than him. After all, they have been on the same ship for many years, on this Beehive Island.

"This might be an opportunity."

Wang Zhi suddenly spoke quietly.

The anger just now has completely disappeared, "The war between Newgate and Kaido is of course an opportunity for us."

After all, the new world is still too small, and there are too many monsters.

"Tell Snake—"

Time returns to the present.


"Master Ian, what should we do now?"

The experienced Babanuki was also sitting on the wax at this time, sweating profusely and at a loss.

Experience and wisdom are of no use when facing enemies that are completely beyond your ability to deal with them.

"Since they are coming for us, let's fight them!"

Zhan Kuang Yamato was majestic, with his feet on the guardrail of the pier, and his mace pointed at the approaching ships in the distance, "Destroy them!"

Fighting is fun!

When Babanuki heard this, there was even more sweat on his forehead.

Miss Yamato, now is not the time for you to be willful!

He looked at Ian longingly.

"Brother Ian, is he a very powerful opponent?"

Runti, who followed him to the port, carefully pulled Ian's trouser legs.

"We have to find out who the person is looking at."

Ian said softly, "However, I think Yamato's suggestion may not be undesirable."

"Hahaha! Right?"

Yamato bared his teeth at Ian proudly.

"Lord Ian!"

Babanuki was about to scream.

Isn’t Lord Ian the most cautious? Why were you assimilated by Miss Yamato today?

Ian didn't answer.

He had gone through a round of thinking.

The first thing that is clear is that Whitebeard is definitely not coming.

Otherwise, it would be the Moby Dick that appeared on the sea at this time.

In other words, the people who would lead the army would at most be big cadres like Marco, Jozi, and Bista. Furthermore, facing the unknowns like himself, it was unlikely that these big cadres would come together.

It might even be just an ordinary captain leading the team.

The situation is not that bad.

Although I don't want to fight, it is now a situation where it is impossible not to fight.

If you don't fight, you can't survive.

"Lord Ian!"

Babanuki was still trying hard to dispel Ian's crazy idea, "Maybe we can seek help from Wang Zhi."

"Good idea, Babanuki,"

Ian applauded Babanuki's good idea, "Go and call everyone on the boat. Maybe Wang Zhi can at least help."

If Babanuki and the pirates were allowed to stay on the Golden Flying Dragon, they would undoubtedly become the target of the other party.

The Golden Flying Dragon was stuck in the port and couldn't escape. The Whitebeard Pirates' fleet could blast it into the sky with just a few salvos. This ship was not like the Thousand Sunny, which could jet and accelerate into the sky.

If we really want to fight, let's put the battlefield on Beehive Island.

The key to victory or defeat lies in protecting one's own strength while reducing the opponent's strength.

When they arrived at Beehive Island, due to Wang Zhi, the Whitebeard Pirates would restrain themselves no matter what.

"I see."

Babanuki ran back to the ship and called all the crew members off the ship.

However, as soon as everyone on the ship stepped down from the deck, a group of pirates came to the port.

The leader was Snake.

The man looked at Ian, and Ian looked at him. He also looked at the pirates behind him, all of them loaded with weapons and ready to fight at any time.


You really can use the wind to steer the ship, Wang Zhi.

"Feel sorry,"

Snake's face was expressionless, "Kids, the adult's amusement park is closed to you. Boss Wang Zhi said it's time for you to go home."


Ian put his hands into his trouser pockets, "Is that so?"

"friendly reminder,"

Snake pursed his lips towards Ian's back, "Your opponent is here."

Ian turned around, and on the big ship in the distance, a blue flame bird spread its wings and flew towards this side.

The second most troublesome guy in the Whitebeard Pirates is here.

Good news, Whitebeard really didn't come.

Bad news, the worst of the good news.

"He should entertain you well."

Snake showed a cold smile, "Now, kid, get on your boat and get off this island!"

Ian turned around and said calmly, "What if I say no?"


The corners of Snake's mouth gradually raised, and finally settled into a teasing arc, "I think you might need a little help."

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