Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 66: The strongest in the present vs. the strongest in the future (please read on!!)

The latter part of the new world.

Marco's eyes were extremely solemn, and his eyes were fixed on the figure flying in front of him.

The chase had been going on for almost a day.

This bastard Jin had no intention of stopping to fight him, but just kept running away.

Then, in the process of running away, he smashed down the flames and destroyed the town below.

Marco had forgotten how many times he had been angry. He only knew that in the end, when he saw the town engulfed by flames, he was numb.

But there was one thing he never forgot.

He must catch this bastard!

And at this time.

In front.

Jin, who was flying forward, paused slightly, and the sound of Den Den Mushi sounded in his arms.

There was no need to connect.

Jin looked back at Marco who was chasing him at a high speed.

The game was over.

The flames behind his head disappeared in the next moment, and then, whoosh! Jin turned into a black shadow and flew forward.


Marco was stunned.

How could it be, so fast?

"Asshole! Don't run!!"

Marco almost screamed. Although he hadn't reacted yet, he instinctively felt that something bad was going to happen next.

However, the speed difference was too big. Even if Marco had flapped his wings with all his strength, the final result was that he could only watch Jin fly farther and farther until he disappeared at the end of the sky.

A panic suddenly rose in Marco's heart.

This guy, where is he going next?

It's bad! I must notify my dad immediately!

Whitebeard Pirates.

Marco called back immediately.

"... Dad! That's it! I suspect Jin is on his way back now!"

Marco's voice was anxious, "But my speed is far inferior to his! Even if I want to catch up, I will be behind for a long time!"

"I see!"

Whitebeard finally understood the plan of the Beasts Pirates at this time. He looked back at the back of the Moby Dick. Above the clouds, the monster was not far away.

Kaido, that bastard, has been harassing every day these days.

Now it seems that it is also to determine their location.

In order to take advantage of the time difference when Marco is not there and Jin can quickly come back, the final battle will be fought.

Kaido is really good at calculating.


"Don't worry, Marco,"

Whitebeard laughed proudly, "Who do you think I am? Even if you are not here, will I lose to Kaido, that bastard?"

Marco on the other end of the phone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing the words of his most admired father.

Yes, Dad is the strongest man in the world!

With him, what can I do even if I am missing?

"Kaido wants to fight, which is exactly what I want!"

Whitebeard said with a smile, "If he keeps harassing, the Beasts Pirates will keep shrinking in Wano Country, and I can't do anything about them!"

But now, it's different!

"I understand, Dad! I will come back as soon as possible!"

Whitebeard, ready to fight.

The time in the sea where the Beasts Pirates are located is after this day.

One warship after another rode the wind and waves on the sea, and the waves on the sea were crushed by the heavy ships. The sails gathered together seemed to be dark clouds flowing on the sea, covering the sky and the sun, with great momentum.

Ian stood on the deck of the Golden Dragon, looking up, and the huge monster slowly descended from the sky.


Behind Ian, Yamato greeted the blue dragon in the sky happily.

The huge head was drooping, and just opening his mouth to speak raised a gust of wind, "How long will Jin take?"

"I contacted Uncle Jin yesterday, he said he would return soon, so he should be here soon."

Ian said, "It's time to start."

"Ugh! You really made me wait!"

Teacher Kai's laughter made the sails of the Golden Dragon swell up.

The next moment, the huge blue dragon soared into the sky, "Leave the white beard to me, and you can do whatever you want with the rest!"

As soon as the words came out, Teacher Kai had already grabbed the flame cloud and climbed into the sky, flying quickly towards the front.

The Whitebeard Pirates are in the sea ahead.

"Speed ​​up!"

Ian ordered.

Uncle Quinn protested unhappily from a nearby ship, "I've already said that I'm the one who gives orders!!"

The fleet accelerated and headed for the sea ahead.

It didn't take long for an island to appear in Ian's sight.

The Whitebeard Pirates are on that island.

They are waiting for the arrival of the Beasts Pirates.

Ian could only sigh, worthy of being Whitebeard.

Whitebeard should have known that Uncle Jin was returning, right?

On the basis of the high probability of missing one high-level combat force, he still had to fight the final battle with the Beasts Pirates. This can only be said to be worthy of being Whitebeard.

On the small island ahead.

"Dad! Here we come!"

Thatch stood on a high rocky peak beside the coast. There are many such rocky peaks on the coast of this island. Thatch looked at the large fleet in the distance with a telescope.

"The total number of people is probably close to 10,000! The main force of the Beasts Pirates is coming!"

"On the ship are——"

He took a closer look, "Quinn! And that brat! In addition to Jhin, two big cadres are here!"

"Ku la la la la! Is it finally here? It's really hard for me to wait!"

The man as tall as a little giant thrust the huge naginata in his hand into the shore beside him. Not far behind him, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates and the captains who joined the pirates under his command were all ready.

Under the white-bearded captain's hat, his long golden hair was flying in the oncoming sea breeze.

"Children! Get ready to fight!"


There was instant joy on the coast.

The Whitebeard Pirates are never afraid of fighting.

"Then, just say hello to them first!"

Whitebeard's right fist was clenched tightly, and the muscles of his right arm were tense.

A translucent white light group suddenly appeared on the fist, a fine buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and the air around the light group was slightly vibrating.


The fist suddenly hit the air in front of him.

The air shattered suddenly like glass, dense cracks spread suddenly, and invisible shock waves instantly pushed the seawater in front of it backwards.

The wet seabed was forced to be exposed, and even turned upside down by invisible forces, forming a chasm directly in front of the island.

Whitebeard, artificially created the ebb tide!

The water that was forced to retreat pushed more water, and soon formed huge waves one after another, heading towards the incoming fleet of the Beast Pirates with great momentum.

"What an exaggeration."

Ian couldn't help but gasp.

Having the power to destroy the world is truly a well-deserved reputation.

Who dares to fight Whitebeard on the sea?

With just one punch, huge waves hit the sky, and the boat was knocked directly into the sea.

Ian looked up.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!"

As if he didn't see the huge waves below, Teacher Kai laughed and accelerated towards the island.

Does this mean that everything else is up to us?

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Let me freeze the tsunami!"

Yamato is eager to try.

You'd better take a moment.

Yamato will definitely have such power in the future.

But she can't do it yet.

"I'll open the way and you prepare to land and fight!"

In a golden light, Ian instantly rose into the sky, and the huge golden flying dragon flapped its wings and took off.


Whitebeard looked at the golden light rising into the sky in the distance, "Is that the ability that makes Marco helpless?"

"Nooooooo! Newgate! Let's fight!!"

The green dragon has already soared.

"Then come on!"

Whitebeard casually pulled out the naginata beside him and looked up at the sky, "I leave this place to you, children!"

The outcome of his battle with Kaido will determine the outcome of this war.

"Leave the rest to us! Dad!"

Foil Bista had already drawn the double swords from his waist, "We will make it impossible for them to even log in!"

"Ku la la la la!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, "Then let's start the war!"

Ian flapped his wings and soared into the sky. Below him was the huge wave surging towards the fleet.

"Divine Flame Cannon!"

The fiery breath turned into rays, randomly sweeping across the huge waves below. A violent explosion suddenly occurred, connecting together on the sea surface, forming a flaming mountain range.

The explosion directly shattered the huge waves one after another, clearing the way for the fleet to move forward.

Of course, strong currents can also impede the fleet's progress.

But it doesn't matter. When the kinetic energy of Whitebeard's shock wave completely disappears, the returning sea water will greatly accelerate the forward process, but it may be a little rough.

Ian flapped his wings and moved forward, quickly approaching the island.

He could already see clearly the dark mass of people on the coast of the island.

The Whitebeard Pirates headquarters and the eighteen affiliated pirate groups have a total number of more than 20,000 people.

Standing at the front are the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates. Each one of them is a true ruthless character.

This battle is not that simple.

So, let's say hello first.

With a mechanical right paw, a huge flame spear condensed in Ian's hand, and then he threw it forward.

The flame spear instantly pierced the air, traveled across the sky, and fell towards the Whitebeard Pirates like a meteor.

However, just when the missile-like spear was about to fall into the crowd, Shan! A huge mountain with a height of 100 meters suddenly rose into the sky like a cannonball!

The mountain peak collided with the flaming spear, instantly detonating it in mid-air. A brilliant firework exploded in the sky, while rubble flew all over the sky.

"Are you going to throw a mountain at someone?"

Ian couldn't help laughing, "It's really exaggerated!"

What an imaginative way of fighting.

Among all the monsters and monsters with all kinds of strange abilities, it was really touching to see such a simple and unpretentious fighting method.

And the man who was thrown out of the mountain was looking up at Ian, with murderous intent on his face, "Kid! Get down! I'll crush you!"


Ian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Diamond Jozi, what an amazing power!

But, are you targeting me?

Don’t you know the tradition of pirates, number one against number one, number three against number three? Your opponent should be Uncle Quinn.

Not far behind Joz, Vista shouted, "That brat is coming! Everyone, scatter! Don't repeat the mistakes of Honeycomb Island!"

The destructive power of this brat is still too strong.

"Ugh, ugh! Come on! Newgate!!"

In the higher sky, Qinglong's body shrank, and suddenly the human form of Teacher Kai fell from the sky. He had taken out the mace and fell from the sky with a long black lightning.

Whitebeard raised the naginata in his hand, and the blade instantly turned black, and the same black lightning began to spread.

The next moment, the iron rod and the naginata collided!

No, they did not collide with each other!

The two weapons bombarded each other in the air! The two invisible forces clashed fiercely, forming a small black dot like a black hole in the middle, and a large amount of domineering lightning was radiated unscrupulously, plowing thousands of gullies in the surrounding ground like a laser.

The violent wind swept everything on the island in an instant, and many pirates on the coast were even blown away, which made Ian narrow his eyes slightly.

Even on the other side of the island, the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates was blown so hard that the anchor was almost pulled out of the seabed and blown away.

Even more amazing changes appeared in the sky.

A huge gully appeared in the center of the clouds that originally covered the sky, and the clouds began to dissipate rapidly with this as the boundary.

Ian blew a whistle.

The emperor-level combat power started to fight the sky as usual.

Their laughter can be heard here.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh! Old man! Come and please me!"

"Kulalalala! Little brat! You are the challenger!"

Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, and Mr. Kai, the man who will be called the strongest creature in the world in the future, started a battle at this moment.

Mr. Kai, will he win?

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