Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 67: Ashes Return! Diamond Joz! (Please read on!)

Boom boom boom!

The whole island began to shake violently, and the surrounding sea water was turbulent.

All this was because of the fierce battle between two monsters on the island.

The battlefield between the two of them gradually moved to the island.

On the other side of the sea, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were ready.

Ian looked back, and behind the fleet, a torrent rolled in, and the backflow of sea water pushed the fleet of the Beast Pirates to approach rapidly.

Then, the problem of landing must be solved.

Ian lowered his head and looked at the pirates of the Beast Pirates gathered on the coast.

The pirates' positions were very scattered, as if to prevent their own bombing.

These guys learned from their mistakes.

However, after all, the number of people is here, no matter how scattered the positions are, they can't be too sparse.


The golden body instantly melted into the flames, bright red and golden coexisted, and the bird of fire spread its wings in the sky.

God of Immortal Bird! Attack!

Ian flapped his wings and flew down.

But, it was at this moment.

Ian suddenly heard the crackling sound of glass breaking. He looked up and saw an invisible shock wave whistling, and the air along the way was shattering.


The Flame Bird was blown away by the surging shock wave in an instant, and the brilliant flames were directly shattered.


Ian looked at the center of the island filled with smoke and dust.

Teacher Kai, what are you doing?

"Whitebeard! What are you doing!!"

Inside the island, Teacher Kai, who had turned into a dragon man, roared, his body became stronger, his eyebrows curled like clouds, and he was as ferocious as a devil, "Roaring Thunder Bagua!"

"What? You are not convinced?"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, and the cloud cloud cut was wrapped with two-color domineering and translucent shock waves at the same time, and it collided with Kaido's iron rod.

The terrifying aftermath of the clash of weapons spread in all directions, and the jumping domineering lightning alone broke the surrounding rocks in half.

The battle here is still inconclusive, or rather, without anyone interfering, it will take a few days to determine the outcome.

Ian's side.

The golden body gradually emerged in the flames.

He didn't plan to consume too much physical strength at the beginning of the battle.

Now it seems that this is very advanced.

With Whitebeard intervening, it is not easy to bomb.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly came.

Ian looked back and saw that the fleet riding on the huge waves was very close to the island.

Quinn stood on the bow of a warship in the middle, looking at the coast of the island that had entered the range.

"Mhahaha! Fire! Hit me hard!"

All ships opened fire, and shells flew towards the coast of the island.

"Prepare to meet the attack!!"

Facing the falling shells, Flower Sword Vista jumped up, and the two swords in his hands suddenly turned black, "Hah!"

With a loud shout, the two blades spun, and the flying slashes like flowers dancing in the sky gathered into a storm, directly piercing the flying shells and causing violent explosions all over the sky.

However, he alone could not block all the shells.

It should be said that even if all the captains and captains now attack together, there are still many shells falling.

The coast immediately exploded one after another.

However, the Whitebeard Pirates did not just take the beating. The heavy artillery that had been deployed on the shore fired at the same time, and the same black shells went towards the fleet of the Beasts Pirates.


However, the flames all over the sky came across the sky, forming a wall to block the shells heading towards the Beasts Pirates, and directly detonated them in the air.

But this is not Ian's flame.

"Uncle Jin!"

Ian turned his head and looked at the Pteranodon that was coming like a heavy bomber. He couldn't help but laugh, "You're back just in time!"


Sachi on the rocky mountain gritted his teeth, "This bastard is back too soon!"

Has it been a day since Marco contacted them yesterday?

It will take at least twice as long for Marco to get back!

"Jin! You bastard!"

On the side of the Beasts Pirates' fleet, Quinn was cursing.

Jin's flames not only blocked the shells of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also blocked their shells!


There's no need to bombard at this distance, right?

Riding the huge waves, the fleet is about to rush to the coast!

"Here we go!"

Diamond Joz shouted, "Back off!!"

It's not that they deliberately gave the Beasts Pirates a landing position, but mainly because of the surging waves and the fast-moving ships that came at the same time. If they stayed on the shore, they would be crushed directly.

The pirates began to retreat quickly.

At the same time, Ian flew to Jin's side.

He noticed that Jin was panting slightly.

It seemed that flying back at full speed all the way was quite exhausting for him.

"What are you looking at? Get ready for battle!"

Jin regained his human form and drew out the long sword at his waist, "Fire Dragon King!"

The flames wrapped around the blade, and the next moment it turned into a huge fire dragon and launched out, falling towards the Whitebeard Pirates below with its fangs and claws.

"I'll do it!"

Flower Sword Vista jumped up again, slashed with a few consecutive swords, and cut the falling fire dragon into several pieces, making it impossible for it to fall.

But at the same time, Ian had his hands in the air.

The flame in the right hand merges with the flame in the left hand.

"The brilliant flames of the Winged Divine Dragon!!"

The flames condensed in the beast form are hundreds of meters in size, just like the second sun in the sky.

And as Ian swung down, the sun fell!

"Hey! This is too exaggerated! Huh?"

Thatch quickly jumped off the rocky mountain. He felt the mountain trembling under his feet.


Below, Diamond Jozi grabbed the bottom of the rocky mountain with both hands, and at the same time used his Haki to strengthen the mountain, so that his hands could grasp the mountain well and prevent it from collapsing.

With the man's loud shout, he tore the rock apart, and then with all his strength, he threw the nearly 100-meter-high cylindrical rock into the sky.


When Sachi saw this, he cheered loudly, "Haha! That's it!"

The rock mountain collided with the fireball, instantly detonating the fireball in the air.

"It's so difficult."

Ian sighed.

On the sea, huge waves have already hit the coast first, splashing the sky with spray.

After several consecutive waves, huge pirate ships rushed towards the coast driven by the current, unstoppable!

With continuous loud noises, the pirate ships plowed deep ravines on the coast. The Beast Pirates are landing!

"Mhahahahaha! Come on! You trash!"

Quinn put her foot on the bow of the boat and laughed loudly.


The white shadow jumped out first, it was Yamato! The girl had transformed into a werewolf form, stepping on the air and sprinting forward.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of pirates jumped from the deck, cheering and charging.

After that, huge figures began to appear on the decks of ships.

There were ten in total, monsters as huge as mountains appeared with strange smiles.

The ground shook as they jumped to the shore.

"what is that?"

On the side of the Whitebeard Pirates camp, Thatch was extremely shocked, "Ancient giants? That's an exaggeration! Teach! Go and kill them all!"

"Eh? Me?"

Beside him, a fat black man with a hook on his hand pointed at him blankly.

"Haha! Just kidding, but..."

Thatch pulled out the two swords on his waist. As a chef and a swordsman, this is understandable, right?

"Marco is not here, we have to fight no matter what!"


Black fat man, Marshall D. Teach secretly complained in his heart, but he nodded solemnly on his face, "I understand! Captain Sage!"

"Then come on!!"

The Whitebeard Pirates are also charging.

The pirates of the two pirate groups collided together in the next moment. Gunpowder and blades, screams and death began to play music at this moment.

"Hahahaha! Reigning to the Third World·Yinnaraku!"

Yamato suddenly fell from the sky, and the iron rod that fell suddenly exploded into a white mist of ice. A large number of pirates approaching her were instantly frozen into ice blocks.

"Sacred Foot·White Snake Drive!"

The girl turned into an afterimage and shuttled among the crowd. Every time the iron rod was swung, a group of pirates were beaten into ice sculptures and then shattered.

She had a great time.

But Ian in the sky frowned.

What is this idiot doing? Don't you know how to look in the direction when charging?

Yamato's iron rod hit a man on the back of the head.

But this time, not only did Yamato not smash the head, but she was shocked so hard that her hands hurt and she was thrown away.

The tall man turned around and looked down at Yamato, who was a little surprised, "Kaido's daughter?"


Yamato tilted his head, "Who are you?"

Diamond Jozi frowned.

There should be a limit to looking down on people, right?

Half of his body instantly turned into diamonds and crashed towards Yamato like a locomotive, "Sparkling Crash!"

Women don't matter, children don't matter, he is an egalitarian.


Yamato was suddenly startled.

So fast!

Although it is such a huge body, the collision speed is astonishingly fast!

Oops, too late——

Boom! !

The ground shook, and a huge thing fell from the sky, punching Jozi on the body.

The earth suddenly shattered, and just the aftermath of the spreading force caused the surrounding soil and rocks tens of meters to explode and fly into the sky.

Jozi took two steps back and looked up in surprise.

Such power!

"This guy is not the opponent you should face now."

A faint voice came from above.

Yamato raised his head in surprise, "Ian?"

Above her head is a huge golden flying dragon.

"Go play somewhere else."

Ian grabbed Yamato and threw her towards the coast.

"Ian!! So treacherous!!"

The girl's unwilling shouting made Ian roll his eyes. He originally planned to be lazy and deal with the other captains. The two big cadres, Jozi and Bista, were left to the two uncles Jhin and Quinn.

"Just in time!"

Jozi's face was cold and stern, and the veins on his arms appeared like snakes, and then twisted, "I will crush every bone of yours to commemorate Izo and all the companions you killed!"

How scary.

How about replacing someone else?

Ian turned his head.

Not far away, Uncle Jin was already wielding a flaming sword and slashing at Vista.

And Uncle Quinn had also turned into a giant brachiosaur and was besieged by a group of Whitebeard Pirates captains, including a familiar black fat man.

It was a pirate-style group battle, captains versus captains, cadres versus cadres, and small fish versus small fish.

There was no way.

Then let me break the situation.

The huge body began to shrink, and Ian's limbs were covered with eggshell-like shields, and his slender body became thick.

"It's best to use this form to deal with you."

Ian moved his neck and grinned, "Come on! Diamond Joz."

If it's a comparison of strength and defense, I'm confident that I won't lose to anyone.

"Shining Charge!"

Joz didn't hesitate and once again rushed towards Ian like a locomotive.

Ian also started.

The ball-shaped beastman mode moves slowly, but.


It's different with this move.

Ian catapulted forward, and at the same time, the flames behind him spewed out to speed him up again.

"The Iron Mountain of the Winged Dragon!"

The two figures, one big and one small, collided with each other in an instant.

The air seemed to be torn apart, and thunder exploded here.

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