Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 68: Heaven's nemesis! The fist that breaks diamonds! (4K please read!)

"You seem a little tired? It seems that rushing back in such a short time has consumed you quite a lot."

After splitting the huge blade that was coming towards him with a knife, Bista stepped forward and slashed his opponent's waist with a backhand knife.

But it was meaningless.

His blade was like cutting on seastone, and it couldn't cut at all.

Could this guy really be the legendary clan of gods, the Lunaria clan?

"It's enough to deal with you."

Jin didn't care about Bista's attack at all, and grabbed a ball of fire with his right hand and smashed it down, "Flame Emperor!"


The flame exploded.

At the same time, on the coast.

"Mhahahaha! You idiots, just come at me!"

Quinn has turned into an orc form, and the three laser cannons on his tail, whip, and mechanical arm fired at the same time, and his opponents could only flee in embarrassment with continuous lasers one after another.

"Damn it! What on earth has this guy transformed his body into!"

While dodging the laser, Thatch complained loudly, "Don't get hit by his laser! This is not an attack that our Armament Haki can block!"

"We all understand the truth! But we can't get close to him like this!"

The black fat man Teach dodged flexibly and shouted, "Captain Thatch, think of a way!"


Quinn smiled jokingly, "What can you do with just you?"

Without Marco, what are these guys?

Even though Captain Thatch of the Fourth Division is also a famous pirate in the New World, his strength is still far behind Marco, Joz, and Vista.

So what if a few more trash are added?

Mhahaha, let's try the new plague bomb.

In addition to the battle of the big cadres, the most eye-catching ones are of course the Barbarian Tyrants.

The ten monsters bought from the World Government showed extraordinary combat effectiveness at this moment.

Although they were the failed products of the giantization experiment, and although their brains were not very smart, their destructive power was undoubtedly strong.

Ten giants just waved their maces, and a large number of pirates were beaten into flying all over the sky. Even if the captains wanted to contain them, it was not easy because of the huge difference in strength.

The whole coast was in chaos at this time.

"Thunderous Bagua!"

Yamato hit a pirate captain who was attacking her with a stick and broke him into two pieces of ice. Then the girl leaned on the iron stick and looked a little uninterested, "So boring! Aren't there any stronger guys?"

"Little devil! Don't be so presumptuous!"

A cold voice came from behind.

Yamato turned around.

It was a woman.

Wearing a captain's hat, long light blue hair, and a thin and long sword in her hand.

Ice Witch, Waidibei!

The battle entered a stalemate at the beginning.

At the same time.

In three places not far from the sea here, people became restless.

"Boss Wang Zhi! Kaido has launched a general attack! The final war is about to begin! But Whitebeard's situation doesn't look good! Jin has come back!"

"Kaido is actually playing this trick? That's not good! We have to do something!"

"Mom! Kaido has started to act!"

"Mom, mom! Let's go and have a look!"

"Mr. Sengoku! Kaido has launched an attack, but the Charlotte family is also taking action. What should we do?"

"Go stop BIG·MOM! We can't let them mess things up now!"

The island of decisive battle.

In the dense rocky jungle on the coast.

The explosions continued, and the towering rocks around were constantly shaking.

And the source of everything was the two people who were constantly colliding at this time.

Ian was constantly punching.

The fists wrapped in dark domineering and golden flames hit the tall body of Diamond Joz in front of him one after another, hitting the head, chest, waist and abdomen, and hitting wherever they could.

While attacking, he was also constantly being beaten.

Joz's huge fist was also wrapped with Haki, or a higher level of flowing Haki, which also continued to hit Ian like a storm.

Both of them gave up dodging and let the other party attack them in exchange for the opportunity to attack each other.

"What are their bodies made of?"

The pirates fighting around them couldn't help but be stunned.

How could they fight like this?

However, neither of them had any effect on the other.

Ian's fist only made a bang when it hit Joz's diamond body with Haki attached.

Similarly, when Joz's heavy fist hit the surface of Ian's golden armor, it also had no effect. Ian in the ball form beastman mode had a defense power no less than Jin.

"Only they can be each other's opponents, right?"

Even the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates couldn't help but have such thoughts at this time.

If it were someone else, they couldn't break the defense at all.

"Don't get close! Don't disturb their fight!"

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates all said this in tacit agreement.

They couldn't intervene at all.

At this moment, Ian and Joz punched each other in the chest at the same time, sending each other flying.

Ian crashed through two rocks head-on, and then fell deeply into the third mountain.

Deep in the mountain peak, Ian stood up forcibly, and the result was that the entire rock mountain collapsed directly. When he walked out of the falling rocks and soil, Ian raised his head, and a thick shadow enveloped him.

A mountain, a hundred-meter-high rock mountain, crashed towards him from the sky.

So cool!

This guy Jozi is exaggeratedly powerful, and his attack power is even stronger than Marco's.

Coupled with the indestructible diamond defense, the level of trouble will never be lower than Marco's.

Ian jumped up, and a huge hole was instantly created in the ground by him. Then with this force, he lifted into the air like a cannonball.

Ian jumped directly to the side of the rock mountain and kicked hard.

The moment his feet came into contact with the rock, his domineering strength strengthened the rock so that it would not collapse.


The 100-meter-high rocky mountain was like a ball. It was kicked back by Ian and fell towards Jozi who was thrown out of the rocky mountain not far away.

"What kind of strange power is this! Forget about Captain Jozi, why does that brat do it!"

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates simply don't understand.

But Ian still said that if it was a competition of strength, he didn't think he would lose.

The falling rock was shattered by Jozi's punch in an instant, and the man once again hit Ian like a running locomotive.

What a hassle.

It stands to reason that Ian's flames can completely restrain Jozi's diamond. After all, the ignition point of diamond is only one thousand degrees. Ian can directly burn Jozi to ashes with a fire, and his physical defense will not work at all.

However, there is such a thing as domineering in the world.

Jozi's domineering power could completely insulate him from the high temperature, and Ian's attack could only leave a faint scorch mark on his body.

You still have to use a trick.

The two began to fight with fists again.

But suddenly for a moment, Jozi's punch suddenly missed.

No, it’s not empty!

Jozi's pupils suddenly shrank, and his right fist penetrated Ian's body!

This guy turned into flames!

Entered the state that Marco said!

"This is the second stage."

Taking advantage of the moment when Jozi was punching hard and the old strength was gone but the new one was not regenerated, Ian, who turned into blazing flames, hit Jozi hard with his backhand punch.

His fist was bright red.


Jozi groaned in pain and shot backwards as if he was electrocuted, crashing directly through a rock mountain.

He clutched his chest and lowered his head in disbelief.

"Without the domineering force as a defense, a mere diamond is nothing more than firewood."

The blazing flames radiated high heat wantonly, and Ian's fists turned into flames and turned into scarlet red.

This is the Fist of Destruction.


Diamond Jozi's eyes widened, and there was a hole in the lower left side of his chest.

Not to mention the skin and muscles, even the ribs protecting the heart were almost penetrated, and the beating heart could be seen under the ribs!

How can it be! !

Is this what Marco said, the physical red flame? What is this kind of destructive power!

Ian raised his lips.

The more difficult it is to destroy something, the slower it will be destroyed by the flames of destruction. Masters like Marco Chozi are very domineering, and it is good to be able to continue to contact them. If it is only the moment of collision, the flames can only barely destroy their domineering power.

However, just this "barely" is enough.

Even if there is no destructive power, as long as the domineering energy is penetrated, the flame's restraint on the diamond will be revealed, and Jozi's body will be directly evaporated.

Coupled with the power of destruction, it is completely normal to carve a hole in Jozi's chest. It would be better to say that he did not punch through him directly. This guy is already domineering enough.

How to say Tianke, Tianke.

"Jozy! Are you okay?"

Among the Whitebeard Pirates who were fighting with the Beast Pirates next to them, a big-headed fishman noticed what had happened here and exclaimed.

"That Muir! Don't come here!"

Diamond Jozi shouted loudly, "Don't ever get close to this guy!"

Jozi knew very well that even he was hit hard by a punch. If other friends came over, I'm afraid this kid could kill them with just a touch.

Marco said that this guy's moves have time limits.


It must be dragged over!

"Stay away from this guy!"

Jozi shouted loudly, turning around and running back.

This is not cowardice, just tactics.


Humph, want to escape?

The speed of the phoenix form is different from that of the ball form.

The flame spurt turned into an accelerator, and Ian's speed increased again, turning into an afterimage, and rushed in front of Jozi in almost the blink of an eye.

So fast!

This bastard is no slower than Marco!

Diamond Jozi gritted his teeth and turned back.

Since you can't avoid it, then.

"Sparkling Punch!!"

Jozi protected his chest with his left hand, and used his right hand to deliver a powerful and heavy punch.

The domineering energy wrapped around his fist surged out like a torrent and was about to blow Ian away.

The same is true of Marco’s experience.

"Wing Shenlong's destructive fist!"

Ian just sneered and punched without fear.

The destructive fist was like a fish swimming upstream, directly breaking a hole in the torrent of domineering force, and then punched Jozi's fist.

It's really stupid. The attack power of radiating Haki is indeed stronger, but the defense power is weakened.


Joz fell back with a cry of pain, clutching his arms.

His right fist was punched through directly, and several fingers that lost support fell to the ground.

Jozi gritted his teeth secretly. Facing this guy's form, he could only choose to delay for time.

But how to delay it?

"Joz! Run!"

At this time, the fishman Namuel rushed over with a group of pirates, "We are here to help you stop him!"

"That Muir! What are you doing!"

Qiaozi's body was shaken, "Don't go there!"

"Jozy, leave us alone! Everyone come together!!"

But Muir didn't care at all, Jozi couldn't die! He is the great fighting force of the Whitebeard Pirates! The fishman just took a deep breath and said, "Yumman Karate·Umi Taiko!"

The fish-man swung a forward fist, and the air in front of him was distorted.

The moisture in the air was pulled at this moment and turned into a shock wave towards Ian.

Ian just stood there, and the shock wave of water vapor had dissipated due to the high temperature before it approached him.

And more pirates were rushing towards him.


Ian didn't even bother to attack, he just sprayed flames and flew forward with his wings vibrating.

Blades, guns, fists and feet, a lot of attacks fell on Ian.

But it couldn't stop Ian from flying forward at all, and he was melted directly without even being able to pass through Ian's body.

The flaming winged man passed directly through the group of pirates.

Only charcoal was left on the ground.

"Bastard thing!!!"

Seeing his companion die, Jozi not only did not take the opportunity to escape, but instead rushed towards Ian with eyes wide open, "I'll kill you!!"

"Shining Crash!"

The Diamond Man crashed directly towards Ian, his front spraying domineering energy.

It's true of the white group, everyone is risking everything to let you escape, and running back would be an insult to their sacrifice.

But of course, you can't escape by running.

In order to get rid of this guy in one go, Ian did not skimp on his physical strength. This time the Phoenix will last a long time.

"The fire of divine wrath!"

Not only was it unstinting, it was simply luxurious. The red flames condensed on his hands had not dissipated yet. Ian's body once again bloomed with red flames, like a scarlet flower.

It's like the second stage of Valkyrie.

In Jozi's tightened pupils, red flames instantly engulfed him.

The destructive force exerted force in an instant, and Jozi's domineering energy covering the surface of his body began to be destroyed rapidly. Even if he continued to condense the domineering energy again, the speed of destruction was almost proportional to the speed at which he condensed the domineering energy.

At this time, a figure suddenly came in among the red flames.

"it's over!"

Ian threw a punch.


Joz roared, swinging with his intact left fist.

But the next moment, the left arm was punched by Ian from the fist to the elbow, and then the entire forearm turned into nothingness.

Ian's fist, which was completely unimpeded, hit Jozi's chest hard.

Then, it penetrated.


Jozi's body stiffened instantly, and his right arm that was about to hit Ian also stiffened.

A red pillar of fire penetrated his body and spurted out from behind.

The hole in his chest expanded at a jaw-dropping speed.

Not only that, the surface of the body is also disappearing rapidly.

Ian took two steps back.

A few seconds later, he was the only one left in the red flames.

It’s so tiring.

The load of being a phoenix for a long time, plus two rounds of the Fire of God's Wrath, was indeed too great, and more than half of his physical strength was consumed in one breath.

However, it is easy to win.


An angry roar came from one side of the island.

Ian felt the earth shaking, and he turned his head. The huge slash was accompanied by a violent shock wave that swallowed up everything and crushed him.

Come again?

Teacher Kai, is there something wrong with your playing this time?

The shock wave swallowed up Ian, swallowed up everything in its path, penetrated the entire island, rushed into the sea, and set off huge waves in the sky.

Brother Taobo, he will always only do big things

By the way, please give me some monthly tickets.

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