Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 69: Desperate Situation! Troublemaker! (4K please read!)

After the raging storm, a huge crack was left on the ground, like a scar across the island.

Ian had disappeared long ago, and no one knew where he went.

On a rocky mountain above the rift, stood a woman with green hair.

Kozuki Toki lowered her eyebrows. She also came, or rather, how could she not come?

She had noticed Joz's predicament and ran over to send him to the future away from Ian.

But it was too slow, too late.

The woman shed tears silently. Was everything because of herself?

Because of revenge, Izo died, and now even Joz died.

Many people have died, how many more will die?

She thought she was strong and could do anything for revenge.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

On one side of the island, the battlefield of monsters.

"Hehe! Whitebeard, are you crying?"

Kaido, who was swinging the iron rod vigorously, stopped laughing, "Ian, that kid did a great job, otherwise it would be difficult to see you like this."

"What father would not be sad for the departure of his child?"

Whitebeard gently wiped the tears flowing from the corners of his eyes, "Kaido, you deserve to die!"

The island suddenly began to tremble.

Not only that, the sea surface outside the island also began to distort, pieces of the sea surface rose into mountains, pieces of the sea surface collapsed into basins, and the whole sea boiled.

"Ugh! Come on!"

Teacher Kai rushed forward with a wild laugh, "It would be best if you could kill me!"

"Whitebeard! He's angry!"

The location was above the battlefield, quite high in the sky, in a hanging basket under a hot air balloon floating here, a birdman holding a telescope in one hand and a Den Den Mushi in the other was explaining excitedly, "Hahahaha! Well done! Ian the Sky-Burning! This nickname is so good! Even Diamond Joz was burned to ashes by him! Whitebeard was completely enraged by him!"

"But that kid was also directly hit by Whitebeard's attack, and the result is still unknown."

"But in general, the final outcome depends on the outcome of the battle between Kaido and Whitebeard. If Kaido is easily defeated, then everything is empty talk."

"What are you doing?"

When the explanation was in full swing, a surprised voice suddenly came from behind.

The birdman paused, all the feathers on his body stood up, and he turned around in horror.


He saw a golden figure, slender, ferocious and majestic.

"Oh! Ian! It's Ian of Burning Sky!"

The birdman shouted in surprise, "Hahahaha, are you still safe? The Whitebeard Pirates are in big trouble!"

He said to the Den Den Mushi in his hand, "Friends, this kid looks very good! No one in the Whitebeard Pirates can stop him!"

"So, Morgans, what are you doing?"

Ian raised his eyebrows.

Big News Morgans, the president of the World Economic News, how could this guy be here?

Just now, he was directly blown away by the shock wave of Whitebeard's slash.

It should be said that it was fortunate that he was still in the Phoenix state at that time, otherwise it would be hard to say what the current situation is.

But even if he turned into an untouchable flame, he was blown directly through the entire island and blasted into the sea by this blow.

If it weren't for his ability to ignore the restraint of the sea water, he should have been buried in the sea now.

I wanted to find a place to rest and recover my strength, but I saw this hot air balloon floating in the sky.

When I flew up, I saw this birdman.

Could it be that he was broadcasting live?

"Is it obvious?"

Morgans shook the Den Den Mushi in his hand, "I want to provide the front-line situation of the war to those who want to understand this war."

"By the way, since I met you,"

Morgans handed the Den Den Mushi in his hand to Ian, "Ian of Burning Sky, do you mind if I give you a brief interview? The world is really curious about you!"

The war zone anchor, right?

Ian took the Den Den Mushi from his hand, "I am Ian, I like singing, dancing, rap and basketball."

Then he threw the Den Den Mushi in his hand down the hot air balloon.


Morgans subconsciously wanted to rush over to catch the Den Den Mushi, but although he was the Albatross Fruit ability user, he could not fly, and could only watch the Den Den Mushi fall into the sea.

Before he could say anything else, Ian had already grabbed his neck, "So, who are your listeners? I will decide whether to make you into a roast chicken based on your answer."


Morgans' body suddenly trembled.

"Haha, haha, don't be so irritable, brother Ian,"

Morgans laughed dryly and said carefully, "There are quite a few people who listen to my live broadcast, including the navy, the government, some kings, and guys like BIG·MOM, Wang Zhi, etc."

This guy's network of relationships is really exaggerated.

Compared to Ming Ge, he is the real black and white.

"Brother Ian, I can also give you a piece of news."

Morgans said, "Now, Wang Zhi Pirates, BIG·MOM Pirates, and the navy fleet led by Sengoku are all eyeing this place."


Ian was really confused.

So many?

"Now, because of your existence, the Whitebeard Pirates are completely at a disadvantage. Maybe someone can't hold back and has already started to act."

In other words, will there be anyone who will mess up?

Below, on the island.

"How could it be?"

Flower Sword Vista's eyes were filled with tears, "Joz!"

"Are you still sad?"

The blade of the Jin sword suddenly cracked into gaps, directly blocking Vista's double swords, and then Jin kneed Vista and knocked him away.

Then Jin flew into the air, swung the long sword in his hand, "Amulet·Fire Dragon King!!"

A huge dragon of fire rushed out, and then dozens of small dragons of fire were separated, overwhelming the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Destruction came from this moment.

The flaming dragon rolled forward on the battlefield, instantly igniting countless pirates, and many unlucky pirates of the Beast Pirates were affected.

Desperate screams instantly spread on the battlefield.

"No! No! No! Don't hurt them anymore!"

Toki was shuttling around the battlefield, she wanted to save the people engulfed by the flames.

However, Jin's magma-like sticky flames melted all the people directly, and she couldn't send them to the future even if she wanted to.

The woman grabbed her hair in pain.

How many more people are going to die?

After three years of getting along, she had already regarded the members of the Whitebeard Pirates as real family.

Now, her family is being slaughtered!

And all this is all because of her.

The strong sense of guilt was like a tsunami, swallowing her up in an instant.

Don't fight anymore, just stop here! !

I want to stop this war!

Toki showed a determined look.

"Kill him! Teach! We must kill him!"

Thatch roared, waving his swords desperately and rushing towards Quinn.


Teach responded a little weirdly.

Not good.

Joz was killed so quickly and so easily?

He didn't really lose, did he?

What should I do in that case?

In addition to the two of them, there was a group of pirates charging.

"Mhahaha! A bunch of idiots!"

Quinn fired several lasers in a row, piercing through a group of pirates.

At the same time, his shoulder cracked, and a row of shells emerged. The whizzing shells made it impossible for the pirates to show their heads.

At this time, Teach's eyes turned and he took a step forward.


A shell suddenly exploded in front of him, and the guy screamed and was blown up into the sky, falling into the distance like a kite with a broken string.


Thatch's eyes were bloodshot.

Has another family member who has been with him day and night been killed?

"You still have the mood to worry about others?"

Behind the smoke, Quinn laughed strangely, put a special shell into the barrel of the mechanical arm, and then aimed it at Thatch who was rushing over.


The shell was fired and flew forward rapidly.

"Who do you think I am!"

Sachi cut the shell with a sword, just a shell-


The shell exploded, and a white smoke suddenly spread, covering Thatch and the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates around him.


"Mmhahaha! Idiots!"

Quinn laughed, "You are finished! Have a good taste of my new plague bomb!"

Plague bomb?

That's when Thatch realized something was wrong.

He suddenly felt an itch.

It spread from the depths of his throat and he couldn't hold it back at all.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Sachi began to cough heart-wrenchingly.

The pirates who had come into contact with the white mist just now also began to cough violently like him.

"Hahaha! The virus will first invade your lungs, then enter the blood circulation through the lung mucosa, and eventually enter the brain. The virus will damage your brain nerves, and eventually destroy your sanity, turning you into a beast dominated by animal nature."

Quinn looked at Sachi and others who had fallen to the ground and twitched constantly, and couldn't help laughing, "How about calling it Beast virus?"

Sachi and others' skin turned red, their eyes turned dark, and saliva flowed from their mouths. At this time, they turned over and pounced on the surrounding pirates like mad dogs.

"It's a pity that the kid would never let me use the infectious version when there were people of my own, otherwise-"

Quinn sneered, and he didn't forget to shout, "Idiots! Stay away from these guys!"


He paused suddenly.

He caught a figure from the corner of his eye.

The guy who was slowly trying to get away from the coverage of the plague bomb smoke.

Quinn had an impression of him.

The black fat man following Sachi had some strength, but not much.

Is he still alive?


The mechanical arm raised and fired the laser.


Quinn's eyes widened in surprise, and he missed.

"Thief hahaha!"

The fat black man who dodged the attack turned around with cold sweat on his face, "Can we reconcile?"

"Reconcile? At this moment? Are you kidding?"

Quinn, who felt insulted, sneered and aimed three gun barrels at Titch, "Go to hell! Bastard!"

Titch's face darkened instantly.

He couldn't die before his dream came true.


He ran away without hesitation.

Who wants to fight someone who has such a dangerous weapon?

Ian was falling.

The news from Morgans was not good.

Although I don’t really want to, I have to report to Teacher Kai.

When passing through the air, Ian saw Yamato fighting a blue-haired woman. The woman's sword blades were filled with ice spreading between them, which looked very cool.

But ice?

Isn't it funny to use ice to deal with Yamato?

Sure enough, soon, Yamato almost completely ignored the woman's offensive, and hit the woman with a few sticks with his backhand until her whole body was covered with ice.

This girl shouldn't have to worry.


Ian noticed a fat black man running away on the battlefield.

Uncle Quinn ran after him.


Forget it, it's probably not that easy for Blackbeard to deal with Uncle Quinn at this stage. Uncle Quinn even has the time to fire lasers and cannonballs to attack the surrounding members of the Whitebeard Pirates, so let them have fun.

Ian stopped staying and spread his wings forward. Soon, he saw the two people who were fighting fiercely.

The battlefield was so shaken that it looked like the end of the world.

Ian didn't get too close either. Whitebeard should hate himself quite a lot now.

"Teacher Kai,"

Ian shouted at the top of his lungs, "There is bad news. Wang Zhi, Big Mom and the Navy are all watching us. Someone should be coming to disrupt the situation now."

There shouldn’t be anyone who wants to see the Beast Pirates’ complete victory, right?

"Uh-huh-huh! Isn't that just right?"

As expected, Teacher Kai responded to Ian with a loud laugh, "Then let them come together!"

"Kid! Is that you?"

A pair of eyes locked firmly on Ian.

The violent momentum is already coming.

Oh oh.

Again, as expected.

That’s why I said I didn’t really want to come over.

At the same time, in a sea area not far from the island, a fleet was rapidly approaching.

"Newgate can lose, but it can never lose so simply!"

Wang Zhi stood at the bow of the boat, his expression extremely solemn, "If Kaido wins complete victory, what should I do?"

If the Beasts Pirates want to connect the Whitebeard Pirates' territories in the back of the New World, what should they do with the Honeycomb Island at the pass?

Will Kaido still allow him to exist?

It would be much better for Whitebeard to achieve complete victory than Kaido.

At least, Whitebeard really has no intention of fighting for hegemony. If you don't provoke him, he won't bother to talk to you.

"The best case scenario is to prevent them from continuing to fight, but if that doesn't work, we'll just have to prepare to fight!"


It’s 4K again, monthly pass, understand?

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