Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 73: Aftermath! And Big News (Please read on!)

Soul spell, as long as there is fear of Charlotte Lingling in the heart, then the soul will be controlled by her.


Are you afraid?

To be honest, you should be afraid.

Charlotte Lingling is one of the strongest people standing at the top of the world, one of the four people who will be called emperors in the future, a real monster.

Even if there are three of me now, I will definitely not be able to beat her.


Ian didn't even want to move at all, let alone use his ability to be immune.

He even wanted to yawn.

It's too contemptuous to want to defeat me with just one sentence, right?

Teacher Kai has to rely on a mace.

"Don't use such a boring trick to embarrass yourself."

Teacher Kai didn't care, just snorted coldly, "If you're done with the joke, you can get out, Lingling, you're not welcome in my territory."

"Or! Do you want to go to war with me?"

The violent spirit has been surging mercilessly, shaking the big ships of the Charlotte family. They are trembling, literally trembling, and the faces on the ship are showing expressions of fear.

Katakuri and others on the deck are ready for battle in an instant.

On the side of the Beast Pirates, Ian and Yamato are also ready to transform.

But it's okay.

"Mom, mom!"

Charlotte Lingling stared at Ian deeply, and then, "It seems that I'm not welcome."

"Then remember what happened today, Kaido! It won't end like this!"

Charlotte Lingling snorted coldly, and finally turned around and left, landing on the deck of her own battleship.

"Return home."

Charlotte Lingling said.

"Mom, is that it?"

Perospero licked his candy cane, "That brat is so ungrateful."

He touched the head of his cold sister next to him, "Garette is so cute."

The red-haired beauty said nothing, without even raising her eyelids.

And Charlotte Linlin was talking to herself, "It's so interesting, that Kaido actually has family affection and someone who cares about him. Has the bastard finally grown up?"

"Mom, mom! Perospero, I remember when I gave birth to you. For the first time as a mother, I also felt the love from the bottom of my heart! How can a parent not love their children?"

And Perospero's cheeks froze.

Then he tried to force out a smile.


Perospero felt creepy.

Does mom have such feelings?

"But, that brat——"

Charlotte Linlin's eyes darkened, "Since he can't help me, if I want to become the Pirate King, he will be a huge obstacle."

She is indeed a long-time friend of Kaido.

But the position of Pirate King can only be hers!

"Keep an eye on that brat for me, there will always be a chance."

Perospero was relieved to hear this.

Fortunately, he is still not ready to completely turn against Kaido.

But I'm afraid there will be conflicts sooner or later.

The Charlotte family returned, and the Beasts Pirates also set off on their return journey.

This war that attracted the attention of the whole world has come to an end.

However, the aftermath of the war has just begun.

Morgans left immediately after not seeing what he wanted to see. He was anxious to spread the results of the war between the Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates to the world.

After all, this guy's lifelong dream is to make a big news.

Before he left, Ian exchanged contact information with him. Morgans was the world's top paparazzi. If there was any intelligence need in the future, this guy could help.

Before the fleet returned to Wano Country, the newspaper of the World Economic Society had already fallen from the sky under the precise delivery of the Newsbird.

Ian flipped through the newspaper, and then his mouth twitched subconsciously.

"Whitebeard Kaido turned against each other for love?"

He couldn't hold it back at the beginning. Could Morgans really be a genius?

Fortunately, in addition to the title, this newspaper also described in detail the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates.

Of course, there was a little bit of Morgans' own artistic processing.

For example, Ian of Burning Sky easily killed Diamond Joz, a general under Whitebeard, and ravaged the entire Whitebeard Pirates with unparalleled power, and even fought a 50-50 fight with Whitebeard's ally, the Great One Piece, who came later.

For example, the Beasts Pirates completely suppressed the Whitebeard Pirates. Even though the Whitebeard Pirates had the Wangzhi Pirates as reinforcements, the two sides were only evenly matched.

As for why this title was given, it was because it was a woman who ended the war in the end.

A woman Morgans did not know.

A woman from the Whitebeard Pirates stood up and committed suicide, and the two sides finally stopped fighting.

Morgans did not know the identity of Kozuki Toki, so he boldly guessed that the woman was someone that Whitebeard and Kaido had admired, but later fell in love with Whitebeard, which led to the two of them turning against each other.

And she finally stopped the two crazy men with her life.

Ian's mouth twitched.

BYD Morgans, you have played the heat.

Of course, at the end of the article, Morgans also solemnly asked the whole world, "Has the king of the sea changed?"

People in the world are indeed very interested in the emotional entanglement between Whitebeard and Teacher Kai, but no matter what, the result of this war still shocked the world.

The Whitebeard Pirates did not lose, but they also did not win. It could even be said that it was ugly.

Whitebeard is as powerful as ever, but Kaido is not inferior to him.

In the confrontation at the cadre level, the Whitebeard Pirates encountered serious setbacks, including the killing of several captains within Diamond Joz, and countless other dead pirates.

People all over the world could not help but be shocked at this time.

Is it true that the era of Whitebeard, which has continued since Roger's death until now, has to end here, as the World Economic Newspaper said?

Is the name of this era going to be changed to Kaido?

At the Chambord Islands, Pluto Rayleigh sighed, "What an amazing young man. Roger, is he the person we are waiting for? Shi, did you also follow Roger Oden?"

In Alabasta, Crocodile, who was already known as a hero, was furious, "Damn it! Whitebeard! What the hell are you doing! Are you in such a mess!"

Somewhere in the world, on a huge ship like an island, Moria was angry and happy at the same time, "Damn Kaido! Damn you brat! Well won! You all wait for me! Your dog head must be I cut it off with my own hands!”

Somewhere in the new world, in the red-haired pirate group, there was a little girl sitting on the shoulders of red-haired Shanks. He was flipping through the newspaper and sighed, "Sister Shi, are you here to stop the war? She is still so kind. ah."

"Besides, is Jozi actually dead?"

He remembered the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World.

Phoenix Marco, Diamond Jozi, Foil Bista, I had already seen how powerful they were at that time.


The red-haired hand subconsciously touched the scar on his left eye, and he saw a familiar figure in the newspaper photo.



The little girl riding on his neck tilted her head.

"Hahaha, it's nothing, let's continue playing games! Let's ride a big horse!"

"Hahahaha! Shanks! Charge!"

A certain island in the back part of the new world.

A series of newly built tombs stand on the cliffs along this coast.

In front of the tombstone of each grave is placed the favorite thing of the owner of the tombstone during his lifetime.

Whitebeard stood in front of these graves. The man known as the strongest man in the world pursed his lips and said nothing, with his head lowered and his eyes sparkling.

Behind him, Marco burst into tears.

It was all because he came back late, causing everything to fall into an irreversible abyss.

Further back, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates either shrugged their shoulders or simply burst into tears.

And in front of a tombstone.


The girl knelt in front of the tombstone and burst into tears. Her little body was constantly shaking. The air around her was so heavy and suffocating, as if there was a wall of sadness separating her from the surroundings.


Whitebeard's lips moved.

I want to say something, but I don't know how to say it.

The one I'm most sorry for is this child.

"Uncle Newgate,"

The girl suddenly raised her head and looked back at Whitebeard, "I, I want to become stronger! Become as strong as my father!"

Whitebeard was silent for a moment.

He looked down at the girl, who just stared at him.


Whitebeard nodded, "I'll teach you."

No matter how turbulent the world is, the Beast Pirates have returned to Wano.

Dock the fleet at the submersible harbor and return to Onigashima.

As soon as the ship docked at Ghost Island Pier, Ian saw two little guys cheering on the pier.

"Brother Ian!!"

Runti and her younger brother waved to Ian jumping up and down on the pier, "Welcome back!"

Ian noticed that both siblings had some bruises on their faces.

It seems that the past few days on Ghost Island have not been peaceful.

But Ian didn't say anything, he just waved to the two siblings, making the two little ones jump up happily.

As soon as they stood firm on the dock, the two siblings rushed over.

"Brother Ian! Tell us about the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Runti's eyes sparkled.

Peggy Wan is also looking forward to it.

Ian rubbed her chubby head and said, "You should tell me first what happened to the injury on her face, right?"

Then Ian knew that these two little guys had encountered some trouble on the island these days.

After all, Onigashima is full of pirates, and they are unlikely to be of high quality. The main idea is that all living beings are equal. It doesn't matter whether you are an old man or a child. If you are unhappy, you will be beaten.

And little sister Runti also has a flamboyant personality and has offended some pirates. They don't care whose friends the two siblings are. If they are weak, they should be beaten. This is the corporate culture of the Beasts Pirates.

Fortunately, although Runti is young, her strength is decent, and she can be said to have fought back and forth with the pirates.

After knowing the detailed situation, Ian did not intend to interfere. Anyway, Runti was having a good time.

Ian thought he could take a good rest after this battle.

But a few days later, another big news shocked the world, and the image of the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beast Pirates instantly disappeared.

After all, this big news is a bit too big.

It was so big that Mr. Gai specially convened the cadres of the Beasts Pirates for a small meeting.

The meeting started with Uncle Quinn's crazy laughter.

"Mhahaha! No way? The Celestial Dragons' lair was attacked? Fisher Tiger, even I have to praise him as a madman!"

Just yesterday evening, when it should be night in Marijoa, the fishman Fisher Tiger climbed up the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands. He attacked the Celestial Dragons' slave house and freed a large number of slaves.

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