Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 74: The idea of ​​the fish-man army! Invitation from Brother Xiao Ming (Please read on!!)

This is really earth-shattering news.

The big pirates in the new world call the shots, and monsters like Kaido and Charlotte Lingling are like aloof emperors in this sea.

However, everyone in this world knows that thieves can only be thieves after all. The real ruler of this world is the World Government and the Celestial Dragons enshrined by the World Government.

The descendants of the twenty kings who created the world government eight hundred years ago, these ethnic groups called gods who look down on the common people from the top of the red earth continent are the real rulers of this world.

The place where they live, the white city Mary Joa on the top of the red earth continent, is called a holy land, a divine realm where gods live.

But now, the divine domain has been invaded. This is a truly major event that has not happened in hundreds of years.

Fisher Tiger, this originally unknown man has undoubtedly shocked the whole world at this time.

"Mhahahahaha! It's just a pity that the guy named Tiger didn't kill a few Tianlong people."

Uncle Quinn laughed, "That would be fun."

"Of course it's impossible for him to really rush into the gathering place of the Celestial Dragons and cause destruction,"

Uncle Jin crossed his arms and said calmly, "The power possessed by the Celestial Dragons is definitely beyond what outsiders can imagine."

Oh, indeed, Uncle Jhin understands.

Ian nodded in agreement.

The Lunaria tribe was originally a race that lived on the Red Earth Continent.

It's hard to say that the Celestial Dragons didn't rob their home. After all, the Lunaria tribe is still being hunted by the World Government.

The victim's statement is still very credible.

"Attack Marigio?"

At this time, Teacher Kai, who was sitting cross-legged on the soft cushion, suddenly lit up and said, "It doesn't sound bad either."

"Teacher Kai, don't be impulsive."

Ian quickly stopped the dangerous thoughts in his mentor's mind.

Wouldn't it be courting death to directly attack Mary Joan?

Not to mention the mysterious Im and the Knights of God, even the Five Old Stars alone can't handle it.

An immortal body that can recover from any damage is even more unreasonable than Marco.

Not even Nika Luffy can do anything against them, let alone Mr. Kai who has no mechanism and relies solely on numerical values.

"That's right, Boss Kaido!"

Uncle Quinn also quickly spoke to dissuade her, "It's better to forget it, Marigio."

"There's no need to rush,"

Ian said, "One day we're going to be in Mariegio."

"Arrival at Mariejoia?"

Teacher Kai glanced at Ian and grinned, "Uh-huh! I like what you said! You're right! The superior Celestial Dragons should have made them realize the reality of the world long ago! I will let them know sooner or later, This world is a violent world!”

"Strength determines everything!"

Teacher Kai, is it possible that the senior leaders of the Tianlong people know this fact better than you?

Is it possible that they have mastered the strongest violence, so they can become Celestial Dragons?

"Fisher Tiger?"

Teacher Kai flipped through the newspaper, "I like him."

"But Mr. Kaido,"

Uncle Jhin said, "The World Government will never let him go. If we recruit him, we will have to face the wrath of the World Government."

"And, Teacher Kai, there is another most important question,"

Ian reminded, "After doing something like this, Tiger will definitely not dare to return to Fish-Man Island. We won't even be able to find him."

The Navy relied on people's tips to kill Fisher Tiger. How should the Beast Pirates find the Beasts Pirates whose intelligence system is basically zero if they leave their own territory?


Teacher Kai snorted and crumbled the newspaper in his hand.

If it doesn't work, forget it.

"Although I can't find Tiger, but..."

Speaking of Tiger and Fish-Man Island, Ian suddenly had a good idea, "Teacher Kai, can we put some thought into Fish-Man Island?"

"Fishman Island?"

Teacher Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Mishman Island is the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates,"

Jhin reminded, "Unless you want to start another war with the Whitebeard Pirates, it's better not to think about Fish-Man Island."

We've just finished one game, are you so anxious to start a second game?

"There's no need to directly occupy Fish-Man Island. It's too far away and difficult to control."

Ian said, "I just thought, could we get some fishmen and merfolk to immigrate to Wano?"

Is there a second country in the world that is more suitable for fish people and mermaids to live than Wano Country?

The towering cliff walls can block almost all threats from overseas. Not only will human traffickers not be able to get in, but once they get in, they will never be able to leave.

And more importantly, there is a vast inland sea within the high walls of Wano Country, which can fully support the survival of fish people and mermaids.

There are even flooded towns left by the ancient Wano country eight hundred years ago under the inner sea of ​​Tama, and even the houses are ready-made.

Ian felt like a genius.

"Flocs and merfolk?"

Quinn frowned, "What do you want those guys to do? There is no shortage of labor in Wano."

"Why can't we form an army of fishmen?"

Ian expressed his idea, "Think about it, the average strength of the fish-men is ten times that of humans. More importantly, they can move freely in the water, dive into the deep sea, and control the currents. They are natural sea warriors, a team of With such an army, what other fleet on the sea can rival them?”

Well, of course, this story is clearly called One Piece but almost all the battles take place on land.

But having an undersea force is never a bad thing, right?

How many fleets in the world can resist the organized murlocs wreaking havoc underwater?

But why has no one in this world ever done this?

Ian could only understand that this was a deliberate move by the world government.

Vegapunk said that this world will sink into the deep sea one day.

Is that possible to guess?

The Celestial Dragons feel that, or some of the Celestial Dragons think, they have to hide at the highest point in the world and wear diving suits and helmets, but the fish and mermaids can live freely in the sea. .

What do these lowly guys deserve?

So we need to step them into the dirt so that this ethnic group will never get over from being discriminated against by the whole world.


Uncle Quinn rubbed his chin.

"It's not impossible."

Uncle Jin also felt that Ian's idea was indeed very thoughtful.

Of course very thoughtful.

The corner of Ian's mouth curled up slightly. The residents of Fishman Island all yearned for the sea and sunshine.

"Then do it, kid."

Teacher Kai nodded slightly, "Go to Fish-Man Island."


Ian pointed at himself.

I thought I was just making suggestions and the people below would execute them.

"Not you or who?"

Teacher Kai snorted, "Since it's your plan, of course it's up to you to implement it."

Fishman Island, an island located in the deep sea 10,000 meters below the sea surface.

It's far away from Wano Country.

This is not a good job.

But forget it, I can’t say such words.

Ian scratched his head and said, "Okay."

Just treat it as a trip.

The scenery of Fishman Island is also very beautiful.

Thus, the plan to go to Fishman Island was finalized.

But of course Ian didn't set off immediately, and there was no need to rush. Moreover, he had just finished a big battle, so he had to give himself some time to rest.

However, it was during this break that a phone call brought Ian another piece of good news.

"Mr. Ian! That's amazing! The battle against Marco on Honeycomb Island, the decisive battle against the Whitebeard Pirates and the killing of Diamond Jozi! Your name has already been resounding throughout the world!"

The friend on the other end of the phone first gave Ian a nice compliment.

"That's all for compliments, so, Umit,"

The person on the other end of the phone was Shipping King Umit, who had come to Wano to seek cooperation. Ian was a little curious, "You called suddenly. Did you find a suitable partner for us?"

"Yes Mr. Ian!"

Wumit said quickly, "I am in Beihai now, and there is a person here who is very suitable for cooperating with the Beasts Pirates! He is by my side, I will ask him to come and have a few words with you."

There was a new person on the phone.

When the phone bug put a pair of sunglasses on his face, Ian guessed who Umit had found.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, this is Ian of Fentian, I've been so famous for a long time!"

A weird laugh came from the other end of the phone, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Donquixote Doflamingo."

"I don't know, would I have the honor to cooperate with your Beasts Pirates?"

"Don Quixote Doflamingo?"

Ian sat on the window sill of the room, overlooking the wide square below, "I have heard of this name. You are very famous in Beihai."

This is not nonsense from Ian. Even in 1509, thirteen years before Luffy went to sea, Doflamingo was already very famous in the North Sea.

The Don Quixote family he commanded was a famous mafia family in the North Sea. They also worked as pirates and were always known for their cruelty and violence. Doflamingo even destroyed a town with his own hands two years ago.

If Don Quixote's family wasn't dangerous enough, there would be no need for Sengoku to send his adopted son Rocinante to lurk around Doflamingo.

"Hey, my name has actually spread to Wano Country? It's really flattering."

Doflamingo smiled broadly, "In this case, I shouldn't have to introduce myself anymore. I think there are still some forces in the North Sea, which should be enough to shoulder the task of helping the Beast Pirates sell weapons."

"However, the words are unfounded. To prove this, I wonder if Ian can come to Beihai and I will prove my ability to you."


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