Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 75 Go to the North Sea! Cross the Calm Belt! (Please read on!)

"I know this request is a bit presumptuous, but, Ian, you know, some things can only be more credible if you witness them with your own eyes."

Doflamingo's attitude can be said to be sincere. After all, he also knows who he is talking to now. "I just want to show my sincerity to the maximum extent."

"I can send someone over."

Ian said.

This guy wants to show me the strength of the Don Quixote family. He probably doesn't want to be just a distributor of the Beasts Pirates.

He wants to go further.

Doflamingo is not very strong, but he is ambitious.

In the original work, he did become the most important partner of the Beasts Pirates. He can be called the little king of the Beasts Pirates. If he hadn't been defeated by the Straw Hat too early, he would have been qualified to get a place in the Battle of Onigashima and be beaten up. Maybe he was against Yamato at that time.

But, going to the North Sea?

Where can I get so much time.

I just decided to go to Fishman Island.

Although the North Sea is separated from the New World by a narrow doldrum, who knows where the Don Quixote family is in the vast North Sea. It may be even farther away than Fishman Island.

"Please come in person."

Doflamingo said.


Ian was puzzled, "Are you asking me?"

Only Mr. Kai and Yamato in the world can ask me so confidently.

Who are you?

"Don't get me wrong, Ian, I just think I should be worthy of you coming in person."

Doflamingo was not panicked. He said, "Don Quixote, my surname is the surname of the royal family of Dressrosa eight hundred years ago."

Ian was slightly startled.

This guy, is he self-destructing?

"Dressrosa? Do you mean that your Don Quixote is the royal family of Dressrosa eight hundred years ago, and the Don Quixote of the Celestial Dragon Don Quixote family?" Ian asked knowingly.

"It used to be, but not now."

Doflamingo sneered, "But at least I know a little about Marijoa and the Celestial Dragons."

Ian was surprised.

Will he go to such lengths?

That being said, it seems that there is a reason to go.

Doflamingo knows a little about the national treasures of the Celestial Dragons, and he may even have some knowledge of the Five Elders, the Knights of God, and even the inside story of Im.

This is a serious matter, and it seems to be a good thing to go and talk to him in person.

"It sounds interesting,"

Ian smiled, "Then you'd better not let me down."

I hope this guy doesn't do anything weird, and just tell me what he knows, otherwise it will make both sides unhappy.


There was a pause on the phone, but Doflamingo's reaction was also very fast, "Wow! Great! Ian of Burning Sky! You will never regret it! Then I will be waiting for you in the port city of Spedamiruz in the North Sea!"

The person on the other end of the phone changed, Umit took back the Den Den Mushi and said, "I'm waiting for you here too, Mr. Ian!"

"See you later."

Ian hung up the phone.

The North Sea?

I haven't been to the Four Seas yet.

I wonder if there are people as simple as those in the New World.

But before that, I still have to report to Teacher Kai.

At the same time, the North Sea.

Umit looked at Doflamingo in surprise, "You never told me--"

"It's not a big deal,"

Doflamingo just snorted, "But you know what the consequences will be if you tell this matter out, right?"

Umit's face changed instantly.

If it involves the Celestial Dragons, it will not be a small matter. If you are not careful, you will really disappear from the world.

"Of course I understand. I won't tell anyone."

Umit vowed, but he still couldn't suppress his curiosity, "But is it really necessary to do this?"

"Of course it's worth it!"

Doflamingo said firmly, "What's some information? If it can be exchanged for the friendship of the man who will lead the world's strongest pirate group in the future, isn't it worth it?"

The strongest pirate group in the world?

Is he talking about the Beast Pirates?

That's right, when Ian grows up, the Whitebeard Pirates will be even less likely to defeat the Beasts.

Moreover, when Kaido gets old, Ian is indeed the most suitable successor to the Beast Pirates.

So it's really worth it.

Doflamingo smiled.

He said it, but he didn't say that he couldn't hide something.

Come on, Ian.

So later, the top of Onigashima.

"You kid said you want to go to the North Sea?"

Teacher Kai carried a mace, "Just for a nobody?"

Ian sighed.

What bad luck.

I was caught on the top of Onigashima as soon as I got there. Didn't I fight Whitebeard enough before, my teacher Kai?

Yeah, it seems that he really didn't fight enough.

"Are you going to the North Sea?"

Yamato, who was also caught beside him, looked at Ian in surprise, "I want to go too!"

"It seems that we have to wait a few more days now."

Ian looked at Yamato.

My own injuries can recover quickly, but this girl can't.

After being beaten up today, I have to leave time for this girl to recover.


Yamato didn't care whether he could wait or not, he knew he was going out to play, and he was so happy that he couldn't help himself.

Ian then looked at Teacher Kai, "Don Quixote, this is indeed the surname of the royal family of Dressrosa eight hundred years ago. They later moved to Marijoa and became the new Celestial Dragons. I saw it in the book."

This was said with confidence.

Although the blank hundred years of history had long been erased, the history after that was still normal.

The surnames of the nineteen families of the Celestial Dragons were not a secret.

Teacher Kai said disdainfully, "How do you know what he said is true?"

This kid was picked up by him when he was two years old, and the only time he left his sight since he was a child was when he went to Beehive Island.

You can't really know the so-called Don Quixote, right?

Teacher Kai sneered, "The Celestial Dragons went to be pirates? Kid, are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding. I asked Morgans. More than a decade ago, in the North Sea, there was indeed an incident where a family of Celestial Dragons who returned to the secular world were attacked by local people."

Ian didn't ask, of course.

But he can make it up later.


The corners of Teacher Kai's mouth finally curled up, "Hehehe! That seems really interesting! Then go, kid, bring that guy back!"

Bring Doflamingo back?

That's fine.

Ian shrugged, "No problem."

"But before that,"

Teacher Kaido sneered, "Kid, come on."

Ian took a deep breath.

The body instantly turned into a raging flame, and the scarlet mace was held in his palm.

Then come on.

A little later, in Ian's room, the friends had gathered together.

"North Sea?"

Black Maria put Yamato on her knees, and her slender fingers carefully wiped the wound for the girl, and said in surprise, "Are we going to the North Sea next?"

"My idea is that the four of us should go together."

Ian sat cross-legged on the cushion leisurely, "Of course, this is just my plan. If it is inconvenient for you-"

"Of course no problem!"

Jack expressed his attitude at the first time. He Jack always agreed with big brother Ian, "Where big brother Ian goes, I will go!"

"As for the North Sea, it is outside the Grand Line, right?"

Black Maria smiled and said, "It seems quite interesting."

I have only left Wano Country twice in total. Did I leave the Grand Line this time?

Not bad.

"Very good."

Ian nodded gently.

Jack and Black Maria are indeed far from good enough in the New World, but if they are in the Four Seas, they can really beat a wave of noobs.

Brother will take you out to show off.

"Brother Ian!"

Runti crawled to Ian with her hands and feet, begging him to pull at his clothes, "We want to go too!"

"Sorry, Xiaorun,"

Ian patted the girl's head, "You are still too young."

Although Beihai is a relatively advanced novice village, who knows what will happen on the road, it is still too risky to bring two little ghosts.


Runti still wants to clarify.

Ian has raised his right hand, and gently touched the girl's forehead with his index and middle fingers, making Runti's round head retreat, "Forgive me, Xiaorun, next time."

Runti covered her forehead and nodded gently, "I understand."

Brother Ian said he forgave him!

Of course, we can only forgive him, right?

Brother Ian is unwilling to take us with us, it must be because we are still too weak.

We must become stronger! Xiaorun!!

The girl swore secretly in her heart.

So, a few days later, the Golden Dragon, which stayed in Qiangang, set sail again.

"Lord Ian! Please rest assured! The route has been determined, and we will reach the destination in the shortest time!"

On the deck, the old acquaintance Babanuki spoke loudly.

Ian just nodded slightly.

If you want to go to the North Sea, of course you have to go all the way north and then cross the doldrums. Generally speaking, it is not far.

"Let's go!"

Yamato laughed while leaning on the side of the ship.

The big ship set sail.

It should be said that the speed of the Golden Dragon is quite fast. After a few days, they have arrived in a special sea area.

The never-ending sea breeze has gradually stopped at some point, and the endless waves have disappeared, and the sea surface has become extremely flat, like a smooth mirror.

There are no clouds in the sky, just a blue sky and the sun is high.

"Is this the doldrums?"

Heihei Maria was surprised, "There is really no wind at all?"

Not only is there no wind, there are no clouds, no waves, and no currents.

This is the Calm Belt, a natural barrier that is difficult for all sailing ships to cross.

But there are many sailors on the Golden Dragon, who can use oars to push the big ship forward. Although the speed will be slower, there are not many Calm Belts, and they can enter the North Sea in more than a day.

Ian stood by the side of the ship, lost in thought.

Speaking of the Calm Belt, the three Hancock sisters were also liberated by Tiger before, right? Have they been sent back to the Kingdom of Women by Rayleigh?

Another question is that the method of inlaying seastone on ships to cross the Calm Belt was thought of by me, what is the current situation of the Kingdom of Women?

The Nine Snakes Pirates can no longer rely on the Calm Belt to hide, how will the Navy deal with them?

I can only wish them good luck.

The journey through the doldrums was smoother than expected, because the bottom of the ship was inlaid with seastone, and they did not stop all the way, so they did not encounter any sea kings blocking the way. After a day, the group successfully entered the North Sea.

Next, it was time to go to Doflamingo's territory.

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