Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 76 Drake (Please read!!)

After entering the North Sea, the most significant change is that the climate and ocean currents have become stable.

The sky will not be clear one moment, rainstorms the next, and snow in the blink of an eye.

The sea water will no longer change without regularity. It was clearly moving straight forward just now, but if you don't pay attention, the direction of travel will be directly reversed.

The sailing conditions can be said to be directly from hell to heaven.

However, there are of course inconveniences.

When sailing in the New World, only a permanent pointer is enough, just follow the direction pointed by the pointer.

But in the four seas, the magnetic field returns to normal, and neither the permanent pointer nor the recording pointer is useful. The only thing that can guide the direction is a proper compass and a nautical chart.

To some extent, it may test the ability of the navigator more.

Of course, the navigator equipped on the Golden Dragon is of course the top-level, maybe not as good as Nami, but it is definitely the top-level navigator that can be found on the market.

Even though I haven't been to the Four Seas for many years, it is not difficult to sail in a peaceful sea like the North Sea.

The only troublesome thing is that the port city of Spedameluz, where the Don Quixote family is located, is still a distance away from the doldrums, and it will take at least half a month to sail there.

The trouble is not the sailing time, but the sailing time is too long, and some people are going to get angry.

"So boring!!"

Yamato sat on the side of the ship unhappily, and her screams even scared away the seagulls flying in the sky.

Ian was not surprised. In fact, Yamato started to complain about boredom after sailing on the sea for almost half a month, and Ian already felt that she had made some progress.

"Ian! Think of a way!"

The next moment, the white-haired girl rushed over directly, grabbed Ian's hand and begged, "I'm bored to death!"

Ian, who was sitting in the shadow cast by the cabin and flipping through a book, raised his hand and pinched the girl's face.

The girl's face is no longer as fleshy as it was when she was a child, and it doesn't feel as elastic to the touch, but probably because of the fruit ability, it feels cold to the touch, and the touch has not become rough because of the beatings from Teacher Kai every other day, and it is still as delicate as a baby.

In general, it is still quite pleasant to pinch.

"If you can't even stand the loneliness on the sea, then don't be a pirate."

Yamato was not annoyed by being pinched on the face, but just stretched out his hand to pinch Ian's face, pinched his nose and pulled it up to prevent him from breathing through his nose, and said vaguely, "But it's just boring!"

"That, Miss Yamato,"

At this time, Babanuki suddenly interrupted, "A pirate ship was found in the sea ahead."


Yamato immediately ejected and looked towards the sea ahead with great surprise.

Ian also stood up.

There really is a ship.

Although it is still far away and can't be seen clearly, the flag hanging on the mast should be a pirate flag.

There really is one.

To be honest, the probability of encountering a pirate ship at sea is not much higher than going out to pick up money, even if there are countless small fish pirates on the sea,

"Haha! Finally, I can have some fun!"

Yamato cheered and jumped off the deck without hesitation.

As a person with special abilities, jumping into the sea on her own initiative will definitely make people wonder if this girl has any brain problems.

Of course, Yamato's brain is not very good, but she is not an idiot.

There is no time to fall on the sea. Yamato has already stepped on the air and launched into the air, walking in the air, and heading towards the pirate ship in the distance with a graceful posture.

"Yamato still likes to play so much."

Black Maria said with a smile as she looked at Yamato who was leaving eagerly.

I don't think she went there to play, well, of course, the purpose was indeed to play.

"I'll go and take a look, you guys just come slowly."

Ian said.

Although there are no powerful characters in the North Sea, it doesn't mean that Yamato is invincible in this sea area.

What if?

Ian launched himself up and also used the Moon Step to chase after Yamato's back.


Drake is a pirate.

But he doesn't want to be a pirate.

His original name should be Dies Drake.

But he doesn't like this last name.

He is seventeen years old this year, already a man, but still as thin as a child in his early teens.

Because there has always been a mountain pressing on his head, making him unable to grow taller or smaller.

"Hey! Drake! What are you still standing there for? Don't you see that the deck is dirty? Clean the deck quickly!"

On the deck of the pirate ship, a man sitting on a wide chair yelled at Drake who was huddled in the corner.

Drake said nothing, just stood up, picked up the mop beside him and began to clean the deck seriously.

"Is this boy really your son, Captain!"

A pirate on the deck couldn't help but ridicule Drake as he watched him remain silent, "He is cowardly and soft-hearted. He has not inherited any of your good qualities!"

Good qualities?

Drake sneered in his heart.

"If he didn't look exactly like me when I was a child, I would have doubted whether this stupid son was my own!"

Captain, Dies Barrerus also looked like a man who was disappointed with his father. "He said he would take me as his role model when he was a kid, but now he is like this. I really want to spray him on the wall!"

The deck burst into laughter because of this sentence.

However, Drake pursed his lips.

He still takes his father as his role model to this day.

However, his role model is his father, who was a lieutenant colonel at that time.

Drake never thought that one day, his most beloved navy father would betray the navy and become a pirate who did all kinds of evil.

From that day on, Drake never grew taller, and he stayed on that day forever.

"Hahaha, don't worry about that annoying kid!"

A pirate laughed, "Captain, let's find a city to have fun next! Brothers haven't vented for a long time!"

"Of course!"

Barrerus didn't care, "I've been holding it in for a long time!"

"Oh! Long live the captain!"

Cheers suddenly rang out on the deck.

Drake didn't say anything, he just held the handle of the mop tightly in his hand.

But at this time.

"Haha! What a lively scene!"

A girl's voice suddenly came from the sky, "Hello!"

The pirates looked up in surprise.

Where did they come from?

Aren't they in the middle of the sea?

The scattered pirates have not noticed the huge ship coming from behind.

"She is floating in the air!!"

A pirate suddenly screamed.

In the sky, the white-haired girl stepped on the air leisurely and jumped around.


And Captain Barelus's expression changed drastically, his pupils almost shrank to the size of a needle tip, "Moon Step! Six Styles!"

As a former lieutenant colonel of the Navy Headquarters, although he didn't know the Six Styles, he certainly knew it.

"Are you a navy or a CP!!"


Drake raised his head instantly.


Yamato landed lightly on the side of the ship and said with a smile, "I am Yamato, I am here to kill you."


Barrerus instantly determined.

Is it necessary to deal with such a small lieutenant colonel who is not involved in any secrets?

But no matter what, there is only one thing that can be done now.


Barrerus roared, "Kill her!"

He did not look down on Yamato because of her young age.

You know, all those who can master the six styles can be called supermen.

The pirates instantly picked up their weapons, and the blades and muzzles were directly aimed at Yamato. The pirates with guns had their hands on the trigger and were about to open fire in the next moment.


Yamato grinned, revealing two rows of small white teeth, looking a little silly.

However, the pirates could not laugh out loud because of this stupidity.

Because at this time, the violent momentum roared out from the girl's body, and in just a blink of an eye, it overwhelmed most of the pirates on the deck.

Even those who didn't fall down with foam at the mouth were already staggering and unable to stand steadily. Even Barrerus himself couldn't help but stagger back, feeling weak.

Drake was also shocked by Yamato's spirit and sat on the ground, but his face was indeed full of surprise.

So powerful, so brave!

Worthy of being a navy!

"Conqueror Haki!!"

Barrerus's face turned pale instantly.

At this age, he not only mastered the six styles, but also possessed Conqueror Haki, and was so skilled. Whether in the navy or the CP, he is definitely a monster!



At this time.

"Please let me join you!!"

Drake crawled forward in a panic, regardless of his sore body. He tried to raise his head and looked up at Yamato, with an expression on his face that was almost fanatical, "I am Drake! X. Drake! Please take me away!"


Yamato was stunned for a moment, she looked down at Drake who was crawling quickly.

"You said, your name is Drake?"

Ian fell from the sky and landed beside Yamato. He looked at Drake who was crawling over with interest.

Is it such a coincidence?


Yamato said in surprise, "Did you hear what he said?"

Drake was also stunned when he saw Ian, "Ian... En?"

Such a familiar name.

Such a familiar person.

Barelus' face turned pale in an instant, his body trembled like a sieve, and he sat down on the ground, "Fen, Ian of the Burning Sky!"

Ian smiled and looked down at Drake, "You said, you want to join us, join the Beasts Pirates?"

Please give me a monthly ticket! !

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