Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 85 Cooperation matters! Artificial Devil Fruit (Subscribe please!)

The surprise came so suddenly that Gaji even wondered if he was hallucinating.

Is it really possible to cooperate with the Beast Pirates?

Because he has been paying attention to the news, even Gaji who is far away in the North Sea knows that the Beasts Pirates are one of the strongest pirate groups in the world. Even the Whitebeard Pirates are facing them. Returned in vain.

If we can get their support, who else in the entire North Sea can stop the expansion of the Vinsmoke family?

Thinking of this, Gaji's heart was already burning.

"Is it true? Ian!"

Gaji had completely forgotten the conflict just now, and looked at Ian with immense anticipation, eagerness, and hope. Doflamingo even felt that he was looking up to Ian like he was looking up to his adoptive father.

"Can the Beast Pirates really cooperate with the Vinsmoke family?"

"Uncle Quinn said that Gaji, your accomplishments in bloodline factors are only inferior to Bega Punk in the world,"

Ian was talking nonsense. Of course, Uncle Quinn had never praised Gaji. Every time he mentioned Gaji, he always had a face of hatred and disgust, but now he was not around.

This is the art of language!

This is emotional intelligence!

"Those of your children should be the products of blood factor transformation, right? Isn't that awesome? I think that the strength of our Beast Pirates, coupled with your technology, will definitely produce a good chemical reaction."

So, hurry up and bring your technology to Wano.

Gaji cried excitedly again, "That's right, that's right, with my skills and your strength, what else in this world can resist?"

What can stop him from riding a horse?

Ancestors, there is hope for the revival of the Vinsmoke family!

Doflamingo looked at Gaji who was so excited that he burst into tears again, and wanted to laugh a little.

This guy seems a bit easy to deceive.

Why didn't you let yourself meet him first?

However, he also admitted that the power of the Beast Pirates and the Vinsmoke family was already unrivaled in the entire North Sea, and no one could stop it.


But right away, Doflamingo discovered his blind spot.

It seems that regardless of whether the Vinsmoke family is included or not, the Beast Pirates can easily sweep across the North Sea. Just sending one of the three big cadres here is enough.

That's okay.


Gaji got up from the ground in disgrace. He was extremely excited and swore to Ian, "I swear, as long as you, the Beast Pirates, can help the Vinsmoke family reunify the North Sea, I will do anything! "

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth.

You can do everything?

Let’s talk about this to your daughter.

Oh, your daughter is only nine years old, so forget it.

"Let me show my sincerity first!"

Gaji said loudly.


He shot the old king to death with a backhand shot.

Old King:?

No, buddy, what does it have to do with me if you show sincerity?

"This guy hired me to be your enemy!"

Gaji had his own theory, "So, he deserves to die!"

That’s okay.

Ian nodded slightly.

Since he has shown his sincerity, he should also show his sincerity.

Ian shouted towards the distance, "Yamato, it's ready! Come back."


From a distance, the girl's unhappy shouts could still be heard clearly.

Then, Ian looked at Gaji and said, "Then, let's find a place to have a good chat."

Later, outside the island, among the sea buildings guarded by giant snails, there was a certain palace.

Rosinandi came out of the toilet with a normal expression and returned to the palace where they were entertained.

Gaji sincerely invited everyone to enter the Kingdom of Germa. At this time, he went to talk with Ian and the others, and everyone was waiting here.

Vinsmoke, though?

Rocinante sighed inwardly.

The bad news comes one after another.

Mr. Sengoku, make your decision quickly.

Inside the palace, Drake was looking around in surprise.

Is this the palace of the evil army Germa 66?

Now he is colluding with the Vinsmoke family again. That guy Ian is indeed extremely evil!

All children who grew up in Beihai have more or less read the comic strips serialized in the World Economic News, and Germa 66 is the villain legion in it, and the Vinsmoke family is the ruler of the villain legion. The villain!

Even Luo couldn't help but look around. Before he was terminally ill, he grew up reading comics.

Jack and Black Maria were a little confused about this.


Where did this little brat come from? Do you know that I am also worthy of the new world?

"Vinsmoke! This name is not unfamiliar even in the New World!"

Wumit sighed, "This trip is really more lively than expected."

"Dover, will the Beast Pirates really help the Vinsmoke family unify the North Sea?"

Torrebol asked Doflamingo who was sitting on the sofa in a low voice.

Doflamingo just laughed.

Ian, you're not an idiot.

In another palace, negotiations on cooperation are also underway.

Participants included Gaji, who represented the Vinsmoke family, and Ian and Yamato, who represented the Beast Pirates.

Of course, Yamato mainly listened.

However, before the conversation lasted a few words, Yamato was so sleepy that he fell asleep on Ian's shoulder.

"I have two demands here."

Ian got straight to the point, "First, combat uniform."

"The combat uniforms you and your children used just now seemed very good. Can you make some for our people? Not too many, just for some core members."


Gaji, who had just said that he could do anything, suddenly hesitated.

The battle suit is still just a trial version, but it is already his proudest work, second only to his sons who were transformed.

Not only the technology, but the materials used to make the combat uniforms are also very precious. They are made of an extremely precious memory metal.

However, looking at Ian, Gaji gritted his teeth and said, "No problem! I will do my best!"


Ian nodded happily. If nothing else, give Jack, Maria, Xiaorun and Xiaopei a set. The increase in combat effectiveness is obvious, and the protection is also very strong.

"Then, the second request,"

This is the real point. Ian said, "Gaji, you are very accomplished in blood factors, right? So, can you make artificial devil fruits?"

"Artificial Devil Fruit?"

Gaji stood up in shock, "How do you know this? Begapunk once studied this topic!"

"I just heard that devil fruits are also closely related to blood factors."

Ian said, "So I was wondering if I could make a man-made devil fruit."

Gaji was silent for a moment, "I have not conducted any research in this area."

His specialty is human body modification based on blood factors, which has nothing to do with Devil Fruit.

"There is no need to completely reproduce it, and there is no need to reproduce those troublesome superhuman or natural devil fruits,"

Ian said, "You only need to copy the ordinary animal system. Even some shortcomings are acceptable. You just need to increase the number."

Of course, the Beasts Pirates must have all the beasts.

The Beast Pirates would be incomplete without artificial Devil Fruits.

"Is that so?"

Gaji twirled his raised beard and narrowed his eyes, "In this case, it doesn't seem impossible."

Although he has not studied artificial devil fruits, he has heard from Vegapunk that the ordinary animal type is the easiest to copy, followed by the superhuman type and fantasy beast type, and the natural type is the hardest to copy.

"very good,"

Ian nodded with satisfaction, "Don't worry, Gaji, your efforts will not be in vain. We will provide financial support."

Teacher Kai probably wouldn't mind either.

"It would be great!"

Gaji's eyes lit up. He was working as a mercenary everywhere because he lacked research funds.

"Then, regarding Gaji's request,"

Ian paused, "Your request is to unify Beihai, right?"

"That's right!"

Gaji declared loudly, "I want to restore the glory of my ancestors! Make Vinsmoke great again!"

"It's not difficult to conquer the North Sea," Ian said.

Gaji's eyes lit up instantly.

Indeed, this will certainly not be difficult for the Beasts Pirates!


Ian said next, "However, it is impossible to conquer the North Sea in a short time."


Gaji stood up directly.

"You should understand, right? Gaji, how did the Beihai Kingdom collapse back then." Ian said.

Jiazhi was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth, "World Government!"

"That's right, world government."

Ian snapped his fingers, "The World Government will never allow the North Sea to fall into someone's hands. Even if it is conquered again, as long as it cannot resist the World Government, its decline will be nothing more than the blink of an eye."


Gaji's body softened and he sat on the sofa dejectedly.

If the enemy is the World Government, how can Vinsmoke be made great again?

"So, there's only one thing we have to do."

Ian said, "Overthrow the world government. As long as we overthrow the world government, won't the whole world be at our mercy?"

"Overthrow the world government?"

Gaji couldn't believe it, "Ian, are you kidding? Is such a thing possible?"

“It’s not that it’s impossible, it’s that it must be done.”

Ian looked at Gaji, "Or, you can give up your family's centuries-old wish."

give up?

"Of course I won't give up!"

Gaji slapped the table and stood up, "How could I give up!"

"Great, Nagaji, what do you think?"

The corners of Ian's lips raised, "Who in this world is most likely to overthrow the world government?"

Gaji was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Ian.

Apart from the World Government, the most powerful forces in the world are the several monster pirate groups in the New World, right?

"Just a reminder,"

Ian said happily, "Charlotte Lingling and Teacher Kai are good friends. Of course they will join hands to fight against the world government."

Anyway, they joined hands in the original work, and I didn’t lie.

Gaji then understood.

Of course it’s the Beast Pirates!

Apart from the Beast Pirates, who else has a chance to overthrow the world government?

White beard?

Everyone knows that Whitebeard has no desire to dominate.

It can only be the Beast Pirates!


"I see!"

Gaji said solemnly, "I completely understand!"

"Now is not the time,"

Ian said, "We have to wait until our power becomes more powerful! And you, Gaji, your research is the key to our enhancement!"

"Then leave it to me!"

Gaji is magnificent.

Ian raised his lips.

Doesn’t this mean that prostitution was successful?

Do you like the cake I drew for you? Gaji.

As for what Beihai should do after the government is really overthrown, let's talk about it at that time.

Ian extended his right hand towards Gaji and said, "Happy cooperation."

Gaji held Ian's hand and said, "Happy cooperation!"

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