Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 86 Sanji strikes back! The navy is coming! (Please subscribe!)

Inside a room of the Vinsmoke family.

Sanji is packing his things.

No one asked him to do this, but he felt that he should do it.

After all, he was going to leave the Vinsmoke family next.

Is this a good thing?

Sanji, who is only six years old this year, didn't know.

Everyone here treats him badly.

His three brothers always bully him, his father looks down on him, and his only sister doesn't treat him well.

His only mother who cares about him and loves him died not long ago.

Staying in this house just makes him feel at a loss.

But he grew up here since he was a child.

He is familiar with everything here. What will happen to him in the future if he leaves here?

Sanji doesn't know.

But being a chef...

shouldn't be a bad thing, right?

"I heard you're leaving."

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Sanji was startled and turned back in panic.

His sister Reiju, who has beautiful pink hair, leaned against the door and looked at him quietly.

Sanji was a little panicked.

Although this sister rarely took the initiative to target him, she did a lot of bullying with the other three brothers, and Sanji was also afraid of her.

He nodded gently, "Well, that man, Lord Ian said that I should be his chef."

"Ian, Ian of Burning Sky,"

Reiju raised her hand and scratched her hair, "I only knew that he was a senior cadre of the Beasts Pirates. It might not be a bad thing for you to leave with him."

Sanji was stunned for a moment.

He didn't understand why this sister would say such a thing.

Is she worried about herself?

Reiju looked at this brother quietly.

After a long time.

"Good luck, Sanji."

She turned and left.

Sanji was still a little confused.

What exactly was she doing here?

At the same time, the palace where the Don Quixote family and the Beasts Pirates were.

"Hey, hey, hey, so, has the cooperation been confirmed now?"

Doflamingo smiled at Ian and Judge who walked in side by side.

Well, there was also the sleepy Yamato, but she was ignored.


Ian said with a smile, "We have decided to work together next, to overthrow the World Government."

"Overthrow the World Government?"

Doflamingo smiled even more, "Then, can I participate in this cooperation?"

Overthrow the World Government?

Then I, Doflamingo, will also help out!

"Of course no problem."

Ian said with a smile, "The more power to overthrow the World Government, the better."

After all, the World Government is really super strong.

"Hahahaha! That's great! Our power has become stronger!"

Judge was also very happy, "Then let's have a party!"

Have a party?

Ian estimated that it was already late at night.

Turning his head, Yamato, who was standing next to him, had fallen asleep on his shoulder again.

But forget it, let's have it, anyway, I'm a little hungry.

I haven't eaten since I had lunch at Spedamiruz at noon.

"Then let's have a party."

Ian said.

So, the party was held.

Because there were too many people attending the party, Judge specially chose a fairly large banquet hall with several long tables lined up side by side, which was more than enough for everyone to sit down.

In addition to the Beasts Pirates, the Don Quixote family and Umit, Judge's children also came to the party.

The red, blue, green and pink kids sat with their father.

Sanji's three brothers were still pretending to be fierce and grinning at Yamato, looking unconvinced.

Yamato was not interested in them, too weak, and could not be interested at all.

Sanji came late because he was packing up, and he didn't know where to sit.

"Hahaha, the waste Sanji is here!"

Yongzhi, the youngest of the four brothers, laughed without hesitation, "If you are a waste, just go and have dinner with the dog!"

"Yongzhi, you can come up with good ideas occasionally!"

The second brother Niji laughed.

"That's right, Sanji likes to prepare food for cats and dogs anyway!" The eldest brother Iji was equally merciless.

Sanji lowered his head, just like in the past.

The family relationship doesn't seem to be very harmonious.

Umit looked at it with a smile.

He even hoped it would be more exciting.

Watch the fun.

"Shut up!"

But at this time, someone suddenly interrupted them.

The three brothers immediately quieted down.

Because it was their father who was talking.

The three brothers without human emotions did not necessarily respect their father, but they could not resist Judge.

Judge looked at Sanji with a complicated look in his eyes.

He said, "You are already Ian's chef, so go to Ian."

Sanji looked at his father in surprise, then nodded slightly and walked towards Ian.

"Wait a minute."

At this time, Ian suddenly spoke.

Sanji's footsteps stopped abruptly, and he looked up in surprise.

Did he regret it?

"The Beasts Pirates shouldn't be insulted like this."

Ian supported his face with his hands and said lazily, "Sanji."

"Uh, huh?"

Sanji responded in a low voice.

Ian pointed at the three brothers who were sitting there without saying a word, "Go and beat them back."

Beat him back?

Sanji's eyes widened.

He had never thought of such a thing.

Just as he was about to say something, his old father shouted from behind, "Didn't you hear that? Sanji! Ian told you to beat him back!"

Sanji turned around and couldn't help but look at his three brothers.

Although the three brothers did not speak, they stared at him with terrifying eyes.

Sanji couldn't help but bow his head again.

"Listen, Sanji,"

With this hand, Ian said, "You are already my chosen chef, and that is my partner. Since you are my partner, I will protect you. There is no need to be afraid or worried, just do it." "

Sanji's body was shaken.

Will he protect himself?

Sanji sniffed.

He gritted his teeth.

Bulkhead rushed out.

Fenli punched Iji in the face, causing the elder brother to fall off the chair.

it hurts.

Sanji bared his teeth.

Although Iji's exoskeleton is not fully mature yet, its hardness is already quite exaggerated.

However, Sanji felt very happy.

So, when he knocked Niji off the chair with his second punch, a smile was already on his face.

Finally, the third punch made Yongji follow the footsteps of the two brothers, and the three brothers fell to the ground collectively.

Sanji's smile was extremely bright at this time.

The suppression that I had been feeling was finally released.

"Remember what this moment feels like, Sanji."

Ian said, "You can do without violence, but you can't live without it."

Sanji nodded and looked at Reiju.

Reiju didn't move or say a word. She even closed her eyes.


Sanji thought of Reiju who suddenly ran over and said some incomprehensible words. He turned around silently, then walked to Ian and found a seat to sit down.


Ian pointed at Sanji, "This is Sanji, who will be the chef on the Golden Flying Dragon from now on."


Yamato, who was feeling sleepy, still showed a bright smile, "I am Yamato."

Jack nodded slightly, "Jack."

Black Maria also smiled gently. She really likes children, "Black Maria."

Sanji was a little happy, but tried hard not to laugh too happily. He nodded slightly cautiously, "Hello, I'm Sanji."

Then, Ian looked at someone who was silent and said, "Drake, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"I'm not one of your people."

Drake's words directly confused everyone present.

What is this guy talking about?

Derek glanced at Sanji, another child about to be taught evil.

But he won't.

He is no longer a child.

"I want to be the Navy's Drake! I'm not the pirate's Drake!"

Drake said solemnly.

Wumit directly sprayed rice, did he hear it correctly?

Rosinandi was suddenly startled.


This kid wants to be in the Navy?

Then why did he get together with Ian and others?


Doflamingo was also stunned, "Hey! How interesting! Ian, is there such a maverick guy on your ship? This dream is quite rare among pirates."

Ian just chuckled.

"It seems,"

Doflamingo looked at Drake, "You really lack a correct understanding of the navy, boy."

Derek didn't bother to reply at all, he just buried his head in eating.

Love as much as you like, he doesn't care anyway.

The worst case scenario is death.

So, Doflamingo looked at Ian again, "Then later, I will share with him the glorious deeds of the navy. What do you think, Ian?"

He didn't know a lot of dirty stuff about the Navy, but there was so much dirty stuff about the Tianlong people that it couldn't even be described as dirty stuff.

As we all know, the navy is the dog of the Celestial Dragons.

"That would be great."

Ian readily accepted.

In fact, the original plan was for Doflamingo to teach Drake a lesson.

Let this kid know that the justice he thinks does not exist from the beginning.



The door of the banquet hall was suddenly pushed open.

A guard from the Germa Kingdom hurried in, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty Gaji! The navy is here!"

Gaji was stunned, "Navy?"


Umit panicked.

Doflamingo was also stunned.

Ian also raised his eyebrows slightly, he came really quickly.

"Yes! The fleet from the Navy Headquarters is approaching!"

The guard loudly said, "Besides, the leader is Lieutenant General He, the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters!"

"What? You mean Crane?"

Doflamingo perked up, "Is that smelly old woman catching up again?"

He looked at Ian apologetically, "Ian, it seems that I have caused trouble for you."


Ian smiled meaningfully, "Why do I feel like something is wrong?"

"How did they know we were here?"

Doflamingo was also stunned.

Yes, how did the Navy know?

This country is a non-governmental member country and has no channels to inform the navy.

Moreover, the navy did not pay attention to the rebellion that occurred here, so there was no reason to know that it was him.

So, how did the Navy manage to find them right after they came?

Doflamingo took a deep breath.

"Hey, hey, hey! Ian, it seems that I really let you down!"

Damn it! There are bad guys in the family!

Ian stood up and stretched, "Anyway, let's go out and take a look."

He lowered his head and was met with Yamato's burning eyes, "Are we going to fight?"

Ian thought for a while, "It depends on what they say."

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