Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 87 Eat shit, justice! Drake's dark turn

Lieutenant General He said before that he chased Doflamingo away, but now he came to his door.

This old lady is not an easy character to get along with.

As a member of the Navy Legend, although this old lady is a civilian employee, she is definitely not weak in strength.

Even fifteen years later, when she has completely aged, her strength should not be weaker than that of the Three Disaster Generals Xingliu.

But now, fifteen years ago, everyone has not yet reached their peak, and the disaster generals and so on are much weaker than they will be fifteen years later, and even Jack is still a child.

On the contrary, the current Lieutenant General He is still on the tail end of his prime, and she is stronger than she would be fifteen years later.

After such a trade-off, is it possible that the old woman is stronger than the current Marco or Uncle Jhin?


What's even more troublesome is that she brought someone with her.

"Momotu Gion, at a young age, he is already a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

Doflamingo said with a smile, "Moreover, she is not an ordinary major general. She still stays at this rank just because her achievements are not enough. In fact, her strength is far higher than that of ordinary lieutenant generals." ”

"Everyone said that if Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji weren't so outstanding, she and Otago should also be strong contenders for the position of general in the future."

"Hey, Ian, why? Why is the peach rabbit who is supposed to suppress the pirates in the new world now blocking us with the crane?"

Ian didn't speak, just leaned on the sofa leisurely.

Yes, although they said they wanted to take a look, Ian and others did not come forward directly.

Let Gaji handle it first.

After all, the Kingdom of Germa is also a member of the World Government. Although Gaji has no cards in front of Ian, he can still show off in front of the navy.

However, the chances of being fooled directly are not high.

Therefore, the place where Ian and others are at this time is in the living room on the side of the entrance to the Kingdom of Germa. They can advance, attack, retreat, or defend to win.

Ian just waited.

However, Doflamingo continued to be angry.

"Why exactly?"

Doflamingo glanced at all his cherished family members, although he still had a smile on his face, "Could it be that someone among my most cherished family members betrayed me?"

"Who is it! Who did it!"

Pika even screamed with his extremely sharp voice, "Who dares to betray us!"

"If someone did it to me, I would definitely cut off every piece of flesh on his body!"

There were two marks on his face with oil paint, and the man named Diamanti, the leader of the Don Quixote family, was also roaring angrily.

The traitor is more worthy of death than the enemy!

Rocinante also tried hard to look angry.

But he knew that he might not be able to hide it for long.

But at least, there's one more thing to do before being completely exposed.

Rosinandy glanced at Derek imperceptibly.

This kid who dreams of becoming a navy should not be ensnared by pirates.

Doflamingo's eyes scanned his family members one by one.

Who is it?

Torebol, Diamanti, and Pika have all been loyal to him since childhood.

Senior, Jorah, Gladius, Mahabais, and Rao G were also recruited into the family very early on.


There's only one guy.

Since his return, the Navy has always been able to control its own movements.

Bah, bah, bah!

That's so much fun!

At the same moment, in front of the Germa Kingdom floating on the sea, a navy fleet lay across here.

At this time, a man walked up on the head of a big snail on Germa's side.


Gion narrowed his eyes, "Who would have thought that even the Vinsmoke family would be involved now? Sister He, is it still too late to ask Senior Porusalino to come over for support?"

Lieutenant General He didn't speak, just looked at the top of the snail's head quietly.

"Navy! What are you doing in front of me?"

Gaji looked down at the naval fleet below, his tone could be described as unceremonious.

Just kidding, why should the king of a participating country be polite in front of the navy?

He also carries a phone bug with him, which can immediately transmit what happens on his side to Ian's side.

"I won't say any more nonsense, Vinsmoke Gaji,"

Lieutenant General He said calmly, "Ian of Burning Sky, Donquixote Doflamingo, let these two guys come out."

"I have no idea what you are talking about!"

Jiazhi yelled arrogantly, "Get out of here! Otherwise, I will complain to the government!"

"It can't be done,"

Gion sneered, "You don't think you can get away with it, do you? Since we are here, of course we have conclusive evidence. I advise you not to resist stubbornly. Be honest now, and maybe you can be given a lighter sentence in the future."

"Or, you can just fire the cannon and try it!"

Gaji's face stiffened slightly, now he was in trouble.

In the back, in the living room, Ian stood up and stretched, "It seems it's time for us to appear."

"Bah, bah, bah, I don't care,"

Doflamingo smiled and said, "But Gaji will be in trouble. The king of the alliance country colludes with the pirates or something."

Ian said calmly, "It doesn't matter, the Beast Pirates will protect him from now on."

Wouldn't it be better if the Vinsmoke family were pursued by the government?

This means that Gaji will rely more on the Beast Pirates.


Doflamingo laughed loudly.

"Let's go."

Ian said that he looked around at the people around him, thought for a moment, and then said, "Keep those who are not strong enough to fight."

Doflamingo looked at someone, then raised the corner of his mouth, "That's it."

So, a group of people set out.

In this living room, only Drake, Luo, Baby-5, and other young people with little fighting ability are left. Of course, there are also.

Rosinandy looked at Drake.

He stayed too.

So, great opportunity!

Ian walked forward and climbed up the stairs to the top of the snail. What caught his eyes were the navy warships.

I have been in this world for so long, and it seems that I have never had any serious fights with the navy.


On the warship, Gion had already put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, "Get ready!"


Gaji looked back at Ian, a little ashamed.

"It's nothing. They have already grasped my movements and will never give up."

Ian said, "But Gaji, in this case, there should be no way back for you."

"I never thought about looking back!"

Gaji said firmly.

Since the world government wants to stop his dream, then the government is his enemy!


Ian nodded slightly, stepped forward, and said loudly, "I'm sorry, but Granny He, could you please get out of my way?"

"This kid is quite polite."

Gion muttered.

However, when she saw Ian with her own eyes, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

too young.

So young, yet so powerful.

"The Navy has no say in making way for pirates."

Lieutenant General He looked at Ian calmly, "Is there another bad boy?"

"it's here!"

Yamato stepped forward with a smile and stood side by side with Ian.

I'm probably not talking about you.

Ian chuckled.

"Hey, isn't this Lieutenant General He? He hasn't been seen for a while."

Bad boy Doflamingo stepped forward and looked down at the warship, "Are you feeling well?"

"It's better to skip the pirate's greetings."

The energetic old woman spoke indifferently.

"That's right, don't get close to evil pirates!"

Gion sneered, "Your fate today has been determined."


Ian was confused at this time and asked, "Where do we start with this?"


Gion was really stunned by his answer. After she figured out what Ian meant, she laughed angrily, "Do you mean to say that the evil ones are not pirates, but the navy?"

"Oh! You really don't say that,"

Ian looked like he suddenly understood, "Although I have never thought about it before, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is really the case."

Gion didn't even bother to refute.

"If the Celestial Dragons are the cancer of the world and the most evil existence in the world, then the navy that protects them must be at least the second most evil, right?"

Ian said so.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I feel like I'm helping the tyrants do harm, but I think I'm just."

Doflamingo smiled and agreed, "This kind of behavior can be called evil."

"Shut up!"

It was about the Tenryu people. Gion couldn't hold back immediately and shouted angrily, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I think we should be very qualified to judge the Draco, especially Dover." Ian said.

"There should be few people in the world who are more qualified than me to comment on the Celestial Dragons."

Doflamingo said.

It's hard for Gion to refute this.

This guy is a former Tianlong!

"I remember there is a tradition among the Celestial Dragons, right? Dover,"

Ian pretended to recall, "Once every three years, he will go down to the world and find an island for a massacre competition. After all the people on the island are killed, the island will be placed under the government's banner."


Gion's pupils suddenly trembled.

Also, is this kind of thing?

"Hey, Ian, you know so much."

Doflamingo answered with a smile, "That's right, the God's Canyon incident was caused by the Celestial Dragon hunting competition that attracted the Rocks Pirates."

"It's amazing."

Ian sincerely marveled, "Teacher Kai has worked hard for decades, and he may have killed only a few hundred thousand people. In front of the Tianlong people, it is not worth mentioning at all. Killing a country casually, the number of people killed The number of humans is probably several times that of Teacher Kai, right?”

"In the past eight hundred years, how many people have died in the Tianlong people's massacre game? Ten million, or one hundred million? Or, one billion?"

"Bah, bah, bah, I don't know."

Doflamingo looked at the marines, "Why don't you ask the navy? Every time the Draco people hunt, there are navy warships guarding them. They may have statistics."

"Oh, speaking of which, Iron Fist Garp is called a naval hero because he protected the Celestial Dragons who were attacked by the Rocks Pirates in the God's Canyon."

"Tsk tsk, the final result is that the Canyon of the Gods sinks, and all the indigenous people die. He is truly a naval hero, and he has perfectly maintained the image of the Celestial Dragons."

"……what are you guys saying?"

Gion's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and she subconsciously looked at Lieutenant General Tsuru.

This legend, who had led the navy since before the Great Pirate Era, now had his mouth lowered and said nothing.

Sister He!

What they said was false, right?

At the same time, in the living room just now.

"What! Are all the Celestial Dragons such scum?"

Baby-5 shouted loudly, "What kind of world noble is this?"

"Impossible! How could such a thing happen!"

However, Drake turned pale and roared in disbelief, "It must be the slander of those two guys! How could the Celestial Dragons and the government do this?"

"How is it possible? How is it impossible!"

Luo, who had always been gloomy, sneered at this time, "My country was destroyed because of the World Government!"


Derek looked at Luo blankly.

"Platinum-lead mine, have you heard of it?"

Platinum lead?

Drake had heard about it.

It is said to be a very precious mineral.

"You should have heard the name of my homeland, the white town of Freifans,"

Luo clenched his fists, "There is a lot of platinum and lead there, and the government has been coveting the benefits of platinum and lead and participating in the trade since a hundred years ago."

"But they never told us that platinum and lead are highly toxic, and the toxins will continue to accumulate! Until a year ago, the toxin broke out and the entire country fell into a state of complete destruction!"

"But what are the world governments doing? They have made huge profits from the platinum and lead trade and turned a blind eye! Let our country be thought by neighboring countries that a large-scale infectious disease has broken out and directly send troops to eliminate it!"

Derek stumbled back. He looked into Luo's eyes, and those dead eyes filled him with fear.

"I have two years left to live! I want to take revenge on this world! Destroy everything I see!!"

Drake was suddenly sweating.

What made him become like this was not a pirate, but a world government?

But, the navy that protects the government?


"Justice? If you act like a dog to the Celestial Dragons, once the Celestial Dragons are harmed, you will have to dispatch the general's navy. Do you deserve to talk about justice?"

Ian shook his head, "After all, who are the reasons for so many pirates on the sea? Half of the countries in the world are not protected by the navy, just because they cannot afford the heavenly gold that provides the Celestial Dragons with entertainment. Then,"

Ian stretched out his hand and pointed at the marines below, "You just ignore them, and the justice you talk about doesn't exist."


Ian shook his head, "It's not as good as Senior Whitebeard. At least for the islands owned by the Whitebeard Pirates, Senior Whitebeard will not charge huge protection fees, and he is really willing to help if something happens."

Ian consciously did not compare the Beasts Pirates.

"Baaaaaaaaaaa! Isn't this very simple?"

Doflamingo added insult to injury, "Justice also has a stand! Only those who are willing to worship the Celestial Dragons will be recognized as human beings!"

In the reception room.

Derek had collapsed on the ground, his eyes dull.

Justice, is that so?

He expected the Navy to retort.

but none.

He suddenly thought of his father.

Father, did he fall after realizing this reality?

"The Celestial Dragons are the Celestial Dragons! The Navy is the Navy!"

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Luo and Baby-5 both looked at the man who spoke with blank expressions.

Rosinandi stood up. He looked at Drake and said seriously, "At least, the Navy's justice in protecting order is not deceitful."

"You can talk!!"

Luo and Baby-5 couldn't help but scream.

Derek also looked at him blankly.

"At least,"

Rosinandi's tone was also bitter, "For eight hundred years, we have protected the world."

He added, "Half the world."


Luo was stunned.

Derek was silent for a moment, "So, what they said is true?"


Rocinante said nothing.

He took a deep breath, and then said, "Now is your chance. Come with me, Derek, and I will take you to the Navy."


Derek lowered his head.


“I’ll give you a mud horse!!”

The young man who looked like a teenager suddenly jumped up and knocked Rosinandi, who was caught off guard, to the ground. "What bullshit justice! Let me all die!!"

This kind of justice, this kind of navy - let him eat shit!

Drake turned to look at Luo and Baby-5, "What are you two still doing? This guy is a traitor!"

On the snail's head, the expressions of Ian and Doflamingo became a little strange. They looked at each other. This development was indeed unexpected.

This live broadcast seems to be very effective.

"rest assured,"

Doflamingo said calmly, "I asked Senor to stay."

So, finally.

Ian looked at the marines.

What to do with them?

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