Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 97 Princess Manshirley of Lilliput Country (Subscribe please!!)

Dressrosa, a summer island located in the front of the New World.

This is a very beautiful island. Because of the climate, it is full of flowers all year round. There are large tracts of flower fields outside the city, which makes the whole city bathed in the fragrance of flowers. It is definitely a good place for tourism.

Until the establishment of the World Government, this island was ruled by the Don Quixote family.

But later the Don Quixote family went to Marijoa and became Celestial Dragons, so this country had a new royal family, the Riku family.

This family has been passed down to this day, and it has been eight hundred years.

In their hands, the development of this country can basically be described as tepid.

Not poor, and definitely not rich, but at least they can afford the heavy heavenly gold.

This country is peaceful and peaceful.

But this peace is destined to be broken today.

After nearly a month of sailing, the Golden Dragon finally approached this country.

"That's Dressrosa?" Black Maria stood by the side of the ship, looking at the country in the distance, "Don't you think it's a bit like Wano Country?" She said a bit like that means that the edge of Dressrosa is also surrounded by a circle of towering mountain walls. At first glance, it is indeed a bit like Wano Country. Jack heard it and said, "Is this country also built on high ground?" "There is only a circle of boulders outside." Ian said. The terrain of Dressrosa is also quite peculiar. A circle of boulders surrounds the entire island, which is a completely natural wall. In the center of the island, there is also a huge stone, which is the King's Highland where the palace is located. "Is the healing fruit here?" Luo lay on the side of the ship, his face full of desire. "It's in this country, but not on this island." Ian turned around, "Babanuki! Turn! Sailing around this country, there is a small island in its north." "Yes!" Babanuki responded loudly. "I am worthy of being Brother Ian! You are so knowledgeable!" Jack's face was full of admiration. It's nothing, you'll know after watching a few more episodes of the anime.

The Golden Dragon sailed around Dressrosa and soon saw a lush island.

The area is much smaller than Dressrosa, and the island is full of greenery and there is no sign of human life at all. It is completely an island covered with primeval forests.

This is Greenbit.

The place where the dwarfs, the Tontata tribe, are located.


Yamato, who was originally looking at Greenbit from a distance, suddenly lowered his head, "Ian?"


The sea surface suddenly exploded, and a huge fish that was dozens of meters long flew out of the sea.

The appearance of this fish is quite strange. Its body is like a goldfish, but its color is dark red, and its head has a pair of sharp horns like a cow, and its mouth is full of sharp teeth.

"This is a fighting fish."

The knowledgeable Ian explained online, "The ferocious fish living near this island, like a bull, will attack all creatures in front of it."

"Is it time to explain now?"

Luo's eyes were red with anger, "It's biting!"

It's only one step away from the healing fruit that Ian mentioned. He can't die in the belly of the fish here, right?

At the moment he screamed, a black shadow had already jumped up.


Yamato kicked the fighting fish directly on the head, cracking its skull, and then fell into the sea.

Luo showed the excitement of surviving a disaster.

But at the same time, Ian continued, "It is worth noting that fighting fish always appear in groups."


Luo's excitement solidified on his face. He looked at Ian and quickly looked down.


The sea surface was boiling instantly, and huge fighting fish like sea beasts kept rushing up and rushing towards Yamato.


But Yamato only felt very happy.

She was as clever as a monkey, jumping on the heads of fighting fish one after another.

Every time she jumped, a fighting fish was stepped into the seabed.

The fighting fish tried desperately to bite her to death, but they couldn't even touch her flying hair.

"Ian! It's fun!"

The girl felt like she had found a new toy.


Luo's mouth twitched.

Forget it, as long as you are happy.

"Then have fun."

Ian certainly didn't care.

It's just a group of fish.

So, under the protection of Yamato, the Golden Dragon finally docked at the shore of Greenbit.

"Babanuki, I'll leave it to you to watch the boat."

"Please leave it to me!"

After instructing Babanuki, Ian and the other four, plus Luo, a total of five people, landed on the island.

There seemed to be no trace of human activities on the island. It was clearly next to Dressrosa, but the jungle was so dense that there was no place to step. It was more like a continuous fence than a jungle.

At this time, Jack's importance was reflected. He turned into a huge mammoth and marched forward savagely. All obstacles in front of him, whether trees or vines, were pushed aside, and a path was opened up.

"Ian, is there really anyone here?"

Luo was a little uneasy.

This island is a primeval forest no matter how you look at it.

"Asshole! Are you questioning Brother Ian?"

Before Ian could answer, Jack turned back angrily and yelled, "Brother Ian can never go wrong!"

Even Black Maria nodded to herself, "Well, it's Ian after all."

These guys!

Luo gritted his teeth.

You guys believe in Ian too much! Is now the time for idolatry?

"There is someone, but probably not the person you imagined."

Ian just walked forward slowly, "Don't worry, with the noise we made, they should be here soon."

"All right."

Luo rubbed his trouser legs nervously with both hands, and his eyes with dark circles looked around vigilantly, not missing any movement.


Suddenly he heard a soft noise.

It was like the sound of branches being moved.

come yet?

Luo suddenly turned his head.

His expression suddenly became distracted.

Yamato picked a gorgeous flower with four different colors from a bush and showed it to Ian like a treasure, "Look Ian! What a beautiful flower!"

Ian smiled, took the flower from the girl's hand, and then put it on her temples with his backhand, "It's more beautiful this way."

Yamato didn't mean to be shy at all. Instead, he tilted his head with a smile so that Ian could see more clearly, "Really?"


Ian nodded slightly.


Yamato raised his chin proudly, "Because it's me!"

The corners of Luo's mouth twitched.

Is there any mistake? What are you two here for?

Why don't you get married sooner if you are so in love!

Luo didn't realize that his character was gradually losing its original coldness.

Just at this time.

Ian turned his head suddenly.

There are leaves swaying slightly on the treetops over there.


Yamato's body tensed instantly, and his sharp golden pupils were instantly locked in that direction.


Luo was a little confused.

What's wrong?

Not aware at all?

Ian couldn't help but glance at Yamato.

Quite keen.

It seems that we are very close to awakening to seeing and seeing form.

"It seems we've found it."

Ian took two steps forward and cleared his throat, "Come out, I've seen you."

In fact, my eyes didn't see it at all.

Luo was still confused.


What did you see?

"What? Did you actually discover it?"

A small figure jumped out from the branch of the big tree and landed on a flower next to it.

"Oh! How interesting!"

Yamato had already screamed in surprise for the first time.


Luo couldn't help but scream, "What is this?"

He was a small man only about twenty centimeters tall.

It looks furry, with a big head compared to the body, a sharp nose, like a knife, and a big furry tail behind the butt, almost as big as the body.

The round little face had a tense expression, and the little hand held a spear as long as a chopstick, which was pointed at Ian carefully.

"Ah, it's so cute!"

Black Maria also exclaimed softly, but of course, Heluo was surprised in another aspect entirely.

"Brother Ian, what is this?"

Jack asked his knowledgeable brother Ian in confusion.

"The Dongtata clan, that is, the little human clan."

Ian stepped forward and looked down at this little guy who was only a little bigger than his hand.

"Little humans?"

Luo was a little shocked, "Besides the giants, are there actually small humans in the world?"

Ian chuckled.

Even though he is so young, if you want to fight, Luo, you will probably be beaten to pieces by him.

Although the Dongtata clan is petite in size, their strength is several times that of humans, and their speed is so fast that it cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Not to mention Luo, even ordinary fish pirates are no match for this little man in front of him.

Hiss, let’s put it this way, aren’t the humans in this world a little bit greedy?

They can't compare to the little humans, the fishmen, the furs, the giants, and the Lunaria.

But fortunately, all the top experts in the world are human beings.

Strength in numbers, boy!

"Adult humans! What are you doing here!"

The little man pointed the spear in his hand at Ian, full of vigilance.

"My friend is suffering from a terminal illness and is about to die. I heard that Princess Manshili of the Dontata Kingdom has the healing fruit ability, so I want to ask her to help with the treatment."

Ian said honestly.


Luo was stunned.

So honest?

It was completely different from the pirate style in his eyes.


Since she is a princess, how can she help so easily——

"Hey! Is that so?"

The little man's face was now filled with panic, "Terminal disease? That's really something bad! Come with me! I'll take you to find Princess Manxili!"

After saying that, he had already anxiously jumped deeper into the forest.


Luo felt like his jaw was about to dislocate.

What is this!

"Let's go, follow."

Ian walked forward naturally.

Do you really want to follow?

Wouldn't it be a trap?

Luo didn't understand at all.

"So Ian, what's going on?" Yamato couldn't understand either.

"The Dongtata family is very simple and kind,"

Ian said, "They have no ability to distinguish lies and never doubt others."


Black Maria narrowed her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth, "What a lovely tribe."

"Aren't they easily deceived?"

Jack said.

"So they have been living in seclusion here."

If this race really goes to the sea and is known to outsiders, it will probably be eaten up in no time.

Following this little people, we came to the depths of the forest, on an ordinary open space.

"Wait here for a while, I will go to find the princess right away!"

The little man was even more anxious than Luo, fearing that the patient would die because he was a little late, he went into the tree hole under a big tree next to him.

Luo swallowed nervously.

Is hope right in front of us?


Yamato pulled Ian's sleeve, "There are so many."

"They all say it is the little people, a tribe."

Ian looked around.

Around, the treetops, bushes, and grass were all trembling slightly.

There were many cute little guys watching them quietly.

They were still whispering.

"It's the adult tribe!"

"So big!"

"What are they doing here?"

To be honest, it was a bit scary to hear so many whispers in the seemingly empty jungle.

Fortunately, soon, the little people leading the way ran out of the tree hole, "Princess Manshili is here!"

Behind him, a small little girl ran out of the tree hole.

Each of them was a head shorter than the little people leading the way, and they should be considered children among the little people.

With a thick head of long golden hair, she looked like a doll.

Behind the little princess was a little human boy who looked similar, wearing a green hat and a needle on his waist.

Oh, is it Leo?

He and Princess Manshili were childhood sweethearts.

Behind the two of them was an older little human wearing a crown.

"Where is the patient?"

The little man, who should be the king of the Tontata Kingdom, jumped onto a tree stump and shouted.


Ian pushed Luo out.

"Hurry, hurry! Manshirley!"

The king hurriedly said, "He's going to die! Save him quickly!"

No, he's not going to die that soon.

Ian chuckled.

But what a lovely tribe.

"I know!"

The little princess jumped onto Luo's shoulder nimbly, "I'll heal him."

Princess Manshirley was very light, like a little kitten, but Luo felt like a mountain was pressing on his shoulders.

It seemed that he was not going to be treated, but to be judged.

Luo even held his breath.

What would be the result?

"Healing Tears."

The little princess cried, tears falling from her eyes and falling on Luo's neck.

The warm tears gave Luo goose bumps instantly.

"The ability is already working." Ian said, "Luo, how do you feel?" Luo was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly checked himself. Of course, platinum lead disease has many external symptoms. Then. Luo froze. Everyone looked at him quietly. Immediately, two lines of tears flowed freely from the boy's eyes. Ian's mouth corners raised. It seems that he has come to the right place. Then. He looked at the little people around him. What should these kind and cute little people do? At the same time, in Dressrosa, King's Highlands, in the palace. In the reception room, the two kings were talking happily at this time, and a serious-looking man was guarding them. A guard ran in hurriedly at this time, "Your Majesty! King Riku! A pirate ship was found on the coast of Greenbit!"

"Pirate ship?"

The man called King Riku's face changed drastically, and he stood up instantly, "On the coast of Greenbit?"

Greenbit, that's where the Tontata clan gathers!

Oops, they're in danger!

"Which pirate group is it?"

King Riku asked quickly.

"Not sure, the pirate flag was not blown up by the wind, so it's not clear."

The guard said quickly.

King Riku gritted his teeth, then immediately made a decision and looked at the guard next to him, "Cyrus, come with me to Greenbit!"

He looked at the other king who was still a little confused, "Ilizabello, I'm sorry, I have to leave first."

"You are too polite, King Riku!"

The king called Ilizabello stood up and laughed heartily, "We are friends! Since there are pirates, I can't just stand by and watch! It's time for my King's Fist to show its power again!"

"Then I'll trouble you!"

Thanks to the big boss 'Zhangyang Feizhu' for the 5,000 points reward, thank you for your generosity!

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