Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 98 Help the Little People Move! Fist of the King (Please subscribe!)

"Really, it really disappeared?"

Luo slumped on the ground, holding his hands up in a daze. He couldn't tell from the outside, but he could feel it very clearly. It was different. His body was completely different from before.

The thing that was once rooted deep in his body like a maggot had disappeared.

He felt relieved and broke free from the cage.


Luo couldn't help but cover his face and cry.

No matter how immature he said he wanted to destroy the world, he was just an eleven-year-old child after all.

He knew that he could only live for another three years when he was ten years old, and then he lost all his relatives. The pressure he carried was too heavy.

And now, the threat of death has finally gone away, and Luo finally has the ability to imagine the future again.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Luo sobbed and hugged the little princess who was squatting on his shoulders and was still panting slightly because of the huge physical consumption.

Although Luo was only eleven years old and still very thin, he was undoubtedly a giant compared to Princess Manshili, who was just over ten centimeters tall.

He held the little princess in his arms like a rag doll, hugging her carefully.

"Thank you very much!"

The little princess, who was only ten years old this year, was a little shy, her little face was red, and she seemed to feel Luo's excitement. She raised her little hand and patted Luo's shoulder gently.

"It's all right now."


Luo let go of the little princess, held her in his palms with both hands, and nodded heavily at the same time.

It's all right now, he can stride towards the future with his head held high.

With all the hope!

"That willful princess, actually knows how to comfort people!"

Princess Manshili's performance stunned Leo, her childhood sweetheart.

In his impression, the little princess has always been willful and self-centered, and she doesn't listen to anyone at all!

Hearing Leo's exclamation, the little princess, who was gentle and kind just now, suddenly had a vein on her forehead. She jumped to Leo's side like a shadow and grabbed Leo's ear.

"Don't say bad things about the princess!"

The little princess said loudly.

"Wow! It turns out that your highness is still the usual princess!"

Leo screamed.

Ian couldn't help laughing.

Classic happy enemies.


Ian looked around.

More little people appeared from all around, in the grass, bushes, behind the leaves, and almost came out from the girl's skirt.

"Great! Your highness cured this big person!"

"Yes, in this way, he will be safe!"

"You are worthy of your highness!"

The little people cheered for Luo's recovery sincerely.

"So cute."

Black Maria also sighed sincerely.

It is indeed a very cute race.

Kind and pure from the bottom of their hearts, they are full of goodwill towards everything in the world, and even the concept of lies does not exist in their world.

Such a race should live in this dense forest and not contact the outside world.

But unfortunately, Ian appeared here.

Then we can't pretend that we didn't see it.

Ian sighed softly.

What should we do with these cute little guys?

The physical fitness of the Tontata tribe is of course very qualified as a soldier.

With strength that exceeds that of humans several times and a speed that is so fast that people can't see clearly, the ability to fight head-on is already outstanding. If they are allowed to act as assassins, the role they can play will only be more exaggerated.

However, if the character of the little people who can't distinguish lies is taken into account, they are the worst soldiers.

If they really go to the battlefield, I'm afraid that they will be deceived by the enemy's words and turn on the spot.

Moreover, isn't it too inhumane to let such cute little guys go to the battlefield? Faced with his request for help, they cured Luo without saying a word.

Sure enough, they should be asked to do logistics.

In addition to their outstanding physical fitness, the Tontata clan also has a unique ability.

They are very good at cultivating plants. It is said that there is no plant in the world that they cannot cultivate. Any plant in their hands can grow in the healthiest posture.

They can be called the innate holy body of farming.

In the original work, Doflamingo deceived the Tontata clan to help him cultivate the smile fruit.

And it is a coincidence that although there is no result now, Judge also said that the artificial devil fruit he cultivated should also look like a fruit.

Ian slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

The Tontata clan saved Law, they are Law's benefactors, and Law is his partner, so rounding off, they are also his benefactors.

In order to prevent the benefactors from being harmed by Doflamingo in the future, it is better to take them back to Wano Country.

The vast world of Wano Country is just right for them to show their talents.

I, Yi, mainly focus on repaying a drop of water with a spring of water.

Then, how can we bring them back to Wano Country?

Bru bru bru.

The voice of Den Den Mushi suddenly rang.

Ian raised his eyebrows and answered the call. Babanuki's voice came immediately, "Lord Ian, someone is coming! It seems to be the royal family of Dressrosa! They have discovered us."

The royal family of Dressrosa?

Isn't that King Riku?


Ian's eyes lit up, there was a way.


Yamato's ears were very sharp, and he turned his head to look at Ian at the first time.

The girl's heart is always restless, and she always longs for the extraordinary.

Ian smiled, he walked forward, looking down at Princess Manshirley who was playing with Leo, "Thank you very much for your help, Princess Manshirley, if it weren't for you, my friend would have left me."

"You're welcome."

The little princess who was originally pulling Leo's cheek suddenly felt shy when facing Ian's thanks, and immediately hid behind Leo and said softly.

Ian said, "To express my gratitude, I will go to the ship to get some gifts for you now."


Leo blinked, "Princess, this adult tribe said they want to give us gifts!"


The little princess also looked at Ian expectantly.

"So, please wait a moment."

Ian said, "I'll go back and get it now."


The little princess nodded happily.

Ian turned around and looked at his companions, "Let's go, let's go back first."


Yamato cheered.


On the coast of Greenbit, where the Golden Dragon is docked.

Babanuki stood on the deck, holding a telescope and looking at the steel bridge connecting Greenbit and Dressrosa on the sea not far away.

One after another, the fighting fish kept attacking the bridge, but they were easily shot down one by one.

And the fighting fish attacked a group of guys dressed as soldiers, led by two men wearing crowns.

"The strength is quite good."

Babanuki focused on the man who kept shooting down the fighting fish.

It was a man dressed as a gladiator, with a green vest on the upper body, which was tightly stretched by his muscular body, a short battle skirt on the lower body, and a red cape on the back. At this time, he was waving a two-handed sword and jumping around swiftly, accurately chopping off every attacking fighting fish.

Very powerful!

Babanuki made such a judgment.

However, this powerfulness was compared to himself.


Overestimating one's own ability.

Babanuki just sneered.

In front of Lord Ian and Miss Yamato, it was not worth mentioning at all, just like an ant trying to shake a tree.

When Babanuki observed the people on the bridge over there, the people who hurried over on the bridge were also observing them.

King Riku was also dressed like a gladiator at this time. Although he was a king, he liked duels very much, and even went to duels himself. He was by no means a weak king. On the contrary, he was also full of muscles.

King Riku was carrying a big sword on his back and holding a telescope in his hand, looking at the golden ship from afar.

"What a big ship!"

He couldn't help but sigh.

Dressrosa was not rich, and they could not build such a huge ship no matter what.

King Riku instinctively felt something was wrong.

Such a huge ship was not something that ordinary pirates could own.

Moreover, why did I always feel that this ship looked familiar?

"Hahahaha, there's nothing to be afraid of! King Riku! No matter what kind of pirates, I will crush them completely with my heirloom sword!"

Beside King Riku, a man named Elizabero II was constantly punching like a boxer warming up, and then retracting his punches. This action seemed to have lasted for a long time, making his whole body sweat, and even his skin turned red.

Listening to his old friend's words, King Riku couldn't help but smile softly.

Yes, the King's Fist passed down from generation to generation in the Elizabelo family has the power to destroy the world. Now that Elizabelo has been fully warmed up, what is there to be afraid of?

"Cyrus, please help me!"

King Riku looked up and said to the man who kept slashing the fighting fish, "It's not easy to pass this bridge without you."

Fighting fish will indiscriminately attack anyone who approaches this sea area, even those who walk on the bridge.

"This is my duty."

Cyrus said lightly.

He is not only King Riku's guard, but also King Riku's son-in-law.

These two identities do not allow him to let King Riku get into trouble.

Under Cyrus's guard, a group of people quickly passed the bridge, and then came to the Golden Dragon docked on the coast without hesitation.

"Here we go."

Babanuki put down the telescope, "Get ready for battle."

The pirates on the deck picked up their weapons and laughed excitedly. Although they were all small fry, they were also small fry of the Beasts Pirates. How could they take these guys seriously?

At the same time, the gun compartments of the Golden Dragon were opened one by one, and the heavy guns on the side of the hull were exposed, ready to fire at any time.

But, it was at this time.

A gust of wind suddenly blew on the sea.

The wind on the sea is not a special thing.

The special thing is that this gust of wind blew over the top of the Golden Dragon, and then the wilted black pirate flag fluttered in the wind, and finally the pattern on the pirate flag was revealed.

King Riku, who had already approached, subconsciously raised his head and looked at the pirate flag.


"That's it!!"

Cyrus's face changed drastically.

There was a white skull pattern on the pitch-black pirate flag, with three interlaced bones behind the skull, and the most conspicuous thing was the pair of huge horns on both sides of the skull!

"The Beasts Pirates!!"

King Riku was already pale and shouted.

There was absolutely no mistake!

The Beasts Pirates stirred up the storm some time ago, and their pirate flag had been seen too many times in the newspapers!

"Why is the Beasts Pirates here!"

Cyrus raised his hand to stop King Riku, "Your Majesty King Riku, let's retreat!"

No matter how much Cyrus believed in his own strength, he would not think that he had the strength to compete with the Beasts Pirates.

Moreover, even if he repelled this ship of people, what would happen?

Could Dressrosa withstand the revenge of the Beasts Pirates afterwards?

King Riku was pale, but he did not retreat immediately.

If he retreated, what would the Tontata clan on the island do?

That was at this time.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave right after you got here?"

In the forest next to them, a giant elephant directly crashed into a tree and rushed over.

Above the giant elephant's head, the black-haired boy spoke slowly.

Cyrus' face suddenly looked desperate, "Ian, the Burning Sky!"

The real monster whose reputation has resounded throughout the world has arrived!

How could he be here!

Ian stood on Jack's head, looking down at the group of people on the coast in front.

The one with black hair and red cloak should be Cyrus, the legendary gladiator of Dressrosa, a man worthy of admiration.

The man he protected was King Riku, another classic pirate-style victim.


Ian looked at the man with red skin who was still punching.

This guy, too, looks quite familiar.

"Don't be afraid! King Riku!"

Just at this moment, the man who kept punching shouted, "I have finished warming up! Even the monsters of the Beasts Pirates can never defeat my invincible family sword!"

Family sword?

Ian finally remembered.

Izabello II, right?

This guy has a very interesting move, called the King's Fist.

It is said that after letting him warm up for an hour, he can swing a punch that is enough to kill the Four Emperors.

Of course, it is said that in the original work, this fully charged King's Fist was also blocked casually by Bartolomeo.

"Come on! Pirates!"

Izabello II was now emitting red steam all over his body, roaring at Ian, "Let me show you the King's Fist of the Elizabello family!"

"Wait! Elizabello!"

King Riku almost screamed.

If the Beasts Pirates were really provoked--

"Then let me do it--"

Yamato subconsciously wanted to jump forward.

But Ian grabbed Fate's neck directly, "I'll do it."

He looked at Cyrus and King Riku, and threw Yamato towards them casually, "You go and deal with them, don't use too much force."

At the same time, Ian shot up and landed lightly on the coast, coming to the other side of Elizabello. The golden flames wrapped him, and Ian immediately put on a heavy golden armor.

Pterosaur·Ball Form·Orc Mode.

The power of this move is unknown, so it's better to be cautious.

Ian has even prepared to launch the God Phoenix directly if the situation is not right.

He spread his hands diagonally downward and made a Frieza pose, "Come on, let me see it."

Ilizabello II looked at Yamato who fell not far away, and then looked at Ian who was completely in another direction.

If you can only choose one of the two.

"Then take it! Pirates!!"

Ilizabello roared, and his fists were ready to go.

King Riku wanted to stop her, but was completely stopped by the oncoming cold air.

"Don't get in the way."

Yamato's white mace was stuck on the ground, and King Riku's legs were completely frozen.


"Oh? You react so quickly! Observation Haki?"

Yamato looked up, and the moment she made a move, Cyrus had already jumped up to dodge. This kind of reaction ability cannot be achieved simply by relying on prediction.

It can only be Observation Haki.

He can actually use Observation Haki?

It's quite amazing.

Cyrus, who fell from the sky, chopped down the two-handed sword in his hand mercilessly, and shouted angrily, "Thunder Destruction Sword!"

No matter who you are, I will never allow you to hurt King Riku! Hurt your benefactor!

At the same time, Elizabelo's fist blasted out.

"King's Fist!"

Before the fist was fully blasted out, the air in front of him was already distorted, as if some terrifying beast was rushing head-on.

When his arm was stretched out, a huge shock wave had already formed, and everything in front of him had been distorted. This powerful shock wave swept everything in front of him like a huge vortex in the deep sea.


Ian exclaimed, and then was instantly swallowed by this wave.

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