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"Ah, time is almost the same, the image phone has passed to the Marshal, I really want to take a good vacation for a while."

The Lusang said that as his words, the cold chill will be frozen around the buildings around him, then the whole person is disappeared in the original place, only a bright ice thorn.

"Furfurfur, Navy Major, White Snake, Vilgo, is really a man with the name of the Navy's new generation monster, this ability is really trouble. The strength is strong."

During the Francumba danced, countless wires smoke the falling ice, and smiling while dodging other lightning attacks.

"Hey, smile less, night fork, Duran Ming Ge!"

Virgo has a cold and coldly glanced over the Francumbi, and then evacuated to the black clouds of the arm again sprayed the dragon rolls and violent thunder. The huge ice cubes were simultaneously attacked to Duran Ming Ge. Powerful appearance is pre-knowledge, blocking all the fuff, all the way to avoid the route, then turn into a black cloud, come to the place, a stick carrying a strong armed torch to pumping the stomach of the Duran Mingge.

Dofonteo's opinion is tight to warn Duran Ming Ge, how danger is there.

Feel the strength of Virgo today, Dofonteo mood is very happy.

"Furfurfur, is a terrible strength."

Although smile, During the Franmino has no great idea.

The finger hit the casserole in the chest, and suddenly wrapped around the high-level armed torch of Duran Mingcho instantly formed, and the Vilgo's attack was resistant.


The two huge strength collides, suddenly produced huge waves, blowing the surrounding buildings.

After a hit, Dofran Mingge's body is quick back, fingers continue to slide, and the invisible silk is constantly cut to Vilgo.

"Furfurfur, wire blade!"


The invisible silk is constantly riding through Vilgo's body, but in Vergo's opinion, there is no harm to him.

Virgo's calm looks at the last Dofontech, with black sunglasses flashing with light.

"Wind roll cloud !!"

With Virgoa icy words, the violent hurricane is quickly formed, and the Duran Mingge is completely covered.

"It's good, Vilgo will."

The cold chill suddenly appeared in the battlefield. The new Navy general, the Cong Zan, who came on the cousin, appeared in the sky, the whole body risings, with the arms crossed, and the Duran Mingcho trapped by the hurricane.

"Furfurfuro, the Navy, Guo Zao! It's really worth seeing me. I actually dispatched two monsters to deal with me!"

Du Franmin now now hurricane center, look up at the air of the road, whispered.

"Ah, you are such a guy, worth doing this, night fork! Ice moment!"


With the voice of Kucra, two huge icicles flew from his arms to Dofontech, and the cold cold will be freely frozen.

"call out"


Between the blink, Dofonteo was completely free from the ability of Kucrais, and turned into a ice sculpture that flashes rays.

The Kuzang is slowly flying from the air, standing not far from the Duran Mingchi for ice sculpture, I don't know that things are not so easy.

" "

Sure enough, like the praise, just a moment, the ice is crack, and then thoroughly broken.

"Call, call, it is really horrible, it is a new Navy general, and the strength is really strong as a monster."

Drake the frozen Duran Ming brother half a bitter gas, looked at the kutchi.

Looking at Dofran Mingge to break your abilities, the roots of the bodies of the warefarted the body into ice, and spit out the cold cold in the mouth.

"Ah, don't say that I am a monster, are you not a strong more like a monster?"

"call out"

The voice is falling, and the library disappears in the same place, and the whole body has emerged in front of Dofontech.

"Frozen. Two spears!"


Almost attacked attacks, Dofangming brothers do not have any avoidance space.

" , Kuzan small ghost, old man can't watch you to treat my captain like this!"

The green pepper didn't know when it appeared on the battlefield and came to the Dogran Mingge.

The sharp head cone flashes the dark light and goes directly to the library.

"Eight Wu Boxing Aiyi. Cone Dragon!"

" "


The horrible power of green pepper is crushed all the ice spears flying over Dofrang Mingge while the power is not subjected to the library.

Feeling the power of green pepper, Kutz praise has to stop attacking the attack on Duran Mingge, turning around to welcome green pepper.

Ice.time! "

The kutaman elementality has directly grabbed the cone of the green pepper, and the horrible chill is out of the moment, and he is directly free.

"Ah, it's really, one is difficult than one!"

Kuzan said helplessly, then the body quickly elements, the whole person turned into a ice.

" "

Just completely changing the Kutzama, directly shredded directly by a horrible sword.

"Ah ~ Employed elementalization?"

Lahal slowly said that the long sword was lazy.

"Oh, really, it is a new year of the Navy. Will it be so easy to solve it."

Raffeite incited the white wings to fly in the top of the wings of a piece of broken block, looked at the kutama sighed.

"Hey, feed, hey, this is not more and more trouble?"

The sound of Kucraisheng sounded from the ground on the ground, and then quickly recovered from a broken ice.

I watched a circle, I found out when the Tang Ji-family member had arrived, and she was surrounded by the two people from Vilgo, and the look of Kucrais became dignified.


Tap a cold, Kuzan is tight, ready to launch a fierce battle with the other party.

"Ah, Vilgo Major General, it seems that we are dangerous today. If you don't seriously fight, it will be finished."

Although my heart is full of serious, but he still doesn't forget to care about his own part.

"Hey, don't worry, I want to go, I can't stop me at all."

Virgo is calm and snorted, and the eyes are quietly viewed on the side of the Aii Road.

"You just eat the good luck of the thunder! Today, I will take a look at how you develop the power!"

After that, Vilgo's body shape is a white cloud, and instantly disappears in the original place. It has once again come to the Aii Road, the bamboo sticks in the hands have been entangled in the rich armed colors.

Seeing the direct attack of Vilgo, Ai Ni Road smiled, and then his body lightning riots.

"Yehaha! Don't look at this god! 100 million volts! Lei Long!"


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