Pirate's World Manipulation

Chapter 101 Authentic Aii Road

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"Yehaha! Navy, I have a little time to read this god!"

"100 million volts. Lei Long!"

With the madness of the Aiña, Welcome Vergo is a blue dragon full of violent thunder.

Virgo face calmly looked at the Raytar who flew over, and the look did not change.

"Is this your strength? I only know the guy who relies on fruit capabilities."

Vilgo handed into a black cloud, and instantly swallowed the violent Thunder Dragon of the Aii.


The Vilgo, which was swallowed by the Thunder Dragon of the Ai Ni, came out of the dark clouds of his arm.

"The power is good, but it is useless to me."

The violent Thunder Dragon flew out from the black clouds of Vilgo, swallowed with Ai Ni Road.

"What! What's going on!"

Surprised Ai Ni Road looked at Vilgo to easily resolve his own attack, and also strengthened the power to return to himself, and suddenly surprised the mouth.




Because it was too surprised, there was no defense, Ai Ni Road, full of Virgo's attack.

Although the ability of the instinct has not been attacked by lightning, but Vilgo has covered a strong armed torque, but smashed in the abdomen of the Ai Ni Road.

The powerful power directly took the Ai ni Road, and he took into the ruins.

"Hey, cough, cough, vomiting! That glow! Cough!"

Ai ni Road lying in the ruins, the mouth constantly spitting the acid water, coughing slowly climbing up.

"This god wants you!"

Angry, Ai niri directly in order to light up, disappeared in the ruins, appeared in Vilgo's top, the golden stick in the hands, want to smash the Vilgo.

Virgo is calm, and the eyes with black sunglasses flashed with rays.

"Hey, Dover is really looking at you, actually will give you a guy like you."

Vilgo said with cold and cold, raising his hand to relate to Ai Ni's attack with bamboo sticks in his hand, and then he fate directly Aii.


There is no avoidable, Ai Ni Road returned to the ruins.

Easily solve the Ai Ni Road, Vilgo is not interested in him, turning his head to the distance is boring in Lahar.

"Oh ~"

Feel the Virgo's sight, Lahar spit out salted fish bones in his mouth and scratch it to see Vilgo.

"Is this ready to test the strength of family companions ~"

"call out"


The long sword with bamboo stick collision sounded, Vilgo has come to him while Lahar speaks for him, and a stick will take a stick to Lahar.

Easily use the long sword to block the bamboo stick in Vilgo, Lahar is interested in Virgo.

"You are Vilgo, it is a good brother who has always praised it, the strength is really strong ~"

Vilgo heard the words of Lahar, the brow wrinkled, and then recovered calm.

"Lahar, I know that you, the Tang Jian's big sword, the strength is really good."

Vilgo said, it will not pay attention to Lahar, and go to other Tang Ji family members who are not far away.

" , discourse, Virgo, really don't see it!"

Torle Puber saw Wilgo, and he was happy to say hello.

However, responding to his exactly a horrible hurricane.

"Seeing Vilgo did not leave care, I launched such a horrible attack, and Torre Boulder shocked.

"Vilgo! You are soaked! Do you want to kill me!"

Torrepol quickly secretes countless mucus, forming a huge mucus guard wall, and killing himself inside.

Without the counterpost, Vilgo went to Diamanti and the Bank of the Card, La'o g and others.

"Hey, I haven't seen it for a long time, Vilgo!"

"Vilgo, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Well, it is true. Thunder and irritance."

Vilgo could pay a sentence, and then directly took out his big tricks.

" "

The horrible lightning is now explosing, and the entire sky is rendered into blue.

"Vilgo! You are here!"

The sharp voice sounded, and the card manipulated a huge huge sword stone giant climbed from the ground.

"go to hell!"

With the voice of the card, the stone giant waved the huge long sword directly to the bottom of Vilgo.

Vilgo looked at the giant sword with terrorist power, and the face was quiet as water.

"Frost Snake"


A huge water snake completely formed by frost, flew out of the arm of the stone giant from Vilgo's dark clouds.


The entire stone giant was frozen into a huge ice sculpture.

"Half a month!"


The huge huge huge hit from Vilgo's side.

"Hey, Vilgo can make a little smaller. In the past few years, it is not only stronger."

Diamant's mouth is lifted, smiled.

Indeed, in order not to be thrown down from Duran Mingge, he is very hard to train himself in the past few years.

Although the strength is slow due to the reason, the strength is slow, but their strength is indeed growing.

Vilgo wrote, endorsed.


For so many years, the strength of members of the entire family is much stronger than the original. But even so, Vilgo is still worried about members of the family.

Because the Navy's part is stretched, he is a future naval general that is cultivated by the Navy, he knows the strength of a lot of naval secrets and the world government.

"Not enough enough!"

Virgo said that there is a saying that the body will go out in an instant, and come directly to Diamanti, a stick touched it, flew Diamante.


Numerous violent Thunders broke from his body and swallow Torrebauer directly.

"Your strength is still too weak! This is not helpful to help Duple!"

Vilgo jumped, covering a strong armed tall domineering fist, hit a huge stone giant's face.

"Thunder and Rysight"! "


Countless violent lightning in Vilgo's control, the madness of Diamani, Torrepore and the card and others were baptized.

The horrible power is directly pressed with Diamani, Torrebol, and the three people can't lift the head.

In the distance, Ai Ni Road is sitting on the ground leaning against a waste wall, looking at Vilgo, which is a great god, and is full of doubts.

"Obmal! Why! Obvious Laozi is a person who has eaten thunder, why his lightning power is strong than I have a genuine! What is the fruit of the egg?"

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