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After a dramatic explosion, Du Francumbi, green peppers and Kutan opened the distance.

I don't know, they have fighting hours, and the three chests are slightly ups and downs.

Although it is two-to-one, but, even the new Navy general, Kutz praise is still able to occupy the wind in the battle. Although I want to defeat Dofonteo and green pepper. It is not so easy.

At this time, the three occupied each other and watched each other.

"Furfurfur, Kucrais, it seems that you can't catch us today, it is really a pity."

Dofran Mingge gazed to the praise, the scarlet glasses flashed, and the finger twisted.

"Ah, there is no way, after all, you do have that strength."

Cozan agrees with the discussion of Dofran Mingge.

Although I have made my best, I can arrest most Tang Ji family members, but I should pay huge consideration, and I don't necessarily grasp the main criminals, and the night fork Dufangming brother, so Kutzang doesn't want to fight. war.

For the lazy, believe in the lazy justice, as long as the Francience is repelled, let them leave this country, then his mission is completed, continue to go to vacation is not very good?

"Hey, Kuzan small ghost, with the old man to ask Kapprum, I have been remembering the shame brought to me after a few years ago!"

The green pepper touched my sharp head cone, laughed and said to Kuzan.

"Ah, that is really embarrassed, wait for the task to complete, I have to take a break, when you don't necessarily remember you let me tell me!"

The Kutz praised a green pepper, and the tone was lazy.

He didn't help to help a pirate to convey anything, but he has already planned to go to a break.

"Furfurfur, it is a pity, Kutzan, then will then."

Du Francang also didn't want to continue, after all, who continued, no one would like to happen.

At the place of praise, he greeted his family's members picked up the injured companion directly decided to retreat.

The libraries are in the same place, and the look is lazy to look quickly in the Dolombing brother in front of him, and then sit on the ground.

"Just let them leave? The warehouse will, if you have a full hand, you can't keep the Tang Ji family."

Vilgo looked at the Dofrang Ming brother who left, went to the side of Kuzan, said that it was cold.

Listening to Vilgo's words, the library slam lazy.

"Ah, it's a bit unexpected. Even if you don't have to hold them, you will not be able to retain them. And, the order we receive is just helping this country to retreat the night fork, no It is necessary to desperate. "

Moreover, this is only a speech, deeper meaning, has also reached, so there is no need to continue to fight.

Virgo wrote, it was also silent.

Indeed, this action, the reason why the Navy is praised by himself, in addition to helping himself add the credit of the credit, more is also to examine himself.

Since the Navy's Staff Cranes were killed in the Tang Ji family, the Navy's current heads have always been in the mobile phone to pay attention to the Tang Ji family's trends and intelligence.

When Vilgo started in front of the Navy, the Warring States has begun to pay attention to him.

After all, the North Sea corruption is chaotic naval division, and suddenly a new strength and potential are very huge, and it is still a natural system, and the Warring States can't pay attention.

For the guys who suddenly raise them, but also the North Sea, the Warring States is certainly more concerned.

This action, one is to go to Vilgo, helping him to work, promote the reputation, and one is the test. Vergo is related to the Tang Ji family.

However, through this task, it is also equivalent to passing the test of the Warring States, pulling out the hearts of the Warring States.

After an hour, when Kuros praised this action report, he got up to leave.

"Ah, yes, Vilgo, the Warring States boss has agreed to my vacation request, now I am going to travel, those soldiers have to take back the Navy."

After that, I will not pay attention to Vilgo, I will leave directly.

Virgo face calmly looked at the leaves, patted the gray layer on the body, and stand up, ready to leave.

"Brubrew Bru"

Suddenly, the sound of the phone is ringing.

Vilgo took out a black phone from his arms and hecked it while walking.

"Furfurfur, my brother, this performance is really good! I want this time I have helped you completely stand firm!"

The small laughter of Dofran Mingcho has passed.

Silence for a moment, Vilgo is open.

"Dove, this time, it is indeed a completely stationed, and it should completely dispense the concerns of the Warring States Marshal. However, if you want me to leave the Navy's part, go to other branches."

Indeed, even if the Warring States' doubts have been dismissed, but the cautious personality in the Warring States, Wirgo should not take Virgo to stay in the Navy.

Whether in order to cultivate Vilgo or others, it will not continue to stay in the department.

"Furfurfurfur, Vilgo, my brother, if the Warring States want to leave you, then, go to the G5 base of the new world! There is a good place!"

During the Francience, Delgo selected the next place.

Virgo Wen said that it is also a bit surprised. After all, as a navy, no one knows more than they know, the new world G5 is a place.

Instead, there is a division of the Navy, it is better to say that it is a group that cannot be gathered by the blend of the pirates.

However, for Vergo, which is more believed to believe in Duran Mingge, he also chose unconditional trust.

"I understand, Dover, I will take the initiative to apply to the New World G5 base."

Wen said, Dofonte brother smiled.

"Furfurfur, my good brother, believe me, we can quickly meet in the new world soon."

After finishing, Dofontech hangs up the phone.

Seaside, Dofontech, a group of gangs gathered on the beach, waiting for the material to be full.

Hanging up the phone, Dofonteo slowly got up from the stone, looking at the sea.

"Hey, Dofangming, next we are going?"

Esdes wear a female military uniform, the perfect body matched her costume, looks full.

Listening to Esdes's words, Dofontech smiled.

"Furfurfur, next? Of course, it is the island of the legendary celebration!"

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