Pirate's World Manipulation

Chapter 103 New Reward

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The great route waters, Dofontech is a leisurely sailing on the sea.

Although this Knos kingdom has some tiger head snakes, but for Duran Ming Ge, the harvest is not bad.

Not only completely stabilizes the status of Vilgo in the navy, but also harvested a new companion.

The army of Knos Kingdom, Esdes.

As a natural cream fruit power, whether it is a fruit capacity or sword, it is very potential, and it will be a good power in the future.

"Hey, Dover, other members in the family are playing cards, but you are hiding in the stern fishing, but it is really leisure."

Esdes took a sexy cat step to step into Dofrang Ming, while using the ability to make a very gorgeous frost seat in Dofran Ming Ge, gently sit down, Singlely supported the chin look at Duran Mingchi.

Do Francine brother looks at Esdes, and Fufurfur.

"Furfurfurfur, Esdes, the navigation can be very boring. And, the level of gang card is too low, it is completely unimedified."

During the speech, Dofran Ming brother took advantage of the fish, under his pulling, the fish line flew up, a huge sea of ​​huge sea princes that had a length of more than ten meters flew out of the water.


I saw the white cold, and the sea princes pulled out of the sea have not come to the roaring roaring, and the whole body is now covered by frost.

The sea king covered by frost, under the sun, flashing with the bright light.

"Furfurfurfur, Esdes, no matter what, your ability is so beautiful."

Dofonteo will discard the fishing rod and praise Esdes.

I heard the praise of Duran Mingge, Esdes's mouth raised slightly, and the little finger was slightly put into the mouth, and the eyes were very eyebrow to look at Dofontech.

"Oh? Is it just the ability to look?"

I looked at the army, it looked like an unpaired Esdes, but it looked full, and contradictory beauty made a lot of francience.

"Furfurfur, Esdes, you are the most beautiful than your ability."

Do Francine brothers provoke Aisdes, staring at Esdes, is very beautiful.

However, when Esdes is ready to follow, Dofontech has released Esdes.

"However, I like the powerful woman. Esdes, work hard, become powerful. Furfururo, wait until your strength makes me recognize, you will be my woman, the whole Tang Ji family The hostess. "

After that, Dofonte brothers smiled and left the stern splint and walked toward the cabin.

"Weibull! The big fish in the sea is your dinner tonight. Give you!"

Before leaving the splint, Dofonte brother called the sound from Wilbull, who is licking a huge lollipop.

"Hey, I know! Thank you brother!"

Weibur is reluctant to put down the huge lollipop, ran in the stern, then pulled up the fish, put the huge sea beast.

I didn't pay attention to the stupid Weibull, Esdes gained the direction of Dofonteo left, slight smile.

"It is a man who is a man, it is really domineering."

At this point, I am playing a card on the deck, because the lifetime is bored, I can only sit on the side of Diamanti, I saw the bird, and I bought a newspaper.

However, when he saw the content in the newspaper, he suddenly screamed.

"Hey and feed! This is really no! This is our Tang Ji family is completely famous!"

Listening to Diamani's scream, the people on the entire deck stopped the things in the hand, curiously gathered.

"Hey, how is Diamani, discourse, what happened?"

Torre Poel twisted the body and dragging two long nose came to Diamani's side, turned his head to the newspaper.

When I saw the content inside, I also screamed.

"Hey! This is too unexpected!"

Seeing Torre Pubel is also screaming, the rest is more curious.

"Ah ~ What happened, then noisy, bothering me to sleep."

Lahar lazy sheep has made a hill. An qi asked with Torle Pool and others.

", Lahar, we Tang Ji family, this time, the complete famous four seas! It is the whole family, you know! This is the whole family!"

Torrebol is excited to go to Lahar's side to put the newspaper in front of Lahar.

Lahar is curious about, and then the mouth is the bigger.

"I rely!"

Because it was too shocked, Lahar did a sentence directly.

I only see the title of the newspaper, it is too surprising.

"Big Piece, Tang Ji. Du Franmin brother leads the crime of the family pirates to destroy the world government to join the kingdom of Kenos"

The report is detailed in detail, the cruelty of the night trigers, just because of the guided deception and cruel, the entire Knos kingdom, the Kingdom of Knosnos is all killed. Just a few days, the country that was extremely developed in the original great route changed much to the ruins.

When the Tang Ji family is ready to completely destroy this country, the minister of the country has lead the army to resist the army. At the naval general, the god will be the help of the Navy, and there is no such thing as the whole country. Be ruins.

Tongzhi reports are describing the brutal and singing of the Tang Ji-German, the Navy's gods and white snakes, as well as the Hero of Knos Kingdom, Carlet.

At the end of the newspaper board, it also copied a new, the new reward for the entire Tang Ji family member.

'Day Night fork' Tang Ji. Dofran Ming Ge, Tang Ji Hai Wei Demon captain, line fruit power, life and death, no matter, a reward of 500 billion is 3,360,000 Bailey.

'Waves' Lahar, Tang Ji Wade Hei Cadial Cadres, Wonglo Fruit Power, Swordsman, Reward, Reward, Million, 1,300 million Bailee, life and death.

'The green pepper, Tang Ji Wade, the Ministry of Cadre, the original eight treasure water army, unable to reward, 500 billion billion Bailey, life and death.

'Devil Sheriff' Raffitt, the fruit is unknown, suspected animal system, Tang Ji Haiji Cadre, the sailor, the rewards of all one hundred and twenty million Bailey. Life and death.

'Longl' Aii Road, naturally tiered, Dynasty, Dang Ji Wade, the squirrel, and rewards the gold 53 million Bailey. Life and death.

Diamanti, Tang Ji Hi Our Fighter, the rewards of 3,33 million Bailei, life and death.

Torrepole, Tang Jihai, a fighter, rewarded from 3,1200,000 Bailey. Life and death.

Senell, Tang Ji Hi Our Price, the reward of 1 million Bailey. Life and death.

Card, Tang Ji Tea Pirace fight, rewards two thousand one million Bailey. Life and death.

Monet, Tang Ji Teice Secretary, natural Xue snow fruit power, hanging from 5 million Bailee, life and death.

'Trunker' General, Esdes, Natural Sputum Frost Frost Frost, the rewards of 6,6 million Bailey. Life and death.

And the end, it is an ugly face in Edward. Weibull.

'Arage' Edward Warwi Bur, Tang Ji Wade Hiès Compass, the rewards of 300 million one thousand eight million Bailei. Life and death.

When this report just spreads through the sea, it caused an uproar.

Everyone knows, this moment, there is a group of pirates to rise, and the whole world will rise.

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