Pirate's World Manipulation

Chapter 104, occasional Adventurer Tiger

You can search for the latest chapter in Baidu, "One Piece World Search Novel (www.soxs.cc)"

Great route

On the calm sea, the fallen angel of the Tang Ji-German family is in the sea level.

"JQK with flowers! !! Let the old man handed out the money!"

The green pepper excitedly fell on the ground, laughed with all the money on the ground and received it.

"Bastard! It is actually the same flush! It is a little bit!"

Diamandi angry threw his pair of K on the ground, indignation.

"Hey, a pair of K, Laozi can be a pair of A, still not eaten!"

Lahar snorted, then slowly got up, left the table.

Because his money has been passed through ...

For the departure of Lahar, people on the table don't care, continue to start the gaming.

"Fast, Laozi will have a certain turn!"

"You have said this every time, but which is it all lifted? Say it, this light is not allowed to go back!"

"Hey, do you think that Laozi is a lost person!"

A few people who have a noisy, Dofontech started their fishing journey in the bokeh boring.


Just when the Francience boring fishing fish, suddenly a person rushed out of the sea.


"Ah, finally encountered people! Hey, you are good, I am Fisher, Terger, Terger, because of a long time, my belly is very hungry, I can give me some food! I can take Things exchange with you! "

Men who claimed to be Physical. Tig.

It is also a bit surprised by Fisher. Tac, Dofonte.

Because of his men, there is still some understanding.

The hero of the fish island, hovering from the Red Soil continent to the Shengdi Marie Joa, burning countless houses, running countless slaves.

"Furfurfur, you are Fisher. Tag? It's really famous for a long time. If food is, you can give you."

Dofonteo smiled and said to Terg.

For Fisher. Terg, Dofran Ming Ge is actually appreciated.

I dare to go alone, I will go to the Shengdi Marie Qiaoa, and I can still escape, whether his courage is still the strength, Duran Mingge is still more appreciated.

After all, in terms of strength, Fisher Taig as the boss of the fish people, the future of the seven Wuhai Sea Hai, whether his strength is still the potential, is still very good.

I can pull the other party into my family and will be a big supplement.

Tiri heard the words of Dofran Mingge and suddenly surprised.

"Oh? That's too thank you. But do you know my name?"

Fisher. Tiger slowly swim to the fall of the angel, climb the ladder, and looked up and asked with Dofontech.

Listening to the words of Terg, Dofontech smiled.

"Furfurfur, of course, fish island's big adventure, Fisher. Ter, I often have heard of your deeds."

I heard the words, Titi was sorry to smile.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the district is actually known by the famous nights, which is too honored."

Climb Terg, walking to Dofran Ming Ge, friendly reaching out his palm.

At the beginning, I didn't pay attention. When I came to the boat, I saw the face of Dofran Mingge and the figures of the pirates, Terg was also aware of the identity of the Franmino.

Dofonteo smiled and shakes the opponent friendly.

"Do you know me? Then you really have a gut. I am called the pirate pirate."

Dofonteo stared at Tig laughing.

"Hahaha, the old man can never believe what you hear, no matter what, I like personally go with your eyes."

Terry smiles, there is no fear because of the reputation of Drama Mingge.

It is also laughing at Thaigdo Francience.

"Furfurfur, Tiger, it seems that you are also a good person. Little, the banquet will! Take out the food and wine, welcome our guests!"

With the voice of Dofran Mingge, the Tang Ji family members on the deck suddenly called, soon moving countless wine and food from the kitchen of the cabin.

Soon, there is no lively on the deck.

In this world, no one will refuse the banquet, not to mention the pirates sailing on the sea.

After a while, Tiger is convenient to Tang Ji Yidi Group.

"Hahaha, Tiger, good! Come, come back!"

"Hey, Torre, your snot, don't get my food! Good disgust!"

" , disclaimed this chicken leg, but I first look!"

Regardless of other family members of the group, Dofonte brothers have a bottle of wine in Fisher. Tiger has come to the side of the boat, blowing the sea breeze together.

Looking at the eyes, wearing a black suit, pinking pink feathers, glasses with red flamingo shape, a golden broken Duran Ming Ge, Thai has to admit that Dogono is a very Glamorous man.

Didn't pay attention to Tiger, Dofontech slowly turned to look at Tac.

"Terg, I don't know what you've thinking about this world?"

Suddenly heard the question of Duran Ming Ge, Terger was also surprised. After silenced, it slowly said his views.

"What is the world, I don't dare to comment, because so far, the place I have been too limited, but I only see oppression, confusion, and discrimination in all the islands."

Yes, all the islands, the country you have ever, the country, the country, the image gives him, confusion, oppression, discrimination.

The aristocratic class is confusing between the civilian class oppression, civilians or mixed pirates, and people have discrimination between other races.

After listening to the words of Tac, Dofran Ming brother nodded.

"Yes, this world is like this. In summary, strong people oppressed the weakness. This is the truth of this world. If you don't want to be slavery, it is oppressed, only you have to master your own destiny. Human creature, no matter How gentle temperament, the body is definitely sleeping, it is exciting, only 'blood' and 'death' is entertainment.

Weak, even the way to die can't choose! "

Looking at the Duran Mingcho at this time, listening to him, it is a word that is the evil path of his philosophy, but Terg is unable to refute.

Yes, as a weak, even how to die can't choose.

"Furfurfur, so, Tir, do you want to join my family, change this world with me, create a new world with me! Let me set up with me to make this world rule. People! "

Suddenly I heard the invitation words of Duran Mingge, Tiri stunned,


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