Old Drunkard never thought that the venomous dragon poison that had troubled him for many years would be undone one day. In order to resist its invasion day and night, he almost used his entire life cultivation base for sealing.

At this moment looking at the Yangling Ridge in his hand and Song Ren’s heartless smile, he was really happy.

Proud of having such a disciple.

“Too wasteful,” Old Drunkard said after a long time.

The key of the Heaven & Earth Treasure Pavilion, the author’s points for the sky-high price, wasted on him alone. It is not worth it. You should redeem the treasure for your own benefit.

Song Ren untied the knot, then got up: “Grandpa Wine, then I won’t bother, ten Divine Artifact matters, I think I can do it.”

“Okay, I have to at least half a month to eradicate and recover. After all, this resentment dragon poison has been for so many years, don’t look at the seal on the leg, nowhere to move, but the heart veins and spirits have traces left by it. At that time, you still have to be careful. If he really lied to you, the ten Divine Artifacts that I lost will be recovered by you in the future. “

Old Drunkard said finally, domineering in speech.

But a ‘in the future’ or is clear, even if Old Drunkard cleared the curse, he must not be able to restore the cultivation base for a long time. The suppression and internal injury of the body for so many years made him almost a leaky broken pot. .

“Also, in the Demon Domain, you can inadvertently reveal the Eight Talisman Gate. The Eight Talisman Gate has always been a lineage single pass. Without the seed of the previous Primordial Spirit, Cultivation simply failed. It also made him understand that A few Old Brothers, and alive. “

Old Drunkard smiled bitterly at last: “He is not alone.”

Song Ren didn’t know what happened that year, and what was the plan, how did Old Drunkard get hurt, and he was so disappointed in this field, but he quietly gave a respect, and he was saluted: “The students understand . “

Song Ren left with sadness and walked away happily.

Experiencing the disappearance of Old Drunkard’s breath in the restaurant, he exhaled a long breath.

“No way, I can only play rogue. I do n’t know if I can eat or eat at the Celestial Emperor Pavilion. It is estimated that some people on the Human Race side will call themselves prodigal. According to Grandpa Wine, it must be just and honourable, let everyone know with great fanfare, there will be someone here to pass the message, and he will be more secure.

After all, 10000 people will be watching. “

Song Ren came home and told his dad not to bother. After deducting 10000 expenses, virtual projection started.

Appeared again, as before, came to the outermost reception square of Holy City, he went directly to Author Certification Guild.

I came to the holy monument and looked at my name and 2 Epoch books above, feeling inexplicable in my heart.

The other authors who originally came in and out looked at Song Ren’s dress and suddenly remembered something.

Pictures and videos of the author ’s lecture at the Learned Academy of Classical Learning a few months ago, but the fire went on the Internet, and many people have benefited from his more than 2 hours of speakers, but did n’t expect He would even appear here.

“Excuse me, are you the author?” Someone asked uneasily from the side.

Here I worship the name on the holy monument, but you are standing alive with me.

Song Ren still wears his white smiley mask: “If you’re talking about that, it should be.”

Suddenly, the bizarre answer of the two people caught everyone’s attention, and soon exclaimed, after all, the authors came and went here.

The authors have their own circles, but they know the Legendary authors very well.

“Wow, I am the author of” Tomb of Gods “and” Zhu Xian “. I was lucky enough to meet the living.”

“Can you touch me, fortune, or God, hit me and see if I’m dreaming.”

“The author is big, I also read your new book” Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade “. The previous text is good, but is it too cumbersome in terms of writing. Is there any other intention in your writing like this, I’m not afraid of your jokes, I am ready Imitate your book. “

“Big God, are you here to receive subsidies? It shouldn’t be.”

“By the way, it was said on the Internet that you killed Dekong of Sikong Bitu. Is it true or false? It’s also my Human Race Deity. Why did you do this, so that the other party began to retaliate against the soldiers at our border?”

“Do you really trade the ten Divine Artifacts for more than 1000 lives, is it still worthless? Do you know if you do or don’t do it this time, what kind of resentment will you have for you?”

“Yeah, if you don’t save, I don’t know how many people will feel you are cold-blooded. Why would such an author support or even denigrate, but you saved, ten Divine Artifacts, how much will be the future of my Human Race.”


Many people have recognized Song Ren’s outfit. Now that he is the cusp, how can he appear here, what is he doing here?

There was a lot of noise, and Song Ren signaled everyone to be quiet, and Zhong Jingshan, who had been informed at this time, rushed out immediately.

After Song Ren looked at him with a restless word, loudly said, “I will save it.”

Apart from this, I didn’t say a word, but followed Zhong Jingshan to enter. While many people were shocked, they rushed into the questioning, but were quickly stopped by some guards.

“Why are you here without saying hello in advance?”

Entering the room, Zhong Jingshan was busy,

Song Ren sat down, and then straightforwardly said, “Let’s contact the Lei Yuan Saint King and say I have something to look for in him.”

Zhong Jingshan frowned, shook his head: “It seems that my advice you haven’t listened to at all. You look down on them, they are light and important, and they can tell clearly.”

Song Ren didn’t talk, but waited quietly.

As the Vice-President of Author Certification Guild, Zhong Jingshan was the middle contact person for the last trip to Southern Damp Earth. Although the relevant memories have been erased, it is still possible to contact Lei Yuan Saint King.

Although the inner area to the outer area is far away, the tea time is enough.

The battle post under Sikong Bitu, which now tops the headlines, has been discussed spiritedly. Many people are arguing about whether to change or not. In the end, the two sides have divided into two camps, and from time to time, they started fighting.

The main point of view is that our redemption of those tortured compatriots is the responsibility of each Human Race. We must not chill the sergeants’ hearts because of their interests. Think about it in other words. If you are like yourself, for Human Race What is the expectation of the side.

The objection is that Mo said that the ten Divine Artifacts are precious. They saved the half-dead 1000 people today. Whether they will exchange in the same way in the future, the habit of taste sweetness will be easily formed.

Also, who will be responsible for the harm caused by the lives of 1000 people and the ten Divine Artifacts in the future?

Therefore, this cusp author is the object of everyone’s attention. When he appeared in the Author Certification Guild, he was immediately exploded. Many people are guessing, what is the author’s intention to show his face at this moment?

In the room, Song Ren watched the space creeping in front of him, and purple robe Lei Yuan strolled out.

“Say it!”

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