“I want ten Divine Artifacts, and I need to save those people,” said Saint King, Song Ren resolute and decisive.

Lei Yuan smiled instantly, and sat across the table from Song Ren, like a negotiation.

“Zhong Jingshan hasn’t told you the benefits? Not to mention ten, one Divine Artifact will not work. I gave Demon Race, it will cause no end of trouble. Others don’t know. At Southern Damp Earth, you can see it with your own eyes. See how this Sikong Bitu plays with us. “Lei Yuan slowly.

Song Ren leaned forward and said, “I never knew anything about Sikong Bitu. Then, how do I get remembered by others, and why are I on the cusp of public opinion today?”

Lei Yuan stopped talking for a long time, and said for a long time: “I will explain to everyone about Sikong Bitu. I will also take on more than 1000 names, and I will even give you corresponding compensation. I know you feel After grievances, no matter how this matter is handled, there will always be some people who will hate you, including those sergeants on the border.

Song Yu, there are more things in this world than one’s grievances or reputation. We all come this way, time will prove it all. “

Lei Yuan stood up, and what he said had already been said, and his attitude must have understood Song Ren.

“Ten Divine Artifacts without the slightest control. Ten authors need to personally erase the connection between the two. You have also born Deity. You will give yourself a hard life, even Divine Artifact as an honor to Demon Race. Over there?

In the future, Demon Race will use them to attack Human Race in turn and hold their Divine Artifact. What do you want those authors to think?

Also, the Celestial Emperor Pavilion is not my own. There are also various disputes in it. No one has this right … “

“Deity is important or Divine Artifact is important?” Song Ren interjected suddenly.

Lei Yuan frowned. “Of course the human form Deity matters.”

Song Ren smiled suddenly: “Master Saint King, also tell me to other seniors on behalf of me, these people I have saved, ten days later the Locust Demon Domain I will go, without Divine Artifact, I will own 2 Deity entrusted him, let him out, let Demon Race out, yes, there are 2 Divine Artifacts. “

Song Ren’s figure began to be transparent.

“You’re a rogue. Do you know what you’re talking about,” Lei Yuan suddenly flustered and exasperated after a stun.

“I don’t care, it’s because of you that got me into Sikong Bitu. I helped you complete the task and killed a Deity. Now that I am pointed to by a husband of 10000, you pretend to be deaf and dumb. Good thing.

I also talked to you, at worst, I also learned Sikong Bitu, betrayed Human Race, to be honest, I have n’t been to Demon Race, I heard that heavenly material treasure is everywhere, maybe Sikong Bitu may have one Companion, we can also have a good communication about writing problems. “


“After ten days, I’m still here, you can take care of it yourself.” Song Ren’s body completely disappeared, Lei Yuan trembling with anger.

Quiet room, Lei Yuan kicking the flying table and chair gasping for a long time, but soon smiled again: “Although I am a little bit bloody, my heart is still not bad. Now, let ’s see how those people opposed said.”

Lei Yuan finished talking to himself, but also turned into the void and disappeared.

In the room, Song Ren’s eyes opened again, and it feels so good. It’s not good to give you some surprises. Saint King may have met a rogue author like himself for the first time.

But there is no way. He believes in Old Drunkard, but probably understands that almost no one knows the true identity and thoughts of Sikong Bitu.

Oops, forgot to say, Song Ren quickly sent a message to Zhong Jingshan and told him to tell Lei Yuan that he needs 2 types of Divine Artifacts, 3 offenses, 4 assists, and 1 medicines.

Zhong Jingshan said he understood that he had no reason to interject now, and the two sides were better than each other, and they should pass the microphone silently.

In the next few days, the hot discussion on the headline is getting higher and higher, and it has shaken off the popularity of the number two thousand thousand. In general, the shout against exchange has reached 2%, and the remaining consent The 70% of the exchange also slowly died down.

Because after calm down, the future they see is not good.

Only on the seventh day, Song Ren was silenced by the top hot post on the top.

“The storm Legion urged the authors to give up the exchange.”

“Pan Stone Legion urged the authors to give up the exchange.”

“Hellfire Legion urged the authors to give up the exchange.”

“The Thunder Leopard Legion all implore the author and give up the exchange.”


If not bad, these people should be people at the border.

The mutual feelings of the soldiers are absolutely deep. What kind of pain do they endure before they say the words that let them give up their old robes.

Whether it was wished or not, no one was optimistic about the deal.

It even said that Sikong Bitu had such a problem.

Song Ren was silent for a long time, came to Old Drunkard’s wine shop, looked at the empty place, made himself some hot wine, exhaled a long breath.

Snow will melt, spring will come, and 100 flowers will bloom.

“President Zhong, please tell Lei Yuan Saint King, I will leave in 2 days!”

“Hey ~ you kid, now Lei Yuan Saint King is coldly snorted as soon as I see me, I have lost all my familiar faces over the years, but I still want to say that you are really good, no matter what the result, I Sorry for the exhortations I told you a few days ago, “Zhong Jingshan said.

Song Ren smiled. He couldn’t say the specific reason, but if he changed himself to that position, it would be the same.

“It’s okay, just make me stupid, maybe it will be successful.”

“Well, there are signs. I have seen a few Divine Artifact authors who rarely appeared in the past in Holy City. It seems that what you said to Saint King that day worked.”

Song Ren breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that it was a little childish and even threatening to say that, but he really couldn’t help it.

Sikong Bitu Senior, who is hated by everyone, is likely to encounter difficulties and really need those things, otherwise Old Drunkard will not understand the secret words left from those photos.

Even, it was a temptation of Sikong Bitu Senior. I wanted to see if anyone could understand him. After so many years, was he abandoned or did he fight alone?

Therefore, Song Ren must go to this transaction, in addition to saving people, and answering a message to let him know that everything is still there and everything we understand.


Two days later, Song Ren came to the author’s guild again. At this moment, in addition to Lei Yuan, there were Gu Yunhai and Sun Shan 2 Saint King who went to Southern Damp Earth on the same day.

Lei Yuan put his face on his face and handed a cloth bag: “This is what you need, and each one can only be used for the last time. There is also a message from there. This is the first time for you to make an exception, and the last time. Human Race has I ’ve been more threatened by Demon Race. I do n’t want to be threatened by the same race any more. I can give you up if necessary.

Song Ren checked ten Divine Artifacts and felt that divine, satisfied nodded: “I see, many thanks!”

“Take care,” Lei Yuan’s tone softened at the end, facing Song Ren.

“I see, I’ll bring them all back, take them and go home!”

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