Xia Zhilan was the first time I saw this Legendary writer. Just because of excitement, I asked Pseudonym of ‘You really are Have The Ability To Hit Me’ Ah? ‘, But Song Ren’s funny answer was’ Dare to hit Her Highness the Princess’.

In just a short initial communication, we can see that the extremely mysterious author passed on is actually easy to get along with.

Song Ren also didn’t expect. Normally, the one with Lin Miaoke Su Youwei was hailed as 3 talented women, and even the eclectic woman in the filming process would have such a large background.

Looking at the thick fatty next to him, Song Ren suddenly felt that the ideal of the fatty is not what most people can imagine.

But it also proved that in addition to being rich, Fatty Ke also had a great background, otherwise the dynasty Senior had seen his granddaughter ‘harassed’ so much that he had long been cleaned up.

Fatty Ke rubbed the thick fat around his waist, then eagerly ran over, a familiar look.

“Bigbro Song, why did you come here, and do n’t tell my brother, I ’ll pick you up. Come inside, it ’s windy outside. You are sensitive, but you do n’t dare to be noticed by someone with heart—” Fatty Ke hurriedly With Song Ren, he headed for the ship.

After Song Ren saluted to Xia Lin and Xia Zhilan, he followed the fluffy fatty up.

At this time Xia Lin reacted. He didn’t want to let the fat boy of the Ke family get on the boat. Why did he go up by himself?

This to have no shame spirit is really the legacy of Old Guy.

“Then I’ll go first!” Xia Lin headed for Zhong Jingshan nodded, and Zhong Jingshan hurriedly “Dare”.

As Xia Lin and excited Xia Zhilan entered the cabin, the golden armor fighters on both sides also returned.

When the gale rose, the hull lifted off, slowly merged into the void, and disappeared.

But the appearance of more than a dozen Epoch writers a day will surely make many people relish.


This huge iron boat is very large, and the facilities inside are all-inclusive, not to mention anything else, each Epoch writer has his own room, giving absolute private space.

The world’s spiritual energy in the room is extremely rich, which is better than some Heavenly Paradise, and you can see the rich and imposing side of the dynasty.

After Song Ren lay down comfortably, she began to search the Internet about Yinye Imperial Court.

Not to mention, he didn’t really pay attention to these intricate relationships before. Normally, I just walked around in my own small town, and occasionally went out for virtual projections, also for tasks.

Yinye Imperial Court is a dynasty in the north. It stands side by side with Longshu, Great Wei and Three Great Emperors, but the overall national strength is somewhat weak.

Regardless of the number of famous writers in each row or the region, they have more extensive contacts with the Demon Race boundary, and the powerhouse that dies every year is more than twice as many as the other three countries.

If these consumptions are left aside, it will not take decades for Yinye Imperial Court to become the leader of the True Dragon, but unfortunately it will not work as expected, and the region is so distributed.

Under the dynasty, there are large-scale hidden Shi Family, Sect, city and other series, but there are also some super forces that cooperate with the dynasty and are not restricted.

For example, Su Youwei’s Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, Fatty Ke’s cousin Mo Cheng’s Ministry of Heavenly Spirit, and some more mysterious Great Hades, Cang Divine Race, Tianmohai, etc. Even the Internet is just a few words, basically No information available.

Song Ren also probably understood that these forces are like Shi Family. They are attached to the dynasty, but they also exist side by side with the dynasty.

It seems that I know too little about this continent.

After visiting this place for a long time, I didn’t even go out to the 1000 1 / 10000th of the Northland, let alone the other major dynasties and the larger Demon Race area …

Today Yinye Imperial Court is the father of Xia Zhilan, named Xia Ying, and has several sons, but there is only one daughter, so she is extremely affectionate.

His father is Xia Jin, the owner of Old Sovereign, but he has retired and lived in seclusion. He has 2 brothers, Xia Yu 2 and Xia Lin 3, which is the super powerhouse that escorted them.

The others are not very detailed, this can only be regarded as official, but the author group of other people’s organization must also take a good look, so as not to get embarrassed by 2 eyes.

“Bigbro Song, are you resting?” Just then, Fatty Ke’s voice came from outside the room.

Song Ren lifted up his mask, and he was speechless to this fatty, even if he rested, he was woken up by you.

The ship shuttled through space, but nevertheless it took at least 3 days to reach the capital of Yinye Imperial Court.

Song Ren opened the door and saw Fatty Ke’s expression of restraint, still holding tightly in his hands the Epoch writer badge he gave him at the Learned Academy of Classical Learning.

“Come in!” Song Ren said.

Fatty Ke suddenly laughed, stepping forward, cautiously closed the portal.

“Bigbro Song, you, you actually lied to me, you quickly hold this thing, I am ashamed to hold it.” Fatty Ke quickly handed the badge to Song Ren.

The first time I saw Song Ren was in the outer area of ​​Holy City. I didn’t recognize the way and followed them. The two chatted speculatively. The second time I saw them, I was already in the Learned Academy of Classical Learning.

He quietly signed it to his cousin, let him give it to him, and he was even uninterested in leaving the badge.

Normally, all his interests are in music, and the badges issued by those who know and care about the guild are the identity of Epoch writers.

Then, after attending the lesson and “Tomb of Gods” Novel entered Epoch, he walked out of two Divine Artifacts and a Deity. He was so happy that he had no time to talk, and they let the prison Gu Changyue come to a black tiger to care for the dragon poison. .

The next time Saint King arrived, the author disappeared and became a pity.

Seeing him again this time, he is happier than anyone else.

Song Ren looked at fatty and really wanted to tell him that the two of us had met every day for the past 2 months, pinching our legs and rubbing our shoulders, and the technique was good.

After confirming that the voice changer was still there, Song Ren was about to speak, and there was another knock on the door.

Who is this?

Just about to get up, Fatty Ke hurriedly said, “I’m going to go.”

I ran outside the door, and when I opened it, I saw Xia Zhilan, who was more nervous.

“Lanlan-” Fatty Ke blurted out.

Xia Zhilan froze, looked at the big face, and looked up at the room number again.

That’s right, it’s your idol residence. Did you go wrong?

“Lanlan, why are you here, come in quickly.” Fatty Ke rejoiced.

“Lan, you sister, fat, how many times have I told you, don’t call me such a sloppy name.” Xia Zhilan panting with rage said.

“Okay, Lanlan, I won’t call you Lanlan anymore. What about Xia younger sister, or Zhilan? Little Zhi? Zhizhi?” Fatty Ke nodded and wanted to call.

Xia Zhilan’s hand clenched tightly, and finally let go.

She is powerless.

“It was Her Highness the Princess, please come in!” Song Ren came over and saw Xia Zhilan busy.

Xia Zhilan, who was going to be angry, saw Song Ren coming out from behind, and wished to kill the fatty.

This is obviously the author’s room. What kind of mess did you run over that caused me to lose such a big face?

“Mr. seen–“

“Aiya Bigbro Song, I know we have a good relationship, but I really ca n’t ask for this badge. This is your identity mark. How can I get it?” At this moment, fatty yelled, the badge just now Still holding it in his own hands.

Now he turns his eyes and plays immediately, and continues to wink at Song Ren, just to express in front of Xia Zhilan how strong his relationship with the author is.

Song Ren stumbled, and smiled quickly under the mask.

“Okay, I didn’t think about it!” Song Ren went to get the badge in Fatty Ke’s hand, but was tightly held.

What are you doing so tightly, it’s for me!

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