Why did Fatty Ke didn’t expect, Song Ren would dismantle the channel like this, at this moment it is not for, nor is it for.

He had brought the badge to add some excuse for conversation.

After all, there is no reason to return the things sent out, but this badge is even more precious than that signed book.

Especially when I saw Xia Zhilan at this moment, I did n’t want to think about it before. Now in the presence of the Legendary author, let her know that although she is fat, she is not useless. I and your idol are iron buddies. What kind of signature will I need afterwards Even though you are looking for me, I will help you.

After all, you also saw that people even gave me a badge of honor for each of these authors.

However, in this scene, why don’t you play cards according to common sense?

Xia Zhilan even watched in confusion as the two of them were holding the badge, motionless.

The scene was extremely quiet and awkward.

“Well, I changed my mind again, and I will give you a memorial!” Song Ren loosened his hands, Fatty Ke almost shivered, and his face was full of smiles.

“Hehe, I knew that Bigbro Song was joking with me, so I took it. If I want, I can return it to you at any time,” Fatty Ke said, and quickly put it in: “Lanlan come in quickly, like Just like your own home, don’t be restrained. “

Xia Zhilan would like to say that this is my boat. You came to hitchwind.

“I don’t know what Princess called me for?” Song Ren said softly, having changed his voice after sitting down.

Xia Zhilan’s face suddenly turned red, never thinking that one day, she could sit face to face with the idol in her heart.

In addition to a smirk next to him, Dasha scenery’s fatty.

She didn’t know when she fell in love with Novel, the author of the cheap Pseudonym, even if there were several Sage writers at home, and she couldn’t bear any interest.

She likes Tiny World in Zhu Xian very much, and every character in particular makes her fresh.

Like the book says: See through! Who in the world can see through it, but the vicissitudes of the world, but how can it be compared to the moment of my heart, that instant glimmer.

In particular, Zhang Xiaofan watched Bi Yao die in front of himself. At the moment he was enchanted, maybe he could only think about it, but some time ago, when he was shooting a serial, watching Zhang Xiaofan played by Steamed Bun became angry and made her cry. Already.

So she became a fan of Zhu Xian.

“Tomb of Gods” also made her obsessed. Because of the sensitive relationship of identity, she could not let outsiders know her identity, so she figured it out, and it was often followed quietly, so some of the online dangerous places that everyone talked about can only be viewed.

But the wonderful descriptions in “Tomb of Gods” completely complemented her imagination of the unknown, which is simply wonderful.

“Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade” is better, others may not see anything, and feel that the writing style and style are similar to others, but she does not think so. All the beautiful descriptions in it often make her fantasize, and herself incarnation ginger mud Princess, Facing the fun of Xu Fengnian all day, he was alive.

Only by writing a book alive can we feel so.

She has never seen Boutique Epoch or even Sage writers, but only respect them.

This respect is the respect they have written for good works, for my Human Race, and for the dynasty.

But only the one in front of me, who really likes the work, and also has 2 Divine Artifacts and 2 Deity.

It was just that he was wearing a mask, not knowing what kind of face was under the mask.

But looking at this figure, it should look better than Fatty Ke.

“Sir, you’re welcome. Don’t call me Princess. It’s strange and you can call me Lanlan, or Zhilan, Little Zhi, Zhizhi,” Xor Zhilan said sorry.

Fatty Ke aside suddenly covered her heart and pressed her face to the table.

it hurts!

Song Ren slightly smiled: “Then I’ll call you Summer Girl.”

“You can call anything sir.”

“Lanlan, I–“

“To shut up!”

Xia Zhilan took out all the volumes of Zhu Xian and Tomb of Gods that he had already prepared.

“Sir, I don’t know if I can sign for a moment, I have always been your fan.” Xia Zhilan flushed.

Song Ren knew this, but suddenly felt that whether it was Fatty Ke or Xia Zhilan, it looked interesting.

Can anyone imagine that Xia Zhilan, one of the 3 talented girls on Heavenly Music Network, is a Novel fan besides doing good music and strong background.

“Of course no problem, I’m honored!” Song Ren took the book with a smile and started signing.

Watching Song Ren write away Dragon Snake’s signature, Xia Zhilan completely incarnation the little fan girl, one after another.

This is really an honest person. Everyone else signed a copy. How did you give it to you?

“Zhu Xian” has more than 150 words, and “Tomb of Gods” has more than 10000 words. This volume is at most hunted thousand words. At least forty-fifty is a bunch. I do n’t know if I want to do wholesale.

With his sore hands finally signing his name, Song Ren exhaled.

Xia Zhilan was happy to touch the signed books.

Before Song Ren was relieved, Xia Zhilan took out ten bound editions of Snow, with a face of sorry.

No, I haven’t sold the copyright in “Snow” to Zhong Jingshan, he hasn’t paid me, and the covers of these books are so luxurious.

Little girl, watching piracy is not good.

Song Ren signed again with a smile.

After finishing the work, Xia Zhilan asked Song Ren some stories she did n’t understand, such as Bi Yao Lu Xueqi, etc., the details of the grand plans in Tomb of Gods, etc. Song Ren was one after another answer, but The conversation was very enjoyable.

Fatty Ke was listening quietly beside him, trying to get in and not plugged in. Occasionally two words popped out and was ignored by Xia Zhilan.

Aggrieved, he had to pour tea to prevent thirst.

It was already unconsciously in the afternoon, and Xia Lin’s dry cough sounded outside, and Xia Zhilan’s expression of resignation was inexhaustible.

Song Ren exhaled.

The girl was obviously reading all his books seriously, and some of the questions were almost impossible to say, but fortunately they were all stale.

Then Fatty Ke looked towards grievance: “Is there any tea?”

“Ah ~~” Fatty Ke sighed long and poured Song Ren tea.

Now he doesn’t know what Lanlan really likes. Should he give up the music first and turn around to write a book? After all, there is such a great god beside him.

But soon he laughed over Hehe: “Bigbro Song, can you help me write some love poems, I feel that you write well and taste, and it touches the soul.”

Fatty Ke also took out two books of “Zhu Xian” and “Tomb of Gods” from the Na ring, diligently opened the first page, and wanted Song Ren to leave the love poems in the old Boya title.

Song Ren twitched his cheeks.

You might as well let me sign it, with fewer words.

“piss off!”

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