With the arrival of the third day, the whole ship suddenly trembled, and the original whistling outside the ship disappeared instantly.

Many writers stepped out of their cabins, only to discover that the outside world was already blue sky and white clouds, and they had just emerged from Space Wormhole.

Looking down, below is an oversized city, gold and jade in glorious splendor. Above the sky, there are various forbidden rays of light flashing, one after another invisible terror, hidden in a large array of different locations. .

The taste is shocking in addition to shock.

This is an Imperial Palace, clearly a giant city.

The glory of Supreme in the North.

At the bow of the ship, Xia Lin laughed heartily, and then the mask seemed to be commanded to open. A beam of rays of light came and led the ship down.

With a loud noise and the ship landing, everyone came out in turn.

The world’s spiritual energy here is even more intense, and it is truly the place where the imperial capital is located.

A man with a soft face like a father-in-law came with some servants: “I have seen 3 princes, and the lord has orders to let the miscellaneous family take Little Princess back. In addition, a good room has been prepared for your masterpieces to rest. Months later, Wensheng Secret Realm opened, and I hope you can prepare early. “

Xia Lin was nodded, and Xia Zhilan grunted and got out of the boat.

She pulled La Shaolin’s arm and asked for help, Xia Lin pretended to see it, and took the 15 Epoch writer to rest.

“Relax Lanlan, I’ll accompany you!” Fatty Ke ran down the boat, looking like a knife piercing both sides.

Xia Zhilan sighed: “What do you think my Imperial Father would do when I see you?”

Fatty Ke froze, thinking of bad things, his face changed: “cough cough, that, I have to go back, so long after coming out, it is estimated that the old Ke family is in a hurry, please contact me if anything what.”

Fatty Ke finished, and ran away.

He is here, and it is estimated that Xia Zhilan will receive a heavier penalty.


Song Ren re-arranged his residence and looked at the booklet that was brought to him by the father-in-law who brought him. This was the process of the group building, and it was quite high-end.

The first is a generalization of Secret Realm.

After all, Wen Sheng was a Yege Imperial Court 1000 years ago, and his ancestor wrote a Sage’s Composition “Magic of the Town” and was recognized by Heavenly Dao. It condenses the scenes in some books into a Secret Realm.

This Secret Realm is incomplete, but some are true. For example, the Fountain of Creation can really help others to break through the realm, and the talent in it can also help these writers gain a hint of help and write later More excellent works come.

Because of the coagulation problem of the Fountain of Good Fortune, it was opened once every 5 years, and every 5 people can maximize the effect.

This is the most direct and greatest benefit to the authors during the mission.

It’s like an unspoken draw, no matter what kind of forces or backgrounds are behind you, I just want to remember the sentiments of this dynasty.

It is impossible for the emperor to come and see them.

Unless, Sage’s Composition author.

The first day was to meet the first statue of Heavenly Dao, write Emperor’s Composition, walk out of the Deity powerhouse, and help the statue of the ancestors fighting Demon Race.

It is needless to say that people who have the courage to try crabs for the first time in creating a long history of history must worship.

After the worship, a Sage’s Composition author began to communicate with them about their experiences, doubts, etc. For 3 days, food, songs and dances continued.

Then came a cultivation.

This cultivation is to let everyone step down from the title of apoof and remote Epoch writer, the incarnation Mundane people, as if you didn’t write Novel, or stay in the Mundane Novel column for a long time.

Go to a specific place, don’t allow your identity to be revealed, go back and re-examine your position.

Maybe it will take you one step closer and take a better path.

I have to say that this idea is extremely good.

After all, this group of people are all Epoch writers. It is too difficult to write a step of Sage’s Composition. What did they ignore? Maybe if you look back, you will find something different.

After this unbelievable cultivation is over, it is also the opening of Secret Realm, which is the last journey, and then I will send you back.

Team building is complete.

Song Ren looked forward to it.

As soon as the 2nd day dawned, Song Ren and 5 others, led by others, headed for their destination, until a tall stone statue appeared in front of them.

It is a stone statue of Mundane, sculpted like an old man, looking up at the sky, raising his hands as if writing something.

Below the stone statue is a middle-aged man with his head down.

Novel’s founder, the originator of all writers-Gao You!

Ten or five people, including Song Ren, immediately understood, and then all were solemn and solemn saluted without saying a word.

This is a respect and belief that has remained the same for ages.

A moment later, the middle aged scholar eyes opened in front, turned around, and looked at ten or five people, 5 with a beard fluttering in the wind.

“Welcome everyone, I have been waiting for Zhuang Ji for a long time!”

When Song Ren heard the voice eyes opened, he looked at the azure clothes scribes, and he seemed to understand something, and quickly saluted.

Oh my god, see the living Sage’s Composition author.

What can write Sage’s Composition is not the same. At this moment, it looks like a Mundane person. It is really … Mundane is really good, and it seems not much stronger than Mr. Wen Yuan.

Is this the legendary Return to the Natural State?

Zhuang Ji is also saluted.

Don’t look at this group of people just as Epoch writers. Maybe they will write a Sage’s Composition on that day. As soon as 10000 condenses into World, it will become even more horrible.

Moreover, among the writers, without the conventional ranks in the Cultivation world, everyone is equal.

After saluted, they were taken to a continuous golden hall, ready to communicate and ask questions.

Song Ren followed, with a look of shock, and the hand next to the extend the hand was not gold powder, but made of pure gold.

It’s so rich.

When you sit down, look at these tea bowls.

This is the highest performance of showing off rich, silent is better than sound.

“Excuse me, who is Have The Ability To Hit Me ‘Ah?” Just then, Zhuang Ji, who was sitting at the top, suddenly spoke, and the other ten or four people looked together towards the mask man sitting in the corner.

They have known each other for a long time, and there is nothing wrong with hiding their appearance, and 3 people have masks.

Song Ren got up saluted.

Zhuang Ji looked at Song Ren’s low profile, and it was hard to imagine that this was the author who wrote Bai Shiwen one after another and stepped out of Deity.

“Mr. name, already like thunder piercing the ear, sir, how do you think you can write a good work? Or how did you create these 3 works to share and share,” Zhuang Ji’s voice It is very peaceful, and everyone is really like a group of professors conducting academic exchanges.

“Me?” On such a serious occasion, Song Ren didn’t dare to say that I was stingy, and he would probably be labeled as stingy.

There is nothing to hide from this.

And he was asked by a Sage’s Composition.

He thought about it and organized the language: “I have always followed the guidelines of Chapter 3.”

“Golden Chapter 3?” Other Epoch writers and Zhuang Ji were all stunned. The first time I heard such an academic language, what does that mean?

“I also hope to enlighten me!” Zhuang Ji spoke for everyone in the future, and then listened with interest to Song Ren’s next explanation.

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