Nan Songong didn’t blame Song Ren’s rudeness, but laughed: “It’s rare that someone agrees with the old man’s point of view, so I ask your friend, you, the author who wrote Premium books one after another on this website. What do you think? ”

Being named, Song Ren had to hide under Su Youwei and chuckled, and stood up again unnaturally.

Hey, I can’t stand being touted by others.

“Well, I usually open, sometimes sitting and watching, sometimes standing and watching.”

Song Ren supported each other.

The original noisy great hall was quiet again. Su Youwei was the first pu chi to laugh out loud, and others began to cover his mouth and laugh slightly.

They began to admire the peers, and even Platinum writers dared to make fun of it.

Nan Huangtong was also a stunner, and finally understood what Song Ren was talking about.

This boy is eclectic, and his thinking is so powerful that he is not rigid.

Song Ren also wanted to revitalize the atmosphere and quickly said, “In fact, I think that the reason why the author wrote such a good piece of work is that he created himself into the World at the same time. That is the sense of substitution.

Or humble characters, or righteous sects, or villains, instead of depicting people and things in the book as World over the creators, that will only write feelings of ruthlessness, lovelessness, and hatred. Gorgeous, but also has its shape without soul.

Seeing greatness in ordinaryness, my Enlightenment Teacher is a Mr. Mundane prince in a small town. He asked me a word, and I was impressed. “

“What’s that?” Song Ren’s simple description made Nan Huangtong deeply touched. It seemed to be touched by the stuck In Literature there is, and said quickly.

Song Ren answered honestly, this is indeed what Mr. Wen Yuan once said, but he also touched it up a bit.

“Why did you write this Novel? Want to be appreciated by the world? Recognition? Heavenly Dao network reward? Or forced to learn?

Looking back, what is your original intention and original intention? Or, when was it lost? With this mentality to create a Novel, do you think you can write well? “

The purest thing, do not dare to be caught in the slightest distractions, it will only blur your eyes, so that you can’t see the way ahead, until, as you go further and further, you don’t know when you get lost. “

With Song Ren’s words over, Su Youwei next to him was incredible, I couldn’t believe that such words could be said from Song Ren’s mouth.

The others were quiet, and Nan Huangtong was even more shaken after he groaned.

That’s right, a few words directly named the key point. During this time, Kawen was afraid of 10000. If he made a mistake, what would happen if Heavenly Dao could not realize Deity. What would happen to Su Youwei’s second renewal?

10000 1000 thoughts made him difficult, trembling with fear.

It’s a blindfold, and I have been looking at the Heavenly Dao network, but I forgot that he is the author and the creator of the World in the book.

醍醐 Initiation, wake up the dreamer in a word!

Nan Huangtong applauded for the first time, more and more people applauded.

Nan Huangtong even went down: “If you are interested in learning to write Novel, I can teach you!”

Su Youwei was also excited. It was a great opportunity for Grandpa Nan to actively invite others to teach Novel.

She quickly looked towards Song Ren.

Song Ren’s face refused: “Well, sorry for Senior, I’m not interested in Novel, I’m passionate about music.”

“However, with your free-thinking thinking, if you write, you will definitely get good results. As the saying goes, the skills are not overwhelming!” Nan Huangtong said.

Song Ren shook his head again: “My Teacher also said, bite off more than one can chew!”


It seems to be very reasonable.


In the evening, Song Ren saw Su Yangxuan again. The owner of the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, a figure like an emperor, was much younger again. Compared to what he saw at the border between Divine Sea of ​​Chaos and Human Race that day, it almost seemed like a change. One person in general.

Everyone lives or struggles for someone, something.

In Song Ren’s view, the father lived for his daughter.

Although daughter’s disease has not been completely cured now, it has continued for another year of lifespan. Here, Nan Huangtong has hope and everything will be fine.

Song Ren met Su Yangxuan before eating a seafood feast.

See Song Ren again, in his opinion it is the ‘second time’.

For the first time in Ping’an City, he was full of thoughts, mostly focusing on whether Old Drunkard could save the daughter’s life. For Song Ren, he just glanced at it hastily.

Later, after knowing the identity of his Steamed Bun from daughter, he reexamined him.

“It’s not a senior’s Disciple. I remember seeing you Cultivation realm only a year ago when I saw you. I met again. It’s Nascent Soul’s realm. It’s hard to imagine. It took only one year to change to an ordinary person. Innate talent is better, no 7-8 years are known. “

Even if Song Ren wants to hide the cultivation base no matter how difficult it is in the face of Su Yangxuan and the others.

But the speed of Song Ren’s cultivation still shocked Su Yangxuan.

Song Ren saluted, humbly: “It’s just a fluke, and it’s something that Teacher teaches.”

Su Yangxuan nodded: “I do n’t know why Master did not follow you. Divine Sea of ​​Chaos welcomes you master and disciple at any time.”

“Reporting back to Su Uncle, my teacher still had some things to deal with, so he didn’t come with me, and he was busy shooting serials during that time. Teacher was probably annoying, and he didn’t tell me when he left. Where is it? Don’t know, “said Song Ren half true half false.

Of course, Song Ren and daughter made the series. He knew that for two months in a row, he ran a lot of places to view the scene. It is estimated that the Senior did not have such a good interest.

So for Song Ren, who came from Xiaocheng, Su Yangxuan still believes it.

You say it’s weird. No matter whether it’s a fatty or someone who hasn’t seen the world, sometimes you lie, you rarely doubt it, and most people believe it.

Orientation is really important.

As an elder, Su Yangxuan asked some other things, such as his musical accomplishments, and Song Ren said frankly that he was foolish and could not get on the stage.

But Su Yangxuan didn’t agree so much. He also paid attention to this I Love To Eat Big Buns occasionally. After all, this is a daughter’s hobby circle. At that time, online videos about him and Lin Miaoke competing in Datong Mountain were very hot.

It seems that his musical aspect is directed by the Spirit Flower Pavilion man of the musical level.

However, it is inconvenient for people to say that they are not good at asking questions. These are trivial matters.

“Okay, I still have something to do, let the rest take care of your friend slightly!” Su Yangxuan got up and opened his arms.

“Daddy go slowly!”

“Lin Uncle walk slowly!”

Seeing that the Lord had finally left, Song Ren breathed a sigh of relief.

I did n’t think before, why did I feel like meeting my parents this time, and Su Youwei sat beside me and did n’t help out, talk about it.

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