“Let’s go, knowing that you’re secretly slandering me, and the food is ready, right next door,” Su Youwei stood up and smiled as Song Ren looked pitifully.

This guy has been thinking about her family’s meal for a long time. It should have been cooked long ago. Who would have thought that Dad would come at this time.

When it comes to eating, Song Ren immediately burst into a smile and nodded.

Then came to the great hall next door and watched 100 meals like a full man’s dinner. Song Ren almost cried with excitement, so he should take my father to see it.

What is the quality of life of others? They live by the sea. Look at these lobsters, shark fins, abalones and big crabs.

Song Ren’s real flight down 3000 feet, can’t wait.

“Then I’ll start!”

“Well, this is for you!” Su Youwei said.

The girls who were still cooking inside, saw Song Ren alone, circled around a table of ten meters, and stuffed their mouths with food, without a bit of image, but very real, people who wanted to laugh.

It was even taking away the drinks from the plate while eating, and the satisfied people looked hungry.

“It’s delicious!” Song Ren murmured vaguely, holding the lobster with thick arms and chewing it with the sauce.

I have seen those anchors eat this way in previous lives, longing for a long time, but he has never eaten like this, didn’t expect today to realize the dream of the past.

How can it be so cool.

Su Youwei also laughed and asked him to eat slowly. After no one grabbed him, he took a bowl of gruel and drank it.

To be honest, from snacks to big, these things have long been tired.

Even if you make a lot of different dishes, you will get tired.


The moon at the seaside seems to be brighter and softer than the land side. It shines brightly in the silver and white water, and the crash-bang waves gently slap against the shore, making the whole heart seem quiet.

Looking through the window and looking at the beautiful view below, Song Ren touched his belly and felt that this was really an enjoyable, can be understood, but not described.

Especially after a full meal.

Behind him, Su Youwei touched the piano curiously and played it gently, and the crisp voice sounded, quite wonderful.

Song Ren hit another full, turned around, and looked at Su Youwei as if he had got a new toy. He smiled and said, “The piano is very skillful, just like this keyboard, it is according to …”

Song Ren started to introduce Su Youwei, and Su Youwei was listening carefully.

I have to say, once said, this talented girl quickly remembered many essentials and tried to play.

2 people talked and laughed. In the end, Su Youwei played a little squeaky and asked Song Ren to play a song.

Song Ren is also interested, especially Su Youwei, who is sitting next to him. The faint scent on his body is always irritating his nose.

“This song is called” A Secret That Cannot Be Said “. It used to be bad. I slowly let it go. Today I suddenly felt that I can play it well,” Song Ren put his hands on the piano. , The expression changed just now, very solemn.

Su Youwei smiled and sat aside, “A Secret That Cannot Be Said?” What a funny title, is this what you did? “

Song Ren thought about it, to have no shame’s nodded: “Yes, I made it.”

“Why do you choose such a name? It always feels strange,” Su Youwei said, but full of curiosity, and got up to get out of the way and open Heaven & Earth .Net.

This music may imitate and practice it myself in the future.

In the past, Song Ren’s piano songs were half and half on the Internet. They were either figures back or landscapes mixed with playing, and a complete playing picture was never carefully recorded.

Seeing Su Youwei, Song Ren didn’t say anything, but exhaled a long breath.

The reason why “A Secret That Cannot Be Said” is loved was because I watched Zhou Dong’s movie “A Secret That Cannot Be Said” at the beginning. It deeply moved and obsessed him, as the sentence said: the most beautiful It’s not rainy day, but the eaves to avoid the rain with you.

More importantly, it was his youth, the most beautiful high school time.

It ’s not like this with Su Youwei, A Secret That Cannot Be Said.

He didn’t want her to owe her and so on the burden, but to be friends on an equal footing, isn’t it so good now.

The hardest thing in the world is to return to humanity.

I used to listen to the lyrics and tunes, but now I remember it. After playing this song, he really wanted to find a drifting bottle, put some troubles in his heart, and let it drift away.

What has been lost has been lost. In this World, he has to live well.

The sound of the piano moves, a melody, a tone, and at the same time it seems to represent a mood.

At this moment, Song Ren, in Su Youwei’s eyes, seemed to suddenly change a person, and just played the wonderful piano music so intently.

Her eyes moved with Song Ren’s fingers, deep in her head, and following the melody, she seemed to see the summer of June, the beautiful and impetuous season.

The door to memory was opened, Song Ren even closed his eyes and followed the pair of lovers who had crossed time and space.

Behind the Bicycle, Lu Xiaoyu was holding Ye Xianglun’s waist, rippling his legs, and riding along the path along the road.

Some people say that the most stupid thing is secret love, and what is more stupid than secret love is mutual secret love.

The ending of the movie made Song Ren feel lost for a long time, but he also understood the meaning of the song better.

Maybe everyone has an A Secret That Cannot Be Said in their hearts.

Song Ren’s playing speed is light and gentle, and the clouds flow, Su Youwei is following the closed eyes to enjoy the piano music, the unspeakable mood.

In the room, the music fluctuates,

As time passed, with the last finger falling and the rest of the voice lingering, Song Ren with closed eyes suddenly felt an indescribable sense of loneliness and emptiness.

All kinds of previous lives have become dreams.

Su Youwei also has eyes opened. She only feels panicked in her heart, but there is an inexplicable youthful charm in it, which makes her both love and uncomfortable.

“In the end, what is A Secret That Cannot Be Said?” Su Youwei opened the mouth and said.

All the composers wrote a lyrics or a song in response to the situation. They did not make such a music with a heartfelt feeling in a dull mood.

Su Youwei is really curious, what Song Ren has hidden, can’t express, can only use the scene lyric to make this piano song.

Song Ren felt a bit shy and couldn’t tell the difference between reality and the past. At this moment, he got up and adjusted his mentality. He laughed: “No, you think too much. You just messed around when you were bored. Do you try?

Seeing Song Ren unwilling to talk, Su Youwei also felt that she was asking a little bit wrongly, but she is currently estimated to be inadequate. She shook her head: “You can play it, I think it’s OK, this is still not recorded, otherwise, put Play “Missing Autumn”, “Spirited Away” and “Chrysanthemum Youth’s Summer” again. “

Song Ren smiled: “Of course!”

On the treetops on the moon, mottled shadows enter from the other side of the temple, accompanied by the sound of the waves outside, mixed with sometimes joyful and sometimes low piano music.

Until the middle of the night, Su Yangxuan’s dry cough sounded outside, so that the daughter should not disturb others to rest.

Su Youwei spit out a fragrant tongue and said that she would go back and research the research video and come back tomorrow.

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