Seeing people go far away, Song Ren just said: “System, you let the promotion of this piano, now there are already fans, can you give another one.”


With the long-lost sound, in the visual eyes of Song Ren, the system store showed it, with clearly priced pianos and scores on it.

Thanks to the money now, Song Ren is happy to exchange a fan-based piano and a few scores, and I will have to take more time to practice these famous songs.

It’s a single thought.

“This is, for me?”

2nd day, looking at the pink piano in front of you, Su Youwei’s eyes were unbelievable and happy, shaking his hands and touching it.

Sure enough, most girls poison like fans.

“Well, I hope you like it.”

“Thank you, then, can I try it?” Last night, I studied Song Ren’s playing technique at midnight and his introduction to the piano. She couldn’t wait to try again.

I ran over without eating in the morning, and didn’t expect Song Ren to give her such a big surprise.

“Of course, she is yours now.” Song Ren said with a smile.

Su Youwei rushed to see, the new piano is always so pleasing to the eye, a key press, the crisp sound makes Su Youwei to be wild with joy, and Song Ren on the side is also full of joy.

But soon he was stunned.

Am I becoming a straight steel man? Is n’t it good to sit side by side with her with a piano, 10000, I bumped into other people ’s hands in a hurry …

Now, one by one, what the hell am I thinking?

Song Ren covered her face with a hand, feeling that she was over, and deserved to be a single noble.

“What’s wrong with you?” Su Youwei, who was just a little confused when Song Ren covered his face with his hands, asked curiously.

Song Ren’s tearless smile appeared on his face: “No, it’s the eyes that look at you through your fingers, and the back looks good.”

Su Youwei blushed suddenly, slightly angry: “What are you talking about? If you are poor, you will be ignored.”

“Hehe, I don’t see a movie here?”


“No, I mean, for our serial” Zhu Xian “, Ruan Yue Sect Master gave me a sample of the first 5 episodes.”

“Really, take it out and see. I don’t know how I’m doing.”

“Okay, this place is too bright. I’ll close the curtains and you can prepare snacks, snacks, etc. for us.”


“You don’t understand then. Watching a serial doesn’t eat anything, just like eating vegetables without salt. It’s boring.”

“Still that? You know so much, I’ll get ready.”


“Sea, owner, didn’t you let Xiao always look at the boy named Song Yu, but just now the Young Lady refused to let us in and closed the door.”

“It’s okay. I guess you’re practicing the so-called piano. Don’t bother you.”


“Whatever you say, stutter.”

“There was no piano sound, but the boy pulled the curtain up.”

“Fuck, a bunch of idiots, what are you waiting for, hurry up—”


Song Ren stayed in the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos for about ten days, but he was very happy. He ate seafood every day, and taught Su Youwei to play the piano. He was bored and led around 4 places.

Only once when he was on the beach, he took off his shirt with excitement, rushed into the sea in shorts, and forgot that this World is different from men and women, and it is not so open tradition.

When you turned around, Su Youwei was gone. Instead, there were more than a dozen robust men and a girl, staring angrily at the hooligan.

From then on, when he was with Su Youwei, there was always a pair of eyes behind the mountain woman who stared at him with every action, making his back cold.

It was only on the morning of the 11th that Song Ren received urgent news from Xuan Yi.

It was a very rushed shot, as if hiding in a corner and secretly taking pictures. I could even hear the photographer’s nervous gasp and heartbeat.

Above the screen.

Seems to be an endless abyss, there are many zombie-like corpses, screaming and rushing up from the abyss, and even some have long turned into dead bones, making people see have one’s hair stand on end.

Above the sky, there was a fuzzy silhouette that seemed to be carrying something, and fled quickly on one leg.

This back really looks like Old Drunkard, but isn’t his leg good? Are you confusing or becoming a habit, can’t you change it?

But it didn’t matter. He quickly looked nervously, only to see the abyss, suddenly angry roar came, and then, a huge palm stretched out from it, and went toward the silhouette in the air like lightning.

Suddenly, in front of the fleeing person, there was a portal flashing quickly, and even it seemed to be dazzling, Song Ren immediately understood that it was Eight Talisman Gate.

With a scream, as the man was about to disappear, the giant claw came and flew him directly.

“Teacher ——” Song Ren stood up in shock, and there seemed to be a dead body to discover the situation here. The person who turned around fled, and the picture stopped abruptly at this moment.

“Xuan Yi Senior, what’s going on, did my Teacher contact you?” Song Ren asked anxiously.

Xuan Yi’s face was bitter: “Child, don’t worry, I’ve set off for Mobei Shiyuan, all you have to do now is to stay in a safe place, and I will inform you immediately when there is news.”

Seeing that there was no more news, Song Ren quickly opened up Heaven & Earth .Net and queried.

This Mobei corpse ditch is located in the territory of Demon Race. In the early years, a king-level corpse was born, but it was swallowed without any sense, even the Demon Race.

In the end, it seemed that the interests of Demon Race were touched, and they were beheaded by 2 Monster Sovereigns, and since then they have calmed down.

If that was really Teacher, how could he be there? Is there anything wrong with Teacher? Since it is Demon Race territory, is Xuan Yi Senior risking it? Is it dangerous?

Let him quietly play the piano here, eat the news of he he, it is even worse than killing him.

From the moment he left Ping’an City, Old Drunkard was his closest loved one besides his father.

I tried to search for the location of Mobei Shiyuan, and it didn’t seem far from the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos.

Take a few Transmission Arrays, and hurry up, you can reach the Demon Race territory in 5 days, and go deeper, you can reach the Mobe Corpse.

Song Ren immediately decided to go. He has 2 Divine Artifacts, 2 Deity, Escape Eight Talisman Gate, and Transformation Technique of “Great Brahma Scripture”. His life-saving means is more advanced than ordinary people.

He’s going to find Teacher.

The claw on the screen is so powerful that it makes people more worried and worried.

“You’re leaving? It’s only a few days,” Su Youwei was puzzled when Song Ren said goodbye.

“Thank you for your hospitality these days. I will come back if I have time next time, but at the moment I need to do something urgent, so I am not inconvenienced,” Song Ren refused very simply.

Seeing the anxiety of Song Ren, Su Youwei is not easy to persuade him to stay.

“Well, pay attention to safety. If anything, just contact me directly!”

“many thanks !”

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