After all, the two fists are difficult to beat 4 hands. This soulless corpse of Golden Core Realm great perfection, under the leadership of Monster Wolf, although it has broken some hands, it is always killed.

Zhu San even gasped for breath. The sweat on his head appeared right in front of the wolf tribe, and he looked like he could fight again.

Seeing such a look of Zhu San, the wolf demon is quite nodded. During the previous battle, in a hurry, I heard a pig crying hysterically all around.

Although it was a bit harsh, it was always cheering, and it looked like he was sweating a lot, and it should have worked a lot.

This is the best subject under the rule of the King, not bad.

“What’s your name?” After solving this big problem, Monster Wolf also breathed a sigh of relief. As for the other places, there are respective big monsters to clean up, and it’s not his turn.

But at this moment, Zhu San ignored the question from Monster Wolf, but swallowed a spit, looked around all around, and celebrated with all his heart. He had to be careful to prevent sneaking soulless corpses from coming to sneak attack.

Who said that the pig’s brain is not enough, even if people are only half-Shape Transformation, but this alert is more than one step higher than other Demon Race.

Really good.

Monster Wolf took a few steps and kicked Zhu San’s buttocks because he didn’t hear him because of his “preoccupation”.

The essence of Shipi pigs is that their skin is firmly in the rock, which is their natural ‘armor’.

This kick in the ass turned Monster Wolf into a numb.

Zhu San turned around ignorantly, only to find out, and quickly saluted: “Has seen the Sir.”

“What’s your name?” Instead of blame, Monster Wolf looked like she was shined.

“Little Zhu San!”

“Zhu San? Good name, isn’t the home Heiyushan?” Monster Wolf said. There are a lot of pig fairies on Heiyushan, and they are considered to be their place, and they haven’t been to specific places.

Zhu San heard it again and again nodded: “Men’s Mingjian, the young is from Heiyu Mountain.”

“Yes, yes, are you interested in being a guard in Wang Ting?” Monster Wolf is also thinking of cherishing talents and seeing them in small terms. As can be seen from the details just now, this Demon Race named Zhu San is very The alertness is careful, and there is another impulse, and the appearance looks simple and honest, very confusing.

Promoting such a low-level Demon Race, he will only be more loyal and grateful to himself, instead of relying on seniority and some high-level relationships.

That Demon Race just thinks that it was brought up by itself, it has nothing to do with you.

The so-called King’s Court is the site of King Tianazure snake, similar to the location of Imperial Palace of Human Race. After all, in this area, King Tianazure snake is their master, sheltering them in the large Fiefdom, the only thing that needs allegiance Object.

Monster Wolf is the Commander of Wang Ting’s side, but there are also several Commanders, who are secretly fighting with each other. Others are getting more and more anticipated by the King. Some parties will lead them to go without themselves. .

The previous few men have seen the potential to rely on them secretly. At this moment, it is the time when there is a shortage of manpower. It is time to train a few more family members, and it will not become a bare commander.

Zhu San heard it and knelt down.

Heiyushan’s pig monster until now is something other Demon Races don’t look down on. The first feeling is ‘do nothing, eat a top 7 8’ impression.

Various recruitments in the past have played the role of cannon fodder. Once out of the mission, very few returned.

But today, he was able to go to Wang Ting, the envy of countless Demon Races, and it was a big luck.

Facing the envious eyes of Monster Wolf and other Demon Races at this moment, Zhu San bowed down and said, “I wish I could look forward to the horse, go through water and tread on fire, at my will!”

Monster Wolf is extremely satisfied. This kid is on the right track, knowing who to thank and who brought him back to life.

Song Ren opened his mouth, clapped his hands loudly, and muttered to himself: “Live old, learn old!”

At this moment, Zhu San got up and said a few words with Monster Wolf, then squeezed the other monsters over, took Song Ren’s hand, and whispered: “Wait until you talk, listen to the big brother’s arrangement!”

Song Ren hasn’t responded yet, people have been pulled in front of Monster Wolf. Fortunately, Song Ren has already hidden the cultivation base, which looks similar to the atmosphere like Zhu San.

“Is this your cousin A’bao?” Monster Wolf looked at the bloated figure of the two in doubt, and it really looked like it.

However, Zhu San’s body is dark, this guy is black with white, and extremely irregular, not like a pig, but like a bear.

Is it a pig and bear skewer?

Well, very likely.

And looking at him, it is also honest and honest, one hard as iron, one soft toot, the so-called one loose and one gallop, two people are brothers, yes.

“Very well, starting today, you are my Majesty, and come to the king’s court together to play for the king!” Monster Wolf opened the ring.

When Zhu San heard it, his face was overjoyed, and his elbows were stunned. “Many thanks Great Commander!”

Song Ren also understood that Zhu San, who had just been in the position, pulled him and was also saluted.

As it happens, it is far better to go inside to investigate the news about Teacher than it is for a person to walk outside aimlessly. Perhaps the azure snake king knows Teacher’s specific clues.

Zhu San is also happy. On the one hand, he really saw Song Ren, a similar companion, who was kind and came along. All other Demon Races were too lazy to talk nonsense to him. Only this panda talked to him.

Seeing that he was alone, he finally got a chance now. How could he not pull him? Something to consider is that when he entered Wang Ting, he was unfamiliar with his life and would be bullied by other Demon Races. One more Partners are also easy to handle.

The soulless corpse in this area is almost finished, and Monster Wolf will lead this team to the royal court and issue the tribute fee for the recruitment to the rest of the demon. Details of your family’s contribution to the king.

Contribute to a certain amount, if there is a need in the future, such as changing food, changing some herbal herb, you can take the voucher to Wang Ting for help.

The King protects you and keeps you safe from the bullies of other territories, Demon Race and even Human Race. You also have to return each King’s recruitment, and also pay tribute, which is a mutually beneficial strategy.

In fact, other territories, including their own king, must also be present when ordered by the Monster Sovereign on the next level.

For example, in this corpse, Monster Sovereign immediately recruited several Great Demon Kings, including the Tianazure snake King, to work together to calm the scourge.

Pyramids are universal everywhere, regardless of race.

As the demons were voluminous and more and more gathered, Song Ren followed Zhu San, who was always excited, and watched that there were already seven Commanders like Monster Wolf, frowned.

I never thought that this person, who has been under the stigma of Demon Race, even inquired about the news and wanted to kill, will come to your site at this moment, and he will still be appointed.

Ever, the strongest light is black, it’s me.

Song Ren had an inexplicable excitement.

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