The azure snake king ’s territory is extremely extensive, and the races included in it are also counted by 100. Various monsters, Shape Transformation, No Shape Transformation, and Half Shape Transformation are even more numerous.

Among them, Wang Ting is the place where their spiritual pillars are located. The king who can protect themselves there is the honor of each family, not only in terms of faith, but also more opportunities to get ahead.

The king of the Tianazure Snake King’s court is even more heavily guarded. He stands at the foot of the Nanlu Mountain and faces an azure river at an unknown end. I heard that their king was born in this blue river.

Song Ren followed the big team and finally saw what the so-called Wang Ting looked like.

This is a large tribe established by Yihe. The style is not too different from that of Human Race, but some details are not in place.

There are also some places with huge stones and very exotic style.

In general, it is still spectacular, and there are many Demon Race soldiers patrolling around, watching this group of low-level Demon Race to receive the tribute, can not be ignored.

Zhu San looked at them proudly, with a look of excitement. Soon, he could do the same.

It looks like there is a confidant of the Monster Wolf lineage, with a smile hehe patted Monster Wolf’s fart, and took the others to register.

And Monster Wolf led Song Ren and Zhu San to the other side of the wood house. There was an owl monster. Monster Wolf seemed to be familiar with him. He laughed and talked for 2 sentences. Without a trace, a fiery-red Spirit Mushroom shoved into the hands of the owl.

The owl glared at the presbyopia, and also stole it in its own drawer.

There is no way to do personnel management, how to live without any benefit.

The owl looked at these two bloated fatty.

A pig, a … bear?

“Then I won’t check it. I will be innocent in my life. Don’t be a spy from another territory.” Owl said.

Monster Wolf smiled suddenly: “Rest assured, they all come from Heiyu Mountain, innocently, authentically our people.”

The owl still trusted the old wolf, so he took out a jade brand with a snake pattern faintly engraved on it, and wrote the words “Zhu San” and ‘A’bao’ on the front.

The two people who received the sign hung it around their waists. Since then, they have become the guards of Wang Ting, and they are also demon with identity.

Song Ren thought it was over, but the next scene completely destroyed all his previous cognition.

He looked at the owl, pulled down like this, and a column like a game interface appeared.

Then directly go to the domain exclusive page of King Tianazure Snake, and hide the heads of Song Ren, the panda A’bao and the stone skin pig Zhu San, and fill in some information.

“God, Heavenly Dao Net?”

Song Ren’s shocking incomparableness is really Heavenly Dao.

Isn’t that only Human Race can sense and register in it, never heard that Demon Race can also.

What the hell is this all about?

“Okay!” Owl said after registering for two people: “There are exactly two vacancies over the school. They can be temporarily assigned to guard there, but it is not tiring. It is even possible to see our mother But it ’s poor. ”

Monster Wolf smiled suddenly: “Many thanks old cat, I remember this feeling.”

“It’s okay, all brothers!”

With Monster Wolf taking them out of the ‘Personnel Section’, Zhu San looked indifferent, but just followed Monster Wolf and performed his duties.

Song Ren was still a little scared and incomprehensible.

Till then, a school built exactly on the side of Human Race appeared in front of three people.

Monster Wolf sighed, I still have no blessings, my brain is muddy, and I don’t know where the imagination of Human Race comes from. Every few hundred thousand words are written on it.

How can they do this?

In addition to being more flexible, lifespan is short as long as it doesn’t have much Cultivation.

Unlike their Demon Race, they were closer to Heaven and Earth as soon as they were born. Except for the four limbs and lifespan extended, how can they not be like Human Race.

At the school, some lazy monsters saw the Commander of the Wolves and came over to worship.

“How are you doing today?” Monster Wolf said.

A Demon Race resembling a lizard with a scarlet tongue: “Reporting back to Commander, and that’s it, I think that Human Race is very hard to teach, but you also know, that stuff is really difficult-“

Monster Wolf doesn’t seem to be at all unexpected. For so many years, I know everything.

It seems that the girl wants to compete with the Four Eyed Spirit Fox lady on the other side of the river, and her high wish has to be defeated again. I heard that they have cultivated a saucy fox that has been awarded by Divine Demon .Net this year.

“Well, good care, right, they start guarding the academy today, just like you, and then brother!” Monster Wolf said.

Zhu San hurried forward: “Several big brothers, young Zhu San from Heiyushan, this is my cousin A’bao, so please take care of it in the future.”

In front of Monster Wolf, a few Demon Races also laughed quickly: “It’s good to say, they all work for their mothers.”

Monster Wolf faced Zhu San and Song Ren nodded and left.

This place has 2 more eyeliners.

Song Ren and Zhu San are standing on the other side of the school, and those who are already familiar with each other are leaning on their backs, not easy to find, and can sleep lazily.

In the academy, at this moment, there is a loud reading sound, which is the most basic word, and the reading is a Human Race.

An old scholar who wrote Promising Novel and was tied to Demon Race.

Song Ren just felt a little muddy in his head and couldn’t figure it out, slipping to Zhu San.

“Brother Pig, did you see the phenomenon when they registered for us just now, isn’t that the Heavenly Dao website of Human Race?”

Zhu San is still excited. It is not surprising to see the 2 brothers being isolated so quickly. Few people here seem to come and give up their thoughts in front of those adults.

When I noticed nothing else, I sat down on the steps: “A’bao brother, you ignore and inexperienced, it’s not [Heaven & Earth .Net] of Human Race, but [Divine Demon of our Demon Race. Net]. “

“Divine Demon .Net?” Song Ren hesitated, and it seemed that he still underestimated this nimble black pig, and learned a lot.

He hurried closer again: “I really don’t know, but I also asked Brother Pig to enlighten me.”

The words “Teach me” are used well, and let Zhu San enjoy for a while. Before he came out of the house, he learned a lot about Human Race, and now he is also proud of it. A bit savvy.

“This [Divine Demon .Net] came out 50 years ago. I heard that it took 3 Ancient Era demon spirits and the will of 50 Monster Emperor to make this network covering the entire Demon Race territory. .

Prior to this, our Demon Race executives have been preparing for 1000 years. Anyway, it is said that after 100 years of the Heavenly Dao network over there, we have prepared, but only now have achieved some results. “

Zhu San seems to know the inside story very well.

Song Ren heard the clouds and fog, and a scalp tingling.

“Pig big brother, can you be more detailed?”

“No problem, that’s a long story. You asked me to sit down and say slowly. Your legs were numb.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry, I thought it was a step, no wonder it was so flexible.” Song Ren quickly let go and scratched his buttocks. He felt a flea getting into his skin.

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