After 2 people adjusted their posture, Song Ren began to listen carefully to what Zhu San knew.

Zhu San said: “You also know that since [Heaven & Earth .Net] was discovered by Human Race and has affinity, Human Race has been greatly used, especially the [Spiritual Novels Network] in it, and it can even get out of the book. Certain Deity, which in turn poses a huge threat to our Demon Race.

This is simply a protective suit tailored for Human Race, but it has nothing to do with our Demon Race.

Who does this look down on?

Zhu San said here, with helplessness and anger, Song Ren was almost amused by his expression.

Zhu San held his face with both hands of each minding their own business, with a look of melancholy: “All Demon Races can’t feel the Heavenly Dao net at all, maybe the emperors of Demon Race should be able to do it. In short, it has nothing to do with Demon Race.

Seeing that Human Race has experienced the precipitation of time, talents have emerged, and points are continuously used to redeem various rewards from the Heavenly Dao network. The cultivation base is rising, we can only stare. In the long run, the territory will only gradually decrease. There is even danger of extermination.

Therefore, more than 2 1000 years ago, the plan named [Fairy God] started secretly, and the Demon Race executives gave up all their past grudges and participated together. After so many years, finally successfully [Divine] Demon .Net] did it, covering the entire demon domain. “

Zhu San said here, with a look of admiration, Song Ren frowned, doing it secretly for so many years, Human Race could not be found there, but there is no information on the Internet.

“It is said that it is jointly managed by the demon spirits of three ancient demon gods and the will of the 3 current Monster Emperor.

Of course, the demon gods are legends. Heaven knows whether there is such a thing, but the 50 Monster Emperor are real.

But most of them are the will of the late Monster Emperor, and there are only a dozen or so. “

Zhu San’s regret.

Song Ren was shocked.

Demon God? Monster Emperor?

“This [Divine Demon .Net] is very similar to that [Heaven & Earth .Net]. Many details in it are almost imitating them. You can treat the Human Race one as genuine, and we are pirated.

From the day of the “Fairy God” plan, the entire Demon Race fully learned the text and knowledge of Human Race.

At that time, those Human Races were still mocking, thinking that we also wanted to get a share in [Spiritual Novels Network], overestimate one’s capabilities.

Most Demon Races do n’t understand it. Why should we give up our language and words and learn from them? It ’s not easy for the senior management to elaborate, otherwise the Human Race senior management will make trouble.

2 After more than 1000 years, despite the promotion of Monster Emperor Monster Sovereign, there is still a small part of the Demon Race to learn. It was not until 50 years ago when the entire Demon Race was announced that everyone understood that the knowledge of Human Race was crazy and I wanted to write Stories become admired geniuses.

But when it comes to the ability to compose stories, we are still too far away. I remember that in Human Race’s books, there is such a good sentence: When God gives you something, he will take another one. This is Exchange is also fair.

Human Race is cowardly, but brainy.

Our Demon Race has been strong from birth, lifespan is long, it is … hey, pig brain! “

Zhu San almost blurted out, and felt a bit uncomfortable afterwards. When I saw Song Ren sneered, I was embarrassed, and quickly changed my mouth: “It’s just that my brain is not enough. Look at the ones hiding behind the back, the head is big, the brain is big, A Human Race can’t be oversized in three sizes, but … how to say, don’t develop it. “

Song Ren increasingly felt that this Zhu San was much smarter than Human Race.

I can do things and my mind turns fast. If you can’t make a career in the future, I don’t believe it.

Pigs were said to be the smartest animals in the past, but they were too lazy to move. Now, looking at it, it is true. They even met a pig who likes to use their brain.

“Don’t you know Human Race?” Song Ren asked.

Zhu San scratched his head: “Should know, but as a joke, they can’t sense it, and they laugh at us for overestimate one’s capabilities. No matter what we are tossing, we have already covered the entire demon domain, no one knows the real center point. Where and how it was destroyed, including which Monster Emperors, have long cleared their memories. “

Song Ren looks exactly like he thought, but what role does Sikong Bitu play in Demon Race?

“One more question, what can we write about Novel and get the approval of the demon gods and Monster Emperor?”

“I’m not very clear, but I have a guess. I said yes in advance, it only represents my personal opinion. I guess that the will of these big brothers must have been analyzed. Those who have been rewarded by Heavenly Dao. Deity turned into reality. What’s Novel like, you know, there is no shortage of famous books on Yaoyu.

Some things can be sensed in the deep, what is its value and achievements, and it is not worth rewarding and recognition and support.

We can’t sense the Heavenly Dao net of Human Race, but Human Race can. Ah Novel, which has training value here, can find Human Race to inductively write. If it is 10000, it is not easy to condense a real thing.

I have also secretly heard that there are even some Human Races who are specifically looking for high-level cooperation. They ca n’t write it themselves, have no ability, and admire vanity. There are ready-made ones here to reach a contract and get a complete draft. Human Race training, logistics supply here.

I even heard that there is a Celestial Emperor Pavilion over Human Race, which is dedicated to Deity and Divine Artifact. Heaven knows if there are any of us in Divine Artifact, it is just not willing to retrieve it. “

Song Ren was shocked to hear a cold sweat. If Zhu San guessed it, it would be a real danger.

“Human Race is not stupid. I heard that there are spies. They can’t sense it, but there are always demon races that can kill you. Some Novel buy from us. If you get results, check Demon Race. Is n’t it right? Who is a traitor? “Song Ren thought for a while.

Zhu San immediately laughed heartily: “brother, you think more, Human Race is written according to Pseudonym, which author? Is it male or female? Who knows where they are, even if they are found, they ca n’t be found. Ah, maybe it’s not necessarily in our demon domain. What does it cost? It will cause panic.

Human Race kills famous authors, kills heroes, you think about it, if such news is released, how many authors will be chill, who would dare to write a good Novel, if we push it here, even if Human Race does not believe it, but The flames were there, and they were placed there, and one day, when the wind came, it was burning.

Even more how, we have only been out for 50 years. There are too few works. They are more than 2 1000 years old. They don’t look at us, and they look down on our Demon Race’s mind. So, this is just my guess. “

Song Ren heard this, and there was a sorrow in her heart, let alone, with the pride of Human Race, it is really possible to do such a thing. The accumulation of 50 years more than 2 years of Human Race, coupled with Demon Race’s brain, Everyone will look down on it.

A new website, an old giant.

One is currently one of the few works, and one that works for the whole people.

Understood more than one.

While Song Ren breathed a sigh of relief, he also held a hint of alert, time will slowly pass, and will it be like Zhu San guessed in the future.

Song Ren looked towards Zhu San: “Brother, you are so knowledgeable, why not write it yourself? 10000 Once you’re done, your value will be issued.”

Zhu San immediately laughed, and lowered mysteriously. “Don’t hide my brother, I really do, but you have to prepare the backing in advance. You have to know, when [Divine Demon .Net] is registered, If you are an adult, that adult will follow suit and value you to protect you.

If you are wild, maybe there will be several forces to win over you, and it will definitely offend some of them, even if you do n’t hold me, you do n’t have to think about it, you think about it, terrifying more, and now After so many years of preparations, we can finally make ambitious progress. “

Zhu San elated.

Song Ren directly thumbed up and felt like seeing his former self.

This is not trivial development, but stable.

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