Song Ren now truly understands what great intelligence may appear to be stupidity.

“You listen to the sounds of reading in the back of the school. The most basic poems that Human Race teaches to our Demon Race children. According to Human Race, a simple poem contains a story, an emotion. The sustenance is a condensed Novel.

After reading it and writing different poems, you can have a chance to win better Novel.

Novel is not a random number, but to write it in a beautiful text, as the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses saddle.

Good Novel is like a good-looking girl, but when this girl is in a shabby state, even if she is walking on the street, everyone will hide her nose and avoid looking at it.

And some girls, even if they don’t look good, but are well-dressed, others will whistle at your back, and then consider whether to talk.

Therefore, poetry is a teaching that should not be ignored in all areas of our Demon Race. It is also a starting point. As for the text, it has been on and off for 1000 years, and it has been vigorously developed in the last 50 years. These are almost all where water flows, a canal is formed.

I heard that one of these [Divine Demon .Net] deceased Monster Emperor will be knowledgeable and once incarnation humans. He has been with Human Race for more than 800 years and is proficient in various Novel poems.

Our Wang Tingqing River is the territory of the Fox clan. This year, there is a spirit fox woman who wrote a beautiful poem that is no less than Human Race and uploaded it, attracting the will of the Monster Emperor.

Large Novel Let’s not consider it first. Poetry is done well. It will be a great progress to condense this mini ‘Novel’.

When you have this foundation and energy, you can get a higher education. I even heard that the Human Race Sage’s Composition writer has taught you the follow-up. So, in the past few years, I have prepared several poems and selected one of them. First, use it as your own masterpiece. “

In the face of Zhu San’s words, Song Ren admired the prostrate oneself in admiration. If this product was born into Human Race, it would definitely be a rookie.

It seems that no one or anything can be underestimated.

“Teached!” Song Ren said sincerely, Zhu San laughed: “Relax, brother, you can also, you can’t look down on yourself at any time, and bear humiliation for so many years, I’ll register myself first, you try it too, okay I have an identity. “

After Zhu San finished speaking, he closed his eyes to sense [Divine Demon .Net].

Song Ren is also nodded, and he is still curious about the website made by Demon Race.

As I closed my eyes and slowly sensed, as expected, there was an intangible network that was totally different from Heavenly Dao’s network, appeared in his spirit, and then, it was vaguely sensed to Heavenly Dao’s network.

In the demon domain, this [Divine Demon .Net] has somehow blocked the Heavenly Dao network. It has only developed for 50 years. It is slowly improving like the Heavenly Dao network. Will there be a day with Heavenly Dao? What about the internet?

Until the next moment, his spirit broke in, and a bit of the original web page slowly became clear.

Before he responded, there seemed to be a line of sight examining him until a page similar to the game appeared.

Race: [Panda]

Gender: [Male]

Name: [A’bao]

Your Majesty: [Sky Azure Snake King]

Area: [Mobe Forest]

Works: [None]

Then he saw 7 huge sections like Heavenly Dao’s Mundane, Potential, Premium, Boutique, Epoch, Sage’s Composition, and Emperor’s Composition.

However, from the beginning of the Boutique to the subsequent sections, a big ‘0’ is written on it, which means that there is no work.

To Song Ren’s surprise, there are as many as 178 in the Premium.

There are only over 5000 Premiums on the Human Race side, but it has been developing for 2 years, which is really amazing.

It seems that before this [Divine Demon .Net] appeared, there was already an “impulse” article, but it was a high-quality article. As for Mundane and potential, there were more than 10000 each, compared with 1000000 humans. It is already too small to be no less.

But there is still some strength.

The curious Song Ren opened the Premium column and flipped through several books at will, and could not help frowned.

It’s not that it’s bad, but it’s very sensible. The description of the text and the control of the plot are just like what Human Race did.

Awesome, really amazing.

When Song Ren wanted to see something more, a loud bang suddenly sounded, and his Divine Consciousness returned immediately, including Zhu San and others around him, all alert, and even the school behind him opened the window, revealing a lot of curiosity Strange looking little monster.

And a Human Race Confucian with an 8-beard, who looks great dressed and eats, came out with a book in his hand.

A slight glance at the strange pig demon and the black and white bear demon, then looked towards the sky.

Opposite the Qinghe, the fox tribe’s site, the golden light on the sky flickers, as if Human Race stepped out of Deity.

There is also a strong demon power coming.

Many monsters seem to understand what happened after being scared, and then look envious.

In the Fox clan territory, His Majesty the Four Eyed Spirit Fox, another work appeared that inspired Monster Emperor’s will.

This is the second time, across a river and 2 large territories. They have no one on the side of King Azure Snake.

At the same time, in a huge stone hall, it was dark, only a few torch were burning, a little dark and humid.

However, it can still be seen through the light. Deep in the stone hall, there seems to be a giant bed made of white jade. A woman looks like a lazy waist, and her lower body is a large sturdy snake body. The tail of the snake swayed gently, making a “beep” sound.

Until it also seemed to be aware of the outside noise, the snake tail suddenly turned into a pair of white jade feet, and the half-closed and half-opened cold and green snake pupil directly looked towards the outside.

“This saucy fox is really lucky!” Tian Ling snake king Yu Linglong muttered to himself, then got out of the bed, put on a thin gauze, and with a gold crown, walked slowly to the window. , Soon long sighed.

With the 50 years from [Divine Demon .Net], many areas have been rewarded with good works. This is similar to the Heavenly Dao website of Human Race at the beginning. It is the ‘golden stage’ of development. Some look at the past. Works will get the support above.

In the initial stage, you can’t let the Human Race read the joke.

Monster King in other territories has been secretly cultivated for a long time, and has sprung up in the past few years, but on his own side, it is disappointing.

She used to be a companion to the fox family, but last year she wrote a will that inspired the poem Monster Emperor, which made her really envious. Why is it this year? Weiwen Feng Monster Emperor is here.

If you guessed right, that rookie fox should be called Yue Mei. The poetry is already Reach the Higher Level. She should be able to write Novel.

Once there are works or achievements, Monster Sovereign will reward them with more resources in the territory, and even deprive them of their own.

Life is really getting worse!

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