Before returning to the Spirit Flower Pavilion, Song Ren was in the process of resting with Old Drunkard, so he had time to open the Heavenly Dao network.

Song Ren increasingly feels that both [Divine Demon.Net] and [Heaven & Earth.Net] have too many similarities. It is understandable that Demon Race imitates Human Race.

But how did this network of Human Race appear?

As soon as I went in, I saw all kinds of news. First, I sent Xuan Yi Senior a message of safety. He and Teacher would return soon. Xuan Yi finally reassured him and told him to be careful.

Then it was Su Youwei’s. Song Ren looked at the other person’s concerned smile and thought it back. “It’s okay. During this period of retreat, I will play at the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos when I have time. me.”

Su Youwei over there is probably busy, not at all reply, Song Ren then looked towards the news of Zhong Jingshan.

The price paid was 3 times that of “Zhu Xian”. Don’t be a fool.

He hurriedly said: “Okay, just do as Ruan Yue Sect Master does, and you can shoot.” Snow “is estimated to be almost finished in another 2 months.”

Zhong Jingshan kept watching the news of Song Ren. When I saw it finally sent, I still had a long-awaited reply, and immediately laughed: “Well, Little Song, this time it can be considered as experience, and it will definitely not humiliate the” Snowy “The Path of the Heroic Blade” series is still the same, and I will give you a reward for “In the Snow.”

Then here is the news from Ruan Yue, which was accepted by the music network Steamed Bun and asked him to participate in the promotion of “Zhu Xian”, a month ago.

“Sorry Sect Master Ruan. I’ve been making new music during this time. I didn’t notice the news, sorry.”

Ruan Yue even responded to the message and said, “Ah, that’s okay. I guess you might be busy. You haven’t watched the series. As a protagonist, especially in terms of acting, you can hardly say that the popularity is only better than that Those who published “Biography of Sun Wukong” are one position lower. “

Song Ren hesitated, and seemed to understand something. Opened Lingshu to search, read the chapters and content, and did not change a word.

And the time is exactly 3 days after the release time of [Divine Demon .Net].

Boutique Novel, really didn’t expect.

Zhu San’s guess came true.

“Teacher-” Song Ren turned Lingshu Network into a visual page, which is the “Biography of Sun Wukong” that has entered Boutique Novel.

Perhaps Song Ren cultivation base has been improved a lot, or because of Monster Emperor ’s wishes, his Mental Power has skyrocketed. Now you can open the column of Boutique Novel with no difficulty.

Song Ren changed the Taiji Panda, writing [Biography of Sun Wukong]. He knew it. It was because of entering Boutique that Old Drunkard did it.

Now has been delayed for 3 days and synced out. It is really terrifying.

Old Drunkard looked at the interface, and finally touched Song Ren’s head: “You know, just don’t say everywhere, Demon Race has [Divine Demon .Net], and the Human Race executives haven’t made it public, which will cause panic. “

Song Ren nodded: “I understand.”

It’s really the age of fish and dragons mixed in together.

“But then again, I really don’t know how your little head grows. Novel is hard to write for everyone. It’s so simple, it’s all in Boutique with every handwriting point.” Old Drunkard suddenly laughed.

Song Ren blushed and then laughed: “There is no way, some people are born geniuses, unfortunately, you disciple me.”

“Well, you just said you were fat, you wheezed, and hurried to eat. After that, you have to get to the next city as soon as possible and take the Transmission Array.”


Seven days later, Song Ren and Old Drunkard reappeared in the Spirit Flower Pavilion.

Old Drunkard’s news at the Spirit Flower Pavilion is currently only known to him and Xuan Yi Senior. Therefore, Old Drunkard came quietly, and Song Ren was surrounded by the disciples of many Spirit Flower Pavilions as soon as he entered the mountain gate.

“Steamed Bun Steamed Bun, could you sign me, I really like Zhang Xiaofan you played.”

“Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze, Xiao Fan, no, that Steamed Bun, can you tell me, in the play, do you like Lu Mengqi of Lin Miaoke a little more, or Bi You of Su Youwei a little more?”

“Who do you think their acting skills are better?”

“I heard that Sect Master of Magic Moonlight Shadow Sect is going to invite you to appear in his next series. Is it convenient to reveal which Novel is adapted?”

“Where do you have so many questions, I just want to take a picture with Steamed Bun, don’t push it!”


Suddenly, Song Ren felt like he had become a big star directly. Before, everyone didn’t know that Song Ren was Steamed Bun, or some knew it and didn’t pay much attention.

They are interested in music, but want to make their own music or Novel.

But in the [Eternal Light & Shadow Network] section, so far, the only one after another series of male characters has completely attracted them, and even in some of the disciple’s rooms, there are pictures of Song Ren playing Zhang Xiaofan.

Idols are sometimes overnight.

Song Ren tried his best to satisfy everyone, and his heart was clear of the depression before.

Signed, photographed, answering questions.

In particular, some female disciple immediately released the news that Steamed Bun appeared in Datong Mountain. Many other Sect women, or discipline, or Inner Sect, or daughters of teaching, quickly set off.

Nothing else, just think about taking photos.

It has been almost 3 hours before Song Ren, with the help of Su Yuan, burst out of the crowd and headed towards the mountain.

Su Yuan then revealed a smile to harmless to human and animals, asking for Song Ren’s signature and photo.

No way, the entire Spirit Flower Pavilion, he and Su Yuan are the most familiar. Although they are cousins ​​of Lin Miaoke, the last time she filmed and released her pigeons, secretly went to Yinye Imperial Court to participate in the establishment of the author group. Scolded by Xuan Yi Senior.

Can be regarded as compensation, as long as it is not paid.


On the top of the mountain, two tombstones have been erected again, one for Xuanjun and the other for Honghong.

Xuan Yi’s eyes flushed, and he touched Xuanjun’s tombstone, and finally wept loudly.

This sorrow seemed to have been suppressed for a long time, Old Drunkard also turned around, and after a long time, gently raised Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi grabbed Old Drunkard’s collar and pursed his lips: “What about me, big brother?”

Old Drunkard shook his head: “No, but I seem to be sure that the big brother is alive.”

Xuan Yi eyes immediately staring boss: “You, are you sure?”

“I’m sure, but it should be in a very secret place. I can’t feel it. Although the big brother’s breath is very weak, it must be alive.”

Xuan Yi suddenly turned around, holding the tombstone and crying again: “Second brother, have you heard, big brother is still alive, big brother is still alive, if you have spirit in heaven, must protect the big brother in peace.”

After the cry was released, Xuan Yi wiped the corner of his eyes, and then looked again towards Old Drunkard: “Jian Wuchen, my dust-free big brother, Xuan Yi, please, can you tell me, what happened that year? I ask is you.”

Xuan Yi suddenly knelt down, Old Drunkard rushed to help, and stopped talking. At the last wave, the sword box came out and unfolded directly, revealing the extreme weapons rarely seen in the mainland.

“just kill me!”

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