Xuan Yi left in resentment, Old Drunkard would rather let him kill him than reveal anything at that time.

My only two big brothers, one is buried behind me, the other is unknown. As a younger sister, do n’t I even have the right to know?

This is what you have come back for so many years to give me the answer.

Jian Wuchen, you are the same as before!

Song Ren doesn’t know if I’ve been stunned recently. Whether I see Teacher or Xuan Yi Senior, they all have gloomy face.

Did 2 people get into conflict?

It’s such a big age, that, disharmony should be normal. He wants to give Teacher something tonic, but he is afraid of being beaten.

Song Ren felt uncomfortable. After experiencing the eyes of two people having one’s hair stand on end a few times, he rarely walked in front of them. In fact, the other scenery on the mountain is pretty good.

“Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade” is now in its late stages, and all kinds of wonderful stories will be fully unfolded. This is the climax part of this book. Update slowly. It will definitely end in 2 months.

It’s almost a month.

To be honest, unconsciously, he is more like Novel, so how can he find another shortcut after this book is finished?

Song Ren already had conjectures, and I don’t know if it’s okay.

That’s the time he spent living in Zhubei Forest and Zhu San.

[Divine Demon .Net] has only appeared in the entire demon domain for decades now, and it is considered an adaptation stage. Now all the demon are learning poetry.

Poetry is a condensed body of Novel story. When I got a sense of it and got the blessing from Wen Feng Monster Emperor, I got a deeper understanding of Novel and then tried to write.

And from Zhu San, Na Wenfeng Monster Emperor was transformed into Human Race in the past. He has studied poetry and music scores in the Human Race territory for more than 800 years.

Therefore, after he wrote familiar poems from previous lives, not at all or other plagiarism or the like, he got Monster Emperor’s wishes instead.

In other words, there are no famous poems from previous lives on this continent.

There are certainly many poems, after all, this is also the enlightenment of the Human Race Academy.

Therefore, this time he is going to write a work about poetry that is familiar to previous lives-“Saintly Path of Confucianism”!

Saintly Path of Confucianism’s various poems and scores, as well as the understanding of Confucianism, Taoism and other series, Song Ren watched that year, it was really amazing, and even reached the point of sleepless nights.

The poems used in the various environments are amazing, and the feeling of refreshment after each face is so exciting.

Moreover, this book is written, and it is estimated that people across the continent can be astonished, because this will create a new Sect.

Can poetry be written as Novel? Who thought of such a brain hole?

And many of the poems in this world are not available in this world, and the quality is very high. Then this is not original, if you change to others, even if you have this idea, can you make so many poems?

That is the essence of the famous poets and poets of all dynasties in China for 5000 years. It is a Peak of the World.

Song Ren thinks more and more excited, and you said it happened that in Saintly Path of Confucianism, it is about the Human Race Demon Race and the 3rd Barbarian Race. The author wrote poetry and got Heaven and Earth Sage’s Talent recognition, reward baby.

It’s really a bit like the world’s pattern. The idea of ​​Song Ren moving is because he wrote the poems. The display of Wen Feng’s Monster Emperor is almost exactly the same as in “Saintly Path of Confucianism”.

However, there was a bug that he had to change. The original protagonist, Fang Yun, wore Earth to the continent, and he brought with him a library from the past life, just like himself.

This time, the previous text has to be changed. It is a native of mainland China. In this way, the poems he wrote are, in the eyes of others, my Song Ren.

Damn, so shy. By then, these poems will surely be touted by many literati, and maybe they can be entered into textbooks of major enlightenment books.

When you talk about how talented and brainy others should look at themselves.

When Song Ren thought about it, he had a surprise, and directly contacted the system, recalling the fragments, and after deducting the related costs, he got the original book.

Looking over it, it is still as original as ever, and I have to admit that the original author [Fire of Eternal] was really powerful.

There is no excuse for sealing a book.

After watching for a while, Song Ren made a good start, saved the manuscript, and then updated the “Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade”. Recently, in the Premium column, because he stopped changing, many people urged him to change while keeping him stable. .

It’s really late. I feel that every word is full of magic. Even if Song Ren doesn’t update, everyone understands that the author himself must be under great pressure and dare not make any mistakes.

Sure enough, after Song Ren updated Chapter 2, many people immediately rushed to leave messages, guess, and evaluate.

Even the previous sprays are fewer, and the praise is far more than the judgment. Even if the keyboard is left, Song Ren hasn’t spoken, and countless fans have bombarded themselves.

Song Ren is very proud and grateful, but as long as he doesn’t scold his parents, the authors who read the suggestions will read it, and even some will add the highlights to the top.

Be generous, and be open-minded to accept readers’ suggestions to go further and learn more, don’t you?

“In the Snow” was now filmed in advance by Ruan Yue, but this time not at all invited him to become the protagonist Xu Fengnian. It seems that he has a new role.

In fact, if you use the identity of the author yourself, you can win it, but it will be boring, and you will become someone. The magic moonlight Shadow Sect is not your own.

Last time, it seemed that I had grabbed a character named Lin Haoran, which made him unhappy for a long time, and his film and television role of Zhang Xiaofan has been deeply rooted in the hearts and minds, and it was really wrong to play Xu Fengnian’s concubine and later period.

However, Xu Feng was very stingy in the early years. She opened the harem and thought about it and sent Su Youwei a message.

“Is it?”


Song Ren: “…”

This little girl hasn’t seen in a while, but she has learned fine.

“Cough cough, well, I just want to ask, Ruan Yue Sect Master has started shooting a new series. Didn’t he invite you?” Song Ren said.

Su Youwei, who was playing the piano, smiled, and seemed to understand: “Of course I invited, but I didn’t agree.”

Song Ren saw this, secretly relieved, but still pretended to ask: “Why, you should take advantage of your popularity and attract more fans.”

Su Youwei looked at the piano and thought about returning to the past: “Because I’m busy, I don’t have time. These few songs are enough for me to practice for a long time.”

Song Ren was happy again: “Okay, practice more, practice makes perfect, and your music background is so good. I will be a mentor next time I come to test your student.”

Looking at Song Ren’s words, Su Youwei laughed and closed the chat box.

There are two reasons why she didn’t go, but by no means the so-called busy. First, she asked Ruan Yue Sect Master, the protagonist was not Song Ren. To be honest, she suddenly wasn’t used to partnering with another stranger.

As for the second …

Su Youwei took out a mirror, gently lifted the corner of the corner, grabbed a white hair, and pressed it hard, looking at the white hair on the palm, she smiled bitterly.

Time passed so fast.

But this time she had no regrets.

She sang the song, she played the piano, the drama was filmed, and the place to visit turned around.

People need to know how to be content before they can be satisfied easily.

Su Youwei blows off her hair and smiles on her face. With the cheerful performance of “Chrysanthemum Youth’s Summer”, her technique is so proficient …

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