“No, that’s my sword. Where are you going?”

“Fighting all over, looking for the direction of the sabre.”

“I estimate that since 10000 swords came out of Deity summon, and Deity has now disappeared, it is likely that 10000 swords went in the direction of the author.”

“It makes sense, but the size of Heaven and Earth is such that no one can analyze where these swords are going.”

“Look, there are updated posts on the Internet. Above Lizhou, 10000 swords emerge from the void, as if migratory birds are migrating. It is extremely fast and goes west, followed by many people chasing.”

“Get the map. Where is the west of Lizhou? These swords are all famous swords, but they are not recognized masters. Once they are captured, it hurts me.”

“The latest news is that 10000 swords pass by Yuntian Waterfall and continue westward.”

“Quickly open Space Teleportation. Forget it, use resources directly to open the wormhole.”


Song Ren didn’t expect, Deity Li Chungang patted his ass and left after borrowing someone else’s sword, leaving him to return the sword.

He could feel that the 10000 swords were all coming towards him in the midst of meditation.

He is now in the Spirit Flower Pavilion as a musician Steamed Bun, and also a face walking on the mainland in the future. If you think about it, those swords are running towards you with intimacy, as long as they are not fools, they know that he is another What is the identity.

Therefore, Song Ren immediately did not even say hello to Xuan Yi, and opened Eight Talisman Gate directly.

With the rain sign coming out, after more than 1000 miles, and realizing that no one, and those 10000 swords that were turning, Song Ren instantly changed clothes and put on his smiley mask.

Not afraid of 10000, but afraid of 10000.

The thunder and wind are moving, and they are almost 4000 miles away from the Spirit Flower Pavilion. At this moment, gasping for breath, the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul realm is enough to become the last sign.

Song Ren moved again, and the electric note flashed again, spanning more than 1300 miles.

Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, he has made use of Card of Mimicry to complete all Cultivation.

And those who follow the famous swords of good quality, relying on the report position of others, jumped wormholes quickly.

Some people want to retrieve their own swords, such as Myriad Swords Sect, and many others want to take a chance. If these swords are obtained at will, they can all exist as heirlooms.

Of course, even more with other thoughts, guess whether these famous swords are following the author.

Today, the author who wrote 3 Epochs, has truly become a Legendary, and many people are extremely curious about the power and influence behind him.

The author himself rarely shows up outside, and does not want to see the author’s side, just to see if the author is in the outside world.

In short, each has a ghost.


Chaoyunyun is a place with endless lava, the surface is reddish, almost reaching the level of barren, and it is born with chaotic rocks. The surrounding hundred li are all similar to the Gobi Desert.

Thankless wretch with 2 eyelids shrugs his nose, jumps over a rock, looks around, suddenly, as if stepping on something, one of them suddenly turns into a blood mist, the other immediately He lowered his teeth, his throat low and threatened.

At last I felt something sobbed, and fled with the tail.

On one of the rock walls, two eyes suddenly turned, and then a monster with a human body but a chameleon head slowly separated from the stone wall.

Looking at the blood mist, he smirked: “The lower races dare to offend here, and I don’t know what happened to my emperor?”

As soon as he was about to continue to lurk, he suddenly sensed something. As soon as he looked up, he saw the ripples in the void above his head suddenly, and then a man in plain clothes with a mask on his face burst out.

The whole body is even weaker, it seems gasping for breath.

Oh, in such a deserted place, there was Human Race, but looking at it like this, it seems to be a fugitive.

Did the fisherman catches both make me run into it?

But why is this person’s dress so familiar, and where do I seem to have seen it?

The lizard’s fine eyeballs hiding behind the rock were three hundred sixty degrees rotated, and then took a picture from their body.

Open it, it is Human Race’s Epoch author called ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me’ Ah? ‘.

The author’s appearance has been exposed for a long time. Human Race ’s Heavenly Dao website has his video in many places. Some high-level Demon Race can not be sensed, it is worth painting by some means, one hand.

“Isn’t it so coincident, is the other party coming after him for revenge, or is someone else pretending to be him?” The lizard was scared for a while, just looking at it, and suddenly looked eastward.

There was a black spot from far to near, with a whistling sound of emptiness. He leaned his head to look carefully, and his face was suddenly white.

Because the black dot was constantly zooming in, and then turned into countless black squad swords. Looking at the one above the head, what else was said.

Exposed, the hidden place of himself and the others is exposed.

Without saying anything, Lizard 2 flew forward and went straight into the ground.

Right now under this red rock, there is a huge hole, which was temporarily opened. The outside is more protected by Formula to prevent the monster qi from being exposed.

At this moment, Monster Sovereign Long Panzi, a ghost-faced boy, has a huge crack on his back, in addition to a hollow chest. His blood is constantly flowing out, and his breath is extremely weak.

The moment he escaped, he was chased up by the sword of Deity. If it wasn’t for his life-saving card, I’m afraid it would have been chopped to 2 1/1.

His look pale, trembling and looking at a crystal coffin in front of him.

Lying in the coffin was the bone that had completely turned into blood-red color, and the bone wings on both sides were gently closed. If you can take a closer look, it seems that there is blood on the bone that began to flow. Condensed …

Long Panzi looked at it and smiled horribly. Although the price paid was higher, after all, it lived up to expectations, and the second plan was realized.

Of course, it would be more perfect if Deity could be implanted into Deity before it appeared.

But at this moment, he has to take it back, Monster Emperor doesn’t know how to reward himself.

Thinking of this, he was about to laugh, and another blood spewed out, making the breath weak again. He gasped, took out a large bottle of medicine pill, and poured it directly into his mouth.

As soon as I was about to recover time, a cry of lose one’s head out of fear went straight down from the entrance of the cave, and the lizard that followed him was full of fear.

“Not good, bad, Lord Monster Sovereign, the author came after him personally, and came with countless swords, hiding the sky and covering the earth, what to do, what to do.”

“How is it possible that I have done such thorough protection in such places? How can he find out? It seems that I still underestimated the author. It is a flaw that must be reported. The forefoot almost ruined his Deity, which locked it. With his position, the forces behind him are unfathomable. “

Long Panzi stood up abruptly, a haggard, with a paler face, afraid of the tense lizard spirit to hurry up.

Long Panzi looked at the crystal coffin in front of him, and clinched the teeth: “My emperor must not die here, must bring it back to Monster Emperor, fight it, and give it a chance.”

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