Moving for 4 times in 5000 consecutive times, even though Song Ren is now a cultivation base in the Nascent Soul environment, it is a bit too much to lose. For a while, I really do n’t know what the true Eight Talisman Gate is all in, and what kind of cultivation base and strength is needed.

At this moment he quickly swallowed an Origin Returning Pill, watching the barren land here, and the swords coming from the sky.

It should be almost here. There are no other people. After so many swords come, let it fall, and then use the identity of your author to publish a specific location for everyone to collect.

These swords, Song Ren did not dare to use even one handle, because of their help, it condensed the momentum of Deity Li Chungang, and even made Monster Sovereign keep Deity when he wanted to make trouble.

So Song Ren is very grateful.

Xiu xiu xiu!

After Song Ren swallowed the Origin Returning Pill secretly given to him by Xuan Yi Senior, some of the strength that was originally in the air was quickly condensed, and the sounds in the distance echoed slowly, with a lot of breaking and sonic booming .

Song Ren can feel that they have no intention to attack themselves, but it seems that the old sword god, the summon, is not their “leader”. Following this kind of induction in the meditation, coming to their own side is regarded as ‘going home’ ‘It’s up.

With the help of Flowing Blossom of Ten Thousand Flying Leaves, Song Ren condensed with wind swirls and green leaves on the soles of his feet. He walked in mid-air, supported the mask on his face, turned his back to his hands, and was proud of 10000 1000. He had a kind of pointing taste.

The first sword came galloping, staying straight 3 meters away from Song Ren, the sword body was 6 feet and 3 inches, with fish scale shape on it, with a sharp momentum, dripping and spinning.

“Good sword!” Although Song Ren didn’t touch it, he could feel the momentum and forging method contained in this sword, which are extremely Peak.

Sure enough, the sword that can be summoned by the old sword god is not defective, but it is not as good as those swords in the sword box behind Teacher.

Those sword Song Ren did not know their name, and did not touch and see the whole, but that day, in the realm of Yu Linglong, Mobei no Mori, Teacher accidentally killed himself, the Two Swords seemed to have already had their own will, extremely agile.

Another sword came, then the 3rd, 4th …

Until the densely packed number of 10000 swords of various colors and shapes stayed in front of Song Ren, it was a spectacular one.

All are spinning slowly, some peacefully, some aggressively, some aggressively, and violently …

With 10000 swords parked in front of Song Ren, the invisible and condensed sword energy is shaving.

Song Ren is ten thousand zhang, and feels like he is incarnation at the moment. Sword Immortal Generally, I really do n’t know what the old sword god’s “sword comes from” is, and what is the experience of commanding 10000 swords.

Song Ren looked at the various famous swords, coughed, and slowly raised his right hand: “Thank you for your help, help me …”

Before the words were finished, a sense of crisis emerged directly from the bottom of his heart. He turned straight upside down, and the right hand he had raised immediately formed a large green leaf, forming a shield in front of him.

Ding Ding Dang Dang, fire star flowing in all directions, the shield quickly disintegrated, Song Ren’s ears roared with a sharp whistling, and with the help of Eight Talisman Gate, he stepped back and entered the 10000 sword without hesitation. , Step on one of the blades.

When I saw Monster Sovereign Long Panzi, a boy as pale as his face, inwardly shouted badly.

Is he too bad luck? How did he meet him?

Not long ago, Song Ren saw with his own eyes how this demon hid the sky and appeared in front of his own Deity. He almost destroyed Deity, and even Deity summoned his will to fight together.

Monster Sovereign, I ca n’t even fight a Monster King now, let alone Monster Sovereign, and the 5000-mile move is just to stay away from the Spirit Flower Pavilion and avoid doubt. Now that I have swallowed Origin Returning Pill, I want to do it again. Starting Eight Talisman Gate is no longer possible.

Wait, his breath seems to be faint, staring at himself at this moment almost gnashing teeth.

No, I didn’t get angry when you destroyed my Deity. You look aggrieved.

The Human Race cultivator divides the cultivation base realm into the Qi of First Step, Foundation Establishment, and Golden Core Realm, and then Nascent Soul, Spirit Transformation, and Virtual Reality of Second Step.

The Monster King who has assassinated himself several times before and after is a hole in the void, which is regarded as the Peak of the Second Step.

As for Third Step, according to Song Ren’s current understanding, it seems to be Nirvana Realm and Reincarnation Realm, the rest is unknown.

But one thing is certain, like Saint King of Celestial Emperor Pavilion Lei Yuan, they have the 1st Realm Realm of the Third Step-Nirvana Realm. So in Skymist City that day, he can kill 4 Monster Kings with one pick 3 Environment, severely wounded Bat King.

In Ping’an City, the blood Bat King realm fell to the Golden Core Realm, and was beheaded and killed by himself, which was considered revenge.

As for Monster Sovereign, it is Reincarnation Realm, which has far surpassed the cultivation base of Lei Yuan and the others.

So, when this Monster Sovereign appeared in front of Song Ren like this, and it was still gnashing teeth, everyone would be faint.

Realm is directly different by 4.

Just looking at him at this moment, it seems that the old sword god ’s attack really worked. Maybe forcibly interfered with the things approved by Heavenly Dao. Let Heavenly Dao give Li Chungang and his combination an extremely high and thorough attack. He was seriously injured.

Now that the atmosphere is slumped, it should have fallen to Monster King Realm, which is the hole in Second Step, but despite this, the two still differ by 2 realm and 2 small realm.

“Sir, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow. Since you are so hard-pressed, it seems that we are not friends, and we can locate my exact hiding place like this, it seems that you cannot do it alone. Let the people behind you come out. “Monster Sovereign Long Panzi stared at Song Ren, but Divine Consciousness was sweeping the void around all.

Song Ren looked at the disgusting boy and the sneaky look, originally thinking about how to deal with and restore the Origin Force, seeing that there was a gap, he opened Eight Talisman Gate and fled.

But looking at Long Panzi’s embarrassing look, he came up with a bold idea.

Can I fight him?

He has a cultivation base in Nascent Soul, 3 Deity, and countless swords behind him.

Here, it’s the site of my Human Race!

It’s you who provokes me in front of me and wants to destroy my Deity so that I don’t let it condensate.

Can’t beat at worst, there is nothing shameful, but this tone must be drawn.

My Song Ren counseled a little, but there was a bottom line to counseling. If it wasn’t for avoiding in time, I would definitely have suffered his conspiracy again.

Over and over again, the clay figurine is still 3% angry.

Song Ren’s eyes were getting brighter, and at this moment something seemed to be set up quietly in his heart.

He took a step forward directly, pointing at Long Panzi: “No need to find it, just me, destroy me Deity, we are already irreconcilable between us, when friends come, if you want to fight, fight!”

And Long Panzi really didn’t notice the others, only the mask man in front of him.

He coughed and forcibly calmed his mind: “Nascent Soul Realm? It turns out that you, mysterious author who gave birth to 3 human figures Deity, is just Nascent Soul Realm, really didn’t expect.

If you do n’t know exactly who I am hiding behind, I wo n’t believe it, but you dare to entrust a big one. Is it true that I am bullied, and then, I will let you taste how much Regret Medicine It’s unpalatable, this is the price you pay for being too mad! “

Long Panzi laughed heartily, suddenly the whole body was full of demon power, and behind it, a huge spider illusory shadow condensed.

Song Ren was also shocked by breath, his eyes condensed, and he stepped forward, saying it word by word.


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